May 26, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt

Horrific. More evidence our corrupt government wants us dead.

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May 26, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt

More great work Katherine. Research is your wheelhouse. Everyone has their niche and this appears to be yours.

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May 28, 2022·edited May 28, 2022Author

Reading the 2006 FDA Guidance for Industry: Gene Therapy Clinical Trials – Observing Subjects for Delayed Adverse Events today: https://ngvbcc.org/pdf/gtclin.pdf

Interesting possibility - the mass PCR Covid testing program was not intended for diagnostic purposes. It’s the biodistribution part of the ‘real world evidence’ DOD/Pfizer/HHS study on the spike protein and other components of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the injections, both of which are gene-manipulation products in reality (although not legally, so long as FDA classified them as ‘vaccines’, see bullet point 2 in footnote 1, page 1.)

See p. 9: “If it is unknown whether your vector persists, for the purpose of assessing risk, we recommend that you either assume that it does persist, or perform a preclinical study to assay for vector persistence in a relevant animal species.

Please refer to Section IV.B, “Considerations for Preclinical Study Design to Assess Vector Biodistribution and Persistence,” for help with preclinical trial design and details on the use and expected sensitivity of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for biodistribution studies.

In assays performed after the final administration of vector, persistence is indicated by detectable levels of vector sequences above the threshold level in the PCR assay and absence of an apparent downward trend over several time points.

In contrast, persistence is unlikely if you cannot detect vector sequences with a sensitive PCR assay or if the assay for vector sequences demonstrates a downward trend over time.

We encourage you to consult with OCTGT, CBER for specific advice about determination of persistence and biodistribution in your test system.”

Perhaps the “test system” is construed — for purposes of the SARS-CoV-2 test — as the human population, taken as a single biological organism.

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Excellent research! I’m just a 52 year old mother of 3, doing my own research and have absolutely no clinical/scientific knowledge regarding any of this bullshit, but day by day-hour by hour I learn so much from brave people like you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are giving so much to humanity even though it may not feel like it. Waking up is hard but researchers like you make it easier.

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Keep turning those rocks and exposing the vermin underneath!

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May 27, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt

No one - NO ONE - will ever be held accountable for these crimes. Don't think for a moment that Big Pharma, and the U.S. Empire, and not thought through all potential legal challenges, and concocted strategies to counter them. We are up against powerful people who own all of government, all media, all law enforcement, all entertainment, basically everything. We will not be able to stop them using the system they have devised to protect themselves. We are on our own.

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May 27, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt

"We are on our own." But, we are not alone.

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Pharma are good at closing legal loopholes against them, in advance.

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Yes. I read the Motion to Dismiss and another document (a scheduling order from mid-May) a bit more, and the contracts also have arbitration clauses in them.

So another Pfizer argument is that Jackson can’t bring her claim until after the US government initiates the arbitration procedures and those procedures play out.

Which of course the US government hasn’t done, and won’t do because it’s a joint project that’s going according to their evil plans.

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These people are evil in the extreme.

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This research is really amazing. Impressive work.

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deletedMay 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt
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Another important catch-all phrase to keep track of is “committed to agency discretion.” That’s the phrase Congress puts in statutes to empower executive agencies (HHS, DOJ, DHS, DOD) to take action without Congressional or judicial oversight, Constitutional review or ratification.

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deletedMay 27, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt
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Prayer is not weak. It’s the most important, useful daily thing to do.

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