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I am bothering RFK Jr and Mary H re this post and suing Gruber

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Thank you.

I think the top three American government officials to be prosecuted for treason (18 USC 2381), biological weapons (18 USC 175), terrorism (18 USC 2331), war crimes (18 USC 2441), genocide (18 USC 1091), and related crimes, should be Marion Gruber, Robert Kadlec and Alex Azar, based on the paper trail of intentionally fraudulent and malicious declarations and authorizations issued under PREP Act and EUA laws.

And the number one American civilian to be prosecuted for the same crimes should be Bill Gates, on the basis of the Microsoft patent US 16138518, "cryptocurrency system using body activity data."


Because I noticed another key timeline sequence today.

That the patent for systems to install nanotech in living human beings was issued 03/26/20, two days after Alex Azar's Declaration of Emergency Use Authorization for the products later falsely presented to the public as 'Covid-19 vaccines' but which were actually injectable nanotech devices whose precise contents and purposes are unknown to the public, per the independent research conducted by the 26 teams in 16 countries on 5 continents between July 2021 and August 2022, as collected by David A. Hughes in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Research and Practice, Sept. 3, 2022 issue:


Azar issued the original PREP Act declaration that a public health emergency exists 01/31/2020, retroactive to 01/27/2020.

Kadlec then submitted a request for a declaration of emergency use authorization to Azar.

Azar issued the EUA authorization declaration on 03/24/2020.

Pfizer/Moderna/DOD and subcontractors ran the fraudulent nonclinical, preclinical and clinical trials that Brook Jackson discovered in August 2020 and reported to Gruber at FDA.

Gruber blocked Jackson, and then authorized the mass injection program under EUA on 12/11/2020 (Pfizer); 12/18/2020 (Moderna) and 02/27/2020 (J&J)

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FYI: the link for the IJVTRP does not work. Was it copied incorrectly by chance?

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They move it from time to time.

I put another copy here:


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Thank you! And thank you for allowing us to follow your incredible work.

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Yes the lipid nano-particulates were/are synthetic and toxic but so was/are the mRNA payloads.

As admitted by UK MHRA in email exchange with me in December 2020:


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I agree to a point, but would add that we now know from independent analysis of smuggled vials that the mRNA isn't the only thing in the payloads and no one -- other than the crime architects -- knows what else is in the payloads.

Based on independent analyses, collected in the International Journal of Vaccine, Theory and Practice paper published a couple of weeks ago


we know the genetic material varies in each injection by amount and condition and other factors and we know each vial also includes many other toxic substances which haven't been disclosed by the manufacturers, by the governments or on the labels.

As Sasha Latypova put it,

"Not a single vial conformed to the manufacturing label."

We also know the contracts legally prohibit the government regulatory agencies in each country from conducting independent verification and testing of vial contents on behalf of the public.


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Thanks a lot for those links (I had not seen them previously).

I have added your comment and pinned it to my quoted post with acknowledgement.

You are doing a tremendous job collating the important information we need to stop this horror show and I salute your efforts. I just wish that justice moved a little faster than it apparently does!

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Having had time to examine the IJVTPR document I was reminded of Dr Magda Havas' work from 9 years ago in which she observed that the effect of computers and mobile phones on our blood was to cause Rouleaux blood. I am of the opinion that there is no virus but there is a cover-up of the impact of 5G technology which appears to have overloaded life with electro-magnetic radiation. Obviously that does not account for the objects found in the blood of vaccinated persons but it does prove that Rouleaux blood is caused by tech rather than by injectables. It would explain why even the unvaxxed are suffering blood clots:


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Amazing, huh. Even more amazing many researchers must have known all of this for many months or perhaps years before and they have told us nothing.

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If they dared to speak up, like I did, they were immediately de-platformed and effectively gagged.

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Still there are many ways to speak and leak. The real problem is our lives have been institutionalised to an extent that we almost don’t have any.

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Tell me how I should have leaked my information, please!

I tried everything - maybe you know something I do not know.

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No, I didn’t mean You, but Pfizer and Moderna, AZ, JJ employees.

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Those people were easier to shut down! Their livelihood and family security depended on toeing the line. They are between a rock and a hard place. It was relatively easy for me - I am a retired health professional with nothing to lose and yet, still they managed to silence me by denying me access to public forums.

Dr Mike Yeadon was yelling his head off but they called him crazy. Dr Stefan Lanka was doing the controlled experiments necessary to prove that virology as a whole is a fraudulent 'science' - but they side-lined and discredited him. When Luc Montagnier declared vaccines toxic he was quickly 'offed' just like Kary Mullis.

The whole medical and scientific community are blackmailed and controlled by indoctrination at the universities and later, by denial of funding for essential research.

Only independent labs stand any chance of finding out the truth and they get raided and shut down by the authorities if they dare to question the prescribed narratives. There are too many examples of this happening worldwide and it is very hard to defend against, especially when they jail and destroy lives by withdrawing licences to practice.

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Sounds like they were just "fast tracking" the product, and maybe had a good "vaccine regulation consultant"

(May as well detonate your stack as well as mine today!)

----Dr. Malone has a history of assembling and managing expert teams that focus on solving complicated biodefense challenges to meet US Government requirements. He was instrumental in enabling the PHAC/rVSV ZEBOV (“Merck Ebola”) vaccine to move forward quickly towards BLA and (now recently granted) licensure. Dr. Malone got the project on track in support of DoD/DTRA and NewLink Genetics, recruited organizations to team with USAMRIID/WRAIR to develop the immunoassays, put WHO and Norwegian government philanthropic leadership in touch with Pentagon leadership to expedite the initial WRAIR clinical and ring vaccination trials, recruited a management team, recruited Merck vaccines to purchase the product candidate from NewLink, helped write and edit the clinical trials developed by the World Health Organization and lead the development of the BARDA and DTRA contracts - yielding over 200M$ in resources. Dr. Malone’s early involvement in this project allowed for the Merck vaccine to be developed very rapidly.

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You must have one of the finest legal minds on the planet. Thank you for all your work.

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very easy to say your own work needs no revision isn't it? These people just have no shame ! I hope you and others are able to get these people to come to trial, but probably they will end up like so many nazi's among which Dr Mengele, who escaped the trials. There is a special place in hell for people like that.

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well, I must say, this is a very different take on Gruber than I've heard elsewhere. I had thought Gruber resigned from her FDA position about a year ago because the White House basically went over her head, approving boosters without strong evidence of effectiveness. so, in a way, her resignation was viewed by some (e.g. Vinay Prasad) as a brave public push back against a meddling, anti-science, industry captured, presidential administration.

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cya move on gruber's part. she knew.

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She did. Still she’s far from being a great hero. But she is incomparably more honest and brave person then current people in the agencies, who are simply incompetent and inconsistent and dishonest.

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"...she [Gruber] is [an] incomparably more honest and brave person than the current people in the agencies..." REALLY? Gruber's been "honest" and "brave"??? How, exactly?

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Depends who You compare her to. As far as I am concerned, anyone who tends to step back from the current thing, is welcomed to do so.

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You are doing such important work, Katherine. I think that putting our talents to the most useful purpose in this moment is so critical, and we all have such different ones (which is a blessing, since the beast has so many faces and heads). Thank you and God bless you.

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Marion F. Gruber can still argue she has openly stated the EUA was based on a belief. The biggest problem is that almost no one has read what she has written.

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Partly... Where's the sign off by the "expert committee" which is supposed to review the safety & efficacy data & clinical trial data re. such approvals/authorizations BEFORE they take place? Nowhere, that's where - that committee was not even consulted. So, if she argues such, then she's essentially taking on the ENTIRE liability for the EUA authorization.

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Not really. Approval clearly had a bipartisan political support. Both Biden and Trump supposted Pfizer vaccine blindly. Moreover Pfizer has lied both in US and in Argentina. Clearly Pfizer is to blame for all the lies they fed to FDA.

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The FDA APPROVED THE EUA... politicians SUPPORTED that decision, but it's the FDA & the FDA director that provided the approval for it. I don't think you're seeing that extremely important point for what it really is - "LEGAL" APPROVAL by that body. What you're discussing IS important, and is evidence of so many others being complicit, but ultimately, the buck stops with the FDA & FDA director.

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Both Trump and Biden had said in advance publicly, how FDA should decide regardless of data. FDA messed up. But there was clearly undue pressure. Publicly. Both Biden and Trump are shameless about this. Contrary on what's being said nothing has been approved, everything is under EUA.

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Sep 20, 2022
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Sharing WP... Not exactly most honest newspaper on the planet. If anything, she wrote The Lancet article.

Look, I am far from being her fan. But if I look on the spectrum of views, honestly, she is not as bad as she may seem to some people here. She is not on the current bandwagon with 8 or 16 mice, not everyone is Sir Nicholas Winton, there are all sorts of people. If we all were able just walk away from the grinder, there would be no censorship, no poison vendors, no mandates. Just look at those universities that still grind students year after scandalous Pfizer study, year and half after first official stories about myocarditis. What is the point now lashing at those who ceased to do harm?

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She hasn’t ceased to do harm. She’s gone through the revolving door into the non-governmental organization sector at IAVI to do the same work that’s defined her whole career — orchestrating regulatory cover for genocide. But now with a bigger paycheck and a lower public profile. The IAVI gig is part of her payoff for being a loyal soldier at the FDA.

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I did not know about IAVI.

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Seeing the picture black and white is not usefull for most situations. I tend to be less able to understand people when they are painted black, ok?

I cannot see, how this is different from the usual sleeze of FDA. Of course the people there are not held to the highest moral stanbdards. No one, who knows the basic facts, really expects them to be moral. FDA, CDC, NIAID etc. are immoral agencies. But still painting these people black is not the way to speak with most people.

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Agree - thank you for sharing.

Journalist Christine Dolan interviewing Attorney Warner Mendenhall (one of whistleblower Brook Jackson's lawyers) and pharma regulatory investigator Sasha Latypova.

A lot of extremely useful information in that one-hour interview.

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gruber and her predecessors have a long and sordid history of rubberstamping stuff they shouldn't have rubberstamped. was this just gruber being gruber, like cheney sending the planes into the towers knowing that silverstein would blow them up the second he could collect the insurance money? or was there someone off camera directing her to sign off on the kill shot?

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The monsters behind these monsters like Gruber do not need to be present to ensure their desired wishes are followed...

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To be fair:

Pfizer did not permit any honest investigation of their "work". They took immediate political control of individual countries by blackmail.

Pfizer must have some powerful friends among the 300, huh...🤔.

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In Regulatory parlance, it is the INDICATION or USE of the drug which determines the regulatory assessment path. If the USE is for prevention of an infectious disease it will go through the vaccine BLA procedure. Kind of a "get out of jail free" card. That is because all the clinical trials etc is for prevention of an infectious disease. So measures of vaccine effectiveness is used.

However, that does not negate the fact that this product is a genetic product, and as such should have been assessed for safety and toxicity as any genetic therapy normally would. In fact, Sahin, the head of BioNTech actually though a vaccine product would be assessed as gene therapy. This would entail risks of autoimmune disease, neurological disease and risk of cancer.

https://www.nature.com/articles/nrd4278 (see box3)

Drug manufacturers, use the FDAs own regulatory procedures against them to their own benefit. They argue about how previous assessments were done, how there is a precedent, yada, yada. It is what one would call a Process. Sometimes, but not often, the FDA uses the process to their benefit as well. A regulatory dance, if you will. Looks like Pfizer and Moderna won this round handily.

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I can't thank you enough for all the work you are doing. May this work be rewarded through prevention of anything remotely like this happening to any living population. And my all those responsible, be held accountable to the highest standards of the law. No cake walk.

Thank you.

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mRNA vaxxes are INHERENTL:Y toxic, and would be even if the foreign protein they code for is non-toxic.

Killer T cells function to attack and kill cells expressing foreign proteins; that's how they help to slow or stop the spread of cancers and viral infections.

mRNA vaxxes cause your cells to express foreign proteins.

Ergo, mRNA vaxxes can promote autoimmune attacks on any tissues that take them up.

In rodent studies, heart tissue has a high propensity to incorporate the mRNA. That's why we are seeing so much myocarditis.

Of course, with these particular mRNA vaxxes, the protein they code for is extremely toxic; but that wasn't immediately obvious. The risk for autoimmunity WAS.

The "scientists" who developed mRNA vaxxes are either idiots or willingly turned off their brains to keep their employment.

The logic I have just recited should be glaringly obvious to anyone with the most basic understanding of immunology.

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All those “managers” in Phizer should be injected at least a hundred time each with a breake of 20 days afetr first injection just to be sure that the anaphylaxis would be initiated.

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Katherine, I've been reviewing your posts and documents for the past 2-3 weeks in earnest. I have also been reading and listening to the interviews you and Sasha L. have done. I am currently writing up a "form letter" to send to public and elected officials.

We have a group here in Idaho that will be pushing for legislative action. I pray that we can find some good souls that will honestly look at the information and work with us.

I will post the letter (with links to your and Sasha's documents) so that others may use it to educate others.

Thank you for providing this invaluable data and research. It certainly explains soo much of how they were able to do all of this evil.

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