"Dr. Malone has a history of assembling and managing expert teams that focus on solving complicated biodefense challenges to meet US Government requirements. He was instrumental in enabling the PHAC/rVSV ZEBOV (“Merck Ebola”) vaccine to move forward quickly towards BLA and (now recently granted) licensure. Dr. Malone got the project on track in support of DoD/DTRA and NewLink Genetics, recruited organizations to team with USAMRIID/WRAIR to develop the immunoassays, put WHO and Norwegian government philanthropic leadership in touch with Pentagon leadership to expedite the initial WRAIR clinical and ring vaccination trials, recruited a management team, recruited Merck vaccines to purchase the product candidate from NewLink, helped write and edit the clinical trials developed by the World Health Organization and lead the development of the BARDA and DTRA contracts - yielding over 200M$ in resources. Dr. Malone’s early involvement in this project allowed for the Merck vaccine to be developed very rapidly."


I think the question is that if you are deep into these two worlds of USM and Big Pharm...

Do you ever really extricate yourself?

And have any perspective?

Honest, sober question.

He def. moved over the course of 2021, I tracked him pretty closely since the Rogan podcast and before that as I would use his information and present it to Covidian docs/scis to explore.

He did move. But it seems like once you get passed "Jabs Bad" he has waffled and resisted, from CDC Corrupt ("good honest people") to still "consulting" on more and more vaccines for the coronavirus, to in 2021 still advocating for more surveillance. (Yes I have the screenshot tweet.)

Of course if you think The Great Reset is conspiracy until Whitney Webb or Candace Owens talks some sense into you...you will go right along lashing out at "trolls".


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Getting harder to separate the white hats from the black hats in this Ed Wood directed spaghetti Western / Charlie Chan flic.

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'Plan 9 From Outer Space'? Ha. Ed Wood was a genius compared to the current 'Plan Outta Control from Outta Their Fuckin' Minds'.

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Both you and KW should watch this JJ: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1640932656

Includes the CHD podcast with him, RK, Drs Malone, Nass, Lawrie & Rose. Very interesting.

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Will you write it up on your page maybe?

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Yeah but I’m slow. Would though say observations on 🤠 he makes are at least as interesting as that of a certain lab construct. For example why some very illuminating comments made in the CHD podcast did not appear in the Weinstein podcast?

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I'm watching the Twitch, Flurm.

I got the Synthetic Clone "Green" one.

and I think it was released directly in my city.

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That hypothesis we discussed previously has a lot of alignment here…

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We are slowly getting there with a lot of persistence, and convergent logic, I think.

Just relentless constant examination, re-examination, sifting through it.

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Yeah — exactly.

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Was it on nov 3rd? Thanks. Having trouble with twitch, looking on chd website.

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Better to go to Twitch and see/hear Couey’s reactions and remarks…post taping of the CHD round table.

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“ Infectious Clones and the Defender Podcast VIDEO: Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise”

Thinking pretty close to target but there’s some questions still

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I wasn't paying much attention to Dr Malone's movement but more lately I have noticed quite a few negative comments against him (whilst Del Bigtree and many others praise him as a hero). Now I see where anti-Malone folks are coming from. Thx.

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We can thank Sage for that. In reading Charles Eisenstein's take on Oster, I am definitely closer to Sage's campfire of 'kumbaya-with-a-grain-of-salt' ... and maybe the crack of a whip.

Cheers Former!


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Excellent summary, Katherine!

Japan, here, is only a year or two behind the West in the health fraud. Democracy never really emerged from a bottom-up movement, so they tend to trust the govt. narrative here even less. Japanese Twitter is ablaze with near-rebellion.

But after reading Howard Zinn, maybe our prosperity-theology version of democracy, and the narrative of the humble roots of our founding fathers, was never a bottom-up movement either.

West or East, what scares me is the accelerating push for digital currencies ... like the jabs, first incentivized by convenience and discounts (free donuts?), and then mandated to centralization under the excuse of 'safety' from viruses (digital) and hackers.

I am beginning to see a pattern here.

Cheers, steve

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re: "humble roots of our founding fathers"--actually, they were pretty much the ruling elite of the 13 colonies: https://www.liberationschool.org/class-character-of-the-u-s-constitution/

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Bingo! A wealthy ruling class wanting more independence from an 'across-the-seas' and uncountable other wealthy ruling class. The perspective from the point of view of native Americans and slaves must have been ... uh ... 'hilarious'?

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Have you read Nathaniel Philbrick's BUNKER HILL?

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Hi Jill.

A new name for me, so I first looked him up on Wiki (though corporate captured, Wiki still has its uses). I was intrigued by his connection with the sea. My undergrad was Marine Biology (UNCW) and age (he is one year younger) intrigued me, partially because I have had a string of 7 offshore fishing boats here in Japan ... though now I just keep a SUP kayak (Sea Eagle) in the back of my van. I saw a reference to Bunker Hill at the bottom of the Wiki-read (plans to make a movie), but no hyperlink. So I checked Amazon Japan, found it, read the reviews, and bought the Kindle version. I don't usually read fiction, but it appears to be(borrowing a term from the music group Heilung) 'amplified history' ... less academic and more dramatic than Zinn.

What did you think of the book? It might take a while for me to get to it because I am stlll plodding my way through Lobaczewski's 'Political Ponerolog' and I want to triangulate that with Desmet's theory of Mass Formation psychosis and my experience of living in Japan for 40 years. From the reviews, Bunker Hill will be a refreshing (and enlightening) break.

Thanks for the heads up!

Cheers Jill.


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Can't recommend it highly enough. Basically, in the spring of 1775 in the Boston area, there was a spontaneous revolt, which went really well up to a point, and then someone sent for Geo. Washington, & then other bigwigs from elsewhere got involved... so Washington took all the credit, the 1% took over from there, & everyone else pretty much got screwed.

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Hi Jill,

Gotta laugh at that concise summary, otherwise I would cry.

It's lunch time here in Japan, and I just finished reading Charles Einstein's latest post — pausing to triangulate each paragraph with my experience in Japan over the decades, even over the last week.

He is a stylist par excellence, a very good craftsman of ideas, and I agree with much of his historical analysis, but not all. We most definitely have different takes on human nature at the individual and collective level. I pretty much agree with MLK Jr.'s final sentence of the 12th paragraph in 'Letter From a Birmingham Jail' ... ''ndividuals may see the moral light and voluntarily give up their unjust posture; but, as Reinhold Niebuhr has reminded us, groups tend to be more immoral than individuals.'' I would take the second half of that insight one step further. Collectively, we may be little more than apes waving loaded pistols, one uncomfortable answer to the Fermi paradox.

Chomsky, back when he was 'CHOMSKY', in his 2011 Chapel Hill speech 'Human Intelligence and the Environment', began that speech recounting the debate between Carl Sagan and Evolutionary Biologist Ernst Mayr regarding the Fermi paradox. Mayr gave compelling evidence that human intelligence may be little more than an evolutionary spandrel and fatal mutation of a social primate. Nothing that can be 'proven', but an uncomfortably compelling argument all the same. A web search will turn up the text of the speech.

Darn it ... substack's algorithm (or YouTube's) is preventing me from posting a YouTube link in comments. If interested, do a YT search for ''Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - Koba Playing Stupid Ape''.

A bit too close to the campfire-kumbaya for my taste .... his advice regarding Emily Oster's pre-emptive plea for forgiveness would be pretty useless over here and applied to my situation. Even just reflecting on my experience of the last few days here at work, your summary of the book is much closer to the reality this working class stiff and permanent foreigner can identify with ... and I suspect many in an institutional wage-slave position —

“Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” ― Frederick Douglass

To perfectly fit me, all one needs is to replace 'people' with 'an isolated individual'. I've never hung with an ex-pat community, have no family, and only a very small empathy-driven community of friends. Can count 'em on one hand. But I do agree with Charle's implicit veneer theory of rationalization and for that matter, civilization. For the rule-driven beast of Japanese institutions, or institutions world wide ... when it comes down to it, it's pretty much the law of the jungle ... dog-eat-dog, and the winners are the ones clever enough to game the inevitable gap between what is legally permissible, and what is morally preferable.

I like Charles' ideals, and I know he has experienced a bit of life in the Far East. But I might have to unpack that essay on my own stack. I found out the hard way that substack imposes a limit to the length of comments. (sigh) Another wrestling match between ideas for another day, but a day that will all-too-soon pass its expiration date of interest to anyone not in the heat of battle.

Cheers Jill!


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The modern day Unit 731 - that's how some Japanese people refer to.

Unfortunately many Japanese didn't learn from their experiences of Fukushima disaster and the govt's response. Probably the radiation scare has made them even more germaphobic and hypercondriac.

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Hi Former,

Yeah. While driving around the Fuji 5 Lakes area with a lady friend, we spent a few minutes looking at drivers and passengers in cars coming from the opposite direction, and often saw one person in the car masked, the other not. Makes about as much 'follow-the-science' sense as giving all the trees and leaves a splash of alcohol and wipe down. It is funny, and not how the mask has now become a replacement for a ritual bow before entering an establishment. The customer leaves his car, walks to the restaurant entrance while putting on his mask, and upon being seated, takes off his mask ... according to establishment rules which don't have a damned thing to do with hygeine. It's all about magnifying a culture of compliance — world wide.

Cheers Former.


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Haha 40 yrs in JP, you must be loving the country!

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LOL ... though never married, I guess it's similar to those husband-wife relationships. It has its good points, but also veers pretty close to that 'familiarity breeds contempt' thingy. The few Japanese I can call friends are those who share the same sentiments about the kabuki-show of meritocracy over here, a culture of unquestioned compliance to authority (on the surface) — ''silent quitting'', hiring, and firing underneath. Meh, probably the same human nature no matter the country.

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I agree on the Malone observation. As awareness of the great fraud of satan (federal government and elites) continues to unfold, oddities like the Malone's start to fit the fraud picture very well. "They" all start to trigger the internal alarm mechanism we each have once we start to wake up. Divide and conquer and supply the solution. It is in everything presented.

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I agree the Malones appear to be complicit. Controlled opposition!

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The fact the media has been covering the lab-leak theory should tell you it’s a false theory. The fact is there never has been a virus. People get sick from toxins and electro-magnetic field shifts, but not viruses which have never been shown to exist, which is why they made up the viral culture magic trick to claim they exist. No virus has even been found directly in a patient’s lung fluid. Ask yourself why that is.

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You beat me to it. Just follow the money, folks. Big Pharma will be TOAST once enough ppl realize that Germ Theory is fraud.

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It is a fraud, but Pharma is run by the same elit who run all media so the truth will never be publicized.

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True; but, c'mon! "The truth will out!" The Q is: when?

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Mr.& Mrs. M. reek of controlled opposition

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"Natural outbreaks burn themselves out too quickly, after infecting too few people."

See Swine Flu, 2009, among others. It took practice to get to 2020, along with coordinated denial of treatment and a whole lot of other deception, denial of the existence of natural (A.K.A. God-given) immunity being prominent.

I am uncomfortable with Malone for the reasons given, but I haven't seen enough evidence. There are different ways to interpret what he has been doing. I leave the matter open, and look elsewhere to issues with hard evidence that I can present to people I know.

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Thank you Katherine for all the amazing work you are doing.

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Thank you for the link.

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Always remember and never forget, it's 'science' so it's all debatable. Scientists are purveyors of ideas in pursuit of funding to make them legit.

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I remain on the fence regarding Dr. Malone and wife Jill that Mathew Crawford put forth and here what you outline. Time will tell. I take everyone with a grain of salt, including you Katherine. However my respect and regard for all you do is undying. It hurts no one who supports the constitution. Those that don't should be pulled up short.

We have many people (perhaps Dr. Malone is one) that can lead the sheep in a direction that protects the perps. Thus we must remain skeptical. Not jump to quick on a particular band wagon. Always up hold constitutional justice for all.

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Trust and verify!

btw, malone took 2 moderna jabs, which should increase your confidence on the jabs, given malone expertise on mRNA.

also, prior to covid vaxx Moderna had no products - although they tried a few unsuccessfully. now under Emergency authorization they are moving into all sort of other vaxx ... any thoughts??

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Well, he SAID he took 2 jabs....

Also, we know that the vast majority of (reported, anyway) harm caused by the jabs is directly attributable to something like 5% of the jab lot numbers. Which explains why we probably all know some jabbed ppl who seem perfectly fine.

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Trust and verify! Amen! I don't follow Dr Malone, except from a distance. I haven't learned from him. Learned a lot from Mathew, JJ, Tobey, Jessica, and others I can't name at the moment.

I haven't had any kind of inoculation since 5 grade. My mom and dad and I because of them have been skeptical for a very long time. I worked in a hospital for 6 years 2008 to 2014 and refused the flu vax. Why did I need that. Well had to wear a mask during working hours as a warning to others I was un vaxxed.

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thanks for your reply. you might want to follow WMC research ... really top.


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Yes he is someone I also follow. He does amazing work. I also follow Chris Masterjohn. There is more who are not on substack. Most of what I know I learned in the 1970s from a woman who claimed to be a waldensian. She had recovered from pancreatic cancer. She was into whole food grown on deeply rich soil and pure water (added. She and her husband and brother worked 10 acres mostly by hand. It was organic but today would be called regenerative agriculture). Both of those are very hard to find today.

Mostly I look carefully at how the info being given encourages deep health via healed air, water, and soil. So very hard to do. Anything less will make slaves of us.

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makes lots of sense. thanks for sharing.

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Oddly, the person with Christ looks like Robert Malone

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"Lab-purified, artificially-distributed synthetic viruses" could present in our healthcare system in the way A Midwestern Doctor describes seeing the first wave of severe illness in 2020, as she argues for the probability of an actual, novel virus. Against the Not A Virus crowd who are in your combox today.

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So who are they that want us all dead? And why?

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Watch some interviews w/ Catherine Austin Fitts--she's been saying for years that the Ruling Elites figure they only need 20% of us for doing their dirty work for them, & so the rest of us need to go. (Preferably w/out us being alerted to the fact that we're trying to be got rid of.) Also (or perhaps this is THE reason the R.E. only need 20% of us), automation/AI is taking over most jobs, & the capitalists prefer just pocketing their laid-off workers' former wages ( & benefits) rather than allowing the former workers to KEEP them; but having a planet littered with millions of able-bodied, laid-off (& impoverished) workers does not bode well for the kleptocrats at the top. https://www.opednews.com/articles/By-What-Means-Have-Income-by-Richard-Clark-Productivity_Unemployment_Wealth-Concentration_Wealth-Poverty-Class-140816-459.html

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A certain amount of automation/AI is fine - in manufacturing it obviously makes a more efficient and repeatable product. In surveillance, it sorts out what it is looking for out of massive otherwise impenetrable data. However, AI can NEVER solve new problems, even with learning algorithms and goal-seeking. And the more autonomous AI becomes, the more difficult it will be to solve the problems it generates. Someone - a knowledgeable PERSON or team - must understand exactly HOW the automaton works in order to troubleshoot when something goes very wrong. Clever persons among the 20% will learn its weaknesses.

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However, Their notion of what to do w/ all the former workers once AI has taken over is to get rid of as many as possible, so as not to have to share the wealth created by the AI w/ those former workers.

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covid vaxx are all same stuff.

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Dr. Malone way back seems to have been part of the ambient positivistic culture of the time, (there being few other cultures?). ie Not his fault? Positivism in science is dangerously presumptive; a strange faith. I would bet that the vast majority of genetic scientists were not asking Abba for the secret. Dr Malone has said that the original impetus for exploring constructed mRNA was to help create new proteins missing in people who possessed imperfect DNA.

Just a little while ago he a wrote a long detailed lay-level description of what Pfizer and Moderna designed. He explains in the end his conviction why it will never work; which no one could have likely known back in the 80s. Ultimately, the body can't be tricked. No matter what they sneak in, the body cannot be confused into believing it is native to itself. It's not native. God made RNA too intimate; it can't be fooled. Its that simple. It was not wisdom to try.

I have also reflected upon conservation of energy applied in these gene serums. You can't tell the body to make a poison and turn around and essentially destroy what it just created; this is a bizarre idea, remote from Divine wisdom. Whatever you do to "the system", there is no net gain, can be no net gain. Dr. James Thorpe's 3-part papers reviewing the whole pandemic history and failures are fascinating, especially the 3rd paper where he talks about energy in tissue systems; he is hunting down a similar idea. The vaccines failed because they can't operate according to a certain inviolable energy budget of the body. Medicines that work do not introduce excessive energy demands.

Synthetic RNA with altered alphabet? trying to work in the body bringing all benefit and no cost ? Its just wrong.

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What about summoning FBI or Interpol, have you written anything about it? As I understand if you call them saying there is abandoned bag at the airport, and you can hear it is ticking, they cannot dismiss it as a prank call, they have to send the bomb squad and investigate. Is there not any pathway among those lines to FORCE them to investigate the vaccines or any of the Covid crimes or criminals?

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Other people have been trying that since January 2021, and possibly earlier. Mike Yeadon, Francis A. Boyle, many, many others.

With no response, as far as I know. Because FBI and Interpol are in on it too.

Here's one example, from Jan. 10, 2021, filed by Michael P. Senger, Attorney; Stacey A. Rudin, Attorney; Dr. Clare Craig FRCPath, Consultant Diagnostic Pathologist; Robert Spalding, retired U.S. Air Force Brigadier General; Randy Hillier, MPP Lanark, Frontenac & Kingston; Francis Hoar, Barrister at Law; Sanjeev Sabhlok, PhD, former Commissioner in an Indian State Government; Brian O‘Shea, Chief Operating Officer, Centurion Intelligence Partners; Maajid Nawaz, Activist, Author & Broadcaster; and Simon Dolan, Business Leader & Entrepreneur


People have tried to interest the International Criminal Court.

For example, Hannah Rose in the UK, Dec. 6, 2021. No response. ICC is in on the crimes as well.


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That is easy to ignore. I was hoping to see some kind of more official attempt that would at least force their response so their refusal can be put on the record in a way to make them liable for obstruction of justice, or whatever is the legal term for the failure to perform their duties and responsibilities of serving and protecting the people.

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