I have to confess, (again? still?) I’m a little surprised by this turn of events.
This time it comes from the March 17, 2021 report of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
(The other times it came from mid-January reporting on momentum for new domestic terrorism legislation and a January 27 National Terrorism Advisory System bulletin.)
I now fall under the category of Americans “with ideological agendas derived from anti-government or anti-authority sentiment, including opposition to perceived economic, social or racial hierarchies, or perceived government overreach, negligence or illegitimacy,” plus some of the other categories too.
Like my “belief that the U.S. Government is purposely exceeding its Constitutional authority and is trying to establish a totalitarian regime.”
With Thomas Paine as one of my writing heroes, and Benjamin Franklin as one of my printmaking heroes, I guess I’m in good company. Long-dead dudes. But still.