This passage from Pieper's essay demonstrates today's predicament: "Finally, it is no longer completely fantastic to think that a day may come when not the executioners alone will deny the existence of inalienable rights of men, but when even the victims will not be able to say why it is that they are suffering injustice…"

Last weekend Pres. Biden was awarded an honorary doctorate by Howard University, where he was the commencement speaker. The award was premised on the assertion Biden was an esteemed scholar. The scholar then exhorted the all black audience of graduates that white supremacy was the greatest threat to them and the rest of us. This from the man who praised KKK Senator Robert Byrd and bragged that his state, Delaware, was on the South's side in the Civil War.

That nobody got up and walked out on Biden is evidence even the victims will not be able to say why it is that they are suffering injustice.

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Whoever speaks to another person--not simply, we presume, in spontaneous conversation but using well-considered words, and whoever in so doing is explicitly not committed to the truth--whoever, in other words, is in this guided by something other than the truth--such a person, from that moment on, no longer considers the other as partner, as equal. In fact, he no longer respects the other as a human person. From that moment on , to be precise, all conversation ceases; all dialogue and all communication come to an end.

—Josef Pieper

With truth dethroned and Plato’s revolution overturned, what public, and much of private discourse, amounts to now is psychological rape, with its participants both the rapists and the victims. Tony Annett is one such rapist, as well as all the other emasculated-pansy-serpent-men and Lilith-possessed defeminized women at, say, Where Peter Is and America Magazine and the various other covens of intellectual “progressive” sorcery. But it’s not just these leftist, godless, antichrist punks and witches on the “left,” for they are just the most noxious dregs. You also have the many “conservative orthodox Catholics” who promoted and still promote, in the face of the overwhelming evidence of harm and death, the time-release euthanasia shots by assuring themselves and others that they could play Russian Roulette “in good conscience.”

But thanks be to God there were those graced souls—many of them “spiritual but non religious”—who retained some level of Platonic love of truth, which, scandalously, can’t be said of so, so, so many American Catholics today, and thus could see ab initio that the whole pandemic was really a scamdemic, and that the vaccines were evil, even if they didn’t know yet know exactly how or why. Now we know how and why, because we sought to know, even in the face of the greatest propaganda psy-op ever orchestrated. Those who drank the kool aid then seem now to be confirmed in their sinful delusions, with even the “sudden death” of their loved ones unable to shock them out of them.

The abuse of political power is fundamentally connected with the sophistic abuse of the word, indeed finds in it the fertile soil in which to hide and grow and get ready, so much so that the latent potential of the totalitarian poison can be ascertained, as it were, by observing the symptom of the public abuse of language. The degradation, too, of man through man, alarmingly evident in the acts of physical violence committed by all tyrannies (concentration camps, torture), has its beginning, certainly much less alarmingly, at that almost imperceptible moment when the word loses its dignity.

We are living through a full-scale totalitarianism zombie apocalypse, a literal hell on earth: countless people, many young and healthy, are literally dropping dead, having been injected by a time-release euthanasia shot, with autopsy after autopsy revealing veins filled with grotesque blood clots, but the masses, including most Christians, just blink mindlessly, believing without question the most ridiculous and patent lies ever uttered—it’s due to the stress caused by anti-vaxers! It’s “sudden-adult-death-syndrome.” The western presstitutes decry “antisemitism” while they gleefully support Nazis in the Ukraine/NATO war of aggression against Russia, and the gay disco comedian installed by the Western cryptocracy to arm and protect them. Armed atheists stand outside of libraries to “protect” pedophiles from “conspiracy theorist right-wingers” so they can perform lewd acts in front of children—with their parents watching and smiling. Anyone who dares to claim that a man can’t become a women and vice versa, or that the anus is not a sex organ is considered both insane and morally deranged, even “unChristian.” Did I say that this is hell on earth?

Though the more overt mass terror and atrocities have been paused for the time being, the globalist satanists holding the reigns of power masking as custodians of the common good have no intention of ever stopping it. But it can be stopped, if only Plato’s revolution could be resurrected. And each of us can do that right now, in his own heart, for all it takes is a simple act of the will: Say it now: "My God—who is Truth—I believe, I adore, I hope, and I love you. I beg pardon for all those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope, and do not love you.”

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Yes. JFK: Before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental destruction we dare not tempt them with weakness.

He also said: If a free society cannot help the many who are poor it cannot save the few who are rich.

While FDR said something like: There are no events of any major political consequence that is accidental.

And here's what I say, there is no hole or bunker deep enough, barricaded enough, castle wall fortified enough to stop justice from coming.

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Ultimately I don't think there are any inalienable rights, there are only rights that people are willing to physically defend with their own bodies and lives. If rights were indeed inalienable then they wouldn't have to be physically defended in the first place...and when people forget the brutal nature of reality is when decadence really sets in...

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

Grateful beyond measure for your research, views, writings and advocacy for the gifts of Life. This precisely is the foundation, as you said, “…the human capacity to discern and speak truth, and the capacity to clearly refute false statements, lies, deceptions, has been a very effective way for globalists to disable and disarm the victims of the executioners.” We wear the full armor of God, and as our strength in number grows, so does our fortitude, community, and our faith, hope, and love ~ these 3.

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If "Man has inalienable rights because he is created a person by the act of God," does an atheist have them?

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As an interesting aside…I love Raphael’s depiction of Archangel Michael with the sword of truth and the scales of justice. In life, we are presented with in an ongoing internal relationship with truth and justice, or what I prefer to call wisdom. The masculine holds the sword and the feminine holds the scales. When these work together, here on earth, we have heaven on earth. When the scales are out of balance and the sword is wielded without wisdom, we have hell on earth.

We are still growing up!

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Best example is the the 'History Writers' narrative of European events. For over 70 years it is punishable with imprisonment to even question it. It has never happened before that history cannot be questioned or investigated. The similarity with the suppression of the Covid19 narrative and the UN future plans is so eerie that we have to come to the conclusion that the same players are at work.

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Profound truth. Don’t know if you have heard of Father James Schall, whose essays and books I think are an amazing gift from God for our modern times. Schall was a huge fan of Pieper, recommending him constantly.

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Eomer: How shall a man judge what to do in such times?

Aragorn: As he ever has judged. Good and ill have not changed since yesteryear; nor are they one thing among Elves and Dwarves and another among Men. It is a man's part to discern them, as much in the Golden Wood as in his own house.

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God works his miracles every day and there are wonders to behold! We need to look closer with a positive mind and we can spot his hand at work. Every miracle I experience makes me smile as it is a sign to me God continues to be in charge and he is guiding me to something he wants me to learn. He is my teacher and I don't doubt him!

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"to instill in human minds an inability to think of anything in the world as unequivocably true or false"


Intellects have been deliberately impaired. Pieper is fabulous.

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And Charles Said:

“Mummy, Why Can’t I Be King Of The World” ?


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You had me at "right to not be maimed, sterilized or killed..." Yeah, we need to cull the psychopaths.

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I love this argument as to the objective reality of right and wrong--essentially, that the "ought" IS--here in Book One of "Mere Christianity" by C.S.Lewis, starting on p. 21 of this pdf: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4c4NxBlBtXTcWw2ZV94ZzV6VTg/edit?resourcekey=0-XK3XdM0eYfxqpM9nXZQOxw.

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