The phrase, "become enforceable" is a passive construction with no subject, and so my question is EXACTLY what entity or agency or person/people does the actual enforcing? Somebody has to DO the enforcing -- who exactly would that be? What form would the "enforcing" take? What would be the consequences of just refusing? --Exactly what entity or agency is going to come after you? What would the REAL consequences be? I doubt that agents or soldiers from the United Nations would come after leaders of the countries that just ignored it all. Or am I wrong here?

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My understanding is that the enforcement mechanism is primarily financial. National governments that don't comply, lose access to international banking systems -- loans, transactions, everything. Through the Bank for International Settlements owners, operating through the private central banks and treasury secretaries in each country and the World Bank, IMF, World Trade Organization, and WEF.

John Perkins Confessions of an Economic Hitman lays out the process pretty clearly.


Cyprus circa 2012-2013 was one demonstration of the system,


as was the 2013 Vatican shutdown to eject Benedict XVI from the papacy.

Jan. 4, 2013 - The Vatican no longer accepts credit cards


Feb. 12, 2013 - Resumption in the Vatican of credit card payments


April 4, 2015 - War is declared on US domination by the dollar


Sept. 20, 2015 - Vatican yellow


Sept. 28, 2015 - Ratzinger could "neither sell nor buy"


We're currently living through a *global* demonstration of the system, with one salvo fired in 2008 with the Great Financial Crisis, and a second salvo launched in August/Sept. 2019 with the overnight repo rate crisis followed immediately by the "pandemic" as the massive systemic shock justifying implementation of the prepared economic and monetary policies.


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Talk talk talk. Please consider taking additional action such as: May I have a discussion about Article III, the one supreme Court claiming original jurisdiction? Where a man can find remedy against the state, Constitutionally! Have you ever attempted to locate that court? Mookini 303 declares any court whose name begins with the United States is not an Article III court. That is all of them the de facto has to offer.

An Article III one supreme Court claiming original jurisdiction is found in Amendment VII whose jury verdict has no appeal in law.

There is The United States of America stiled in the Confederation and perpetual Union's articles, their Constitution created the United States of Washington District of Columbia a management service government unincorporated with 23 enumerated responsibilities. It has been usurped by martial law/Lieber code/FEMA a color of law, de facto, incorporated governance, illegal or illegitimate; bankrupt US Inc in some form since March 1861. Except on Oregon. There a two legal and lawful names The United States of America and the United States. Any other iteration of the name such as United States of America is fraud or deception or ignorance. In any case not true. The last lawful iteration was 1859. When Oregon became one of the several states in our Union. All previous iterations are artifacts just as it was designed.

"Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. —"

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except for women, black people, native americans, and any man who does not own land

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Oh you again.

I do not find that in the documents available. Please support your claim.

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Dred Scott decision SCOTUS 1862

"Blacks are not human, Slave owners may do as they wish with their property". Justice Taney Supreme Court Judge

Women couldn't vote until 1920's, Injun's were NOT given the right to bear arms in the USA until 1978, in the USA the 2nd amendment was always the marker of what made a 'citizen' of the USA;

Voting too was considered what separated humans, from non-human;

Yep, OREGON constitution;

1.) People have the right to abolish a rotten gov

2.) People have the right to bear arms, no if's, or but's about it;

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we know ARTICLE I Section 1 is ours and we are enforcing it. Hopefully Athens, Tennessee 1946 does not get in the way. Everything after March 1861 is color of law. SCOTUS counts in the United States inc Washington District of Columbia and its forts, ports and needful buildings that the States agreed to them owning.

When we arrive at original jurisdiction the United States can let the chicks, blacks and indigenous be equal. :) On Oregon we already made that decision. Find or form your Jural Assembly.

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I’m fine with the last one...no property should equal no vote as you’ve got no skin in the game.

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Except that now the GOV does property-taxes so that only the rich can keep their property, so then your back to the oligarchs being the only people who have 'skin'

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Read up on nullification and land patent.

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Tell a cop about your 'rights' and you will get your teeth knocked out;

Tell the county tax assesors office about nully, and patent and they'll raise your taxes;

you live in a box bitch, have u ever been in the real world?

Even the GOV don't give a rats ass about any laws, or rules,

He that carry's a gun makes the rules

"All political power comes from the barrel of a gun" -MAO

The question begs to be asked when will you CUNTS take your gov back from the assholes?

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I deny most of what you wrote. Are you ignorant of the power of the written word? Do you speak against you own best interests also.

And you quote Mao.

You identify as Bilbo's Bitch. There is no cure for stupid.

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That’s because everyone votes for freebies for themselves at the expense of the property owners.

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Most local property taxes go to fund public-schools, which we now know is 100% only motivated to groom little pedophiles

Public Schools only exist to encourage children to suck their teachers cock, or perform sex-porn acts in class that teacher can record and monetize on child-porn channels;

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There should be a caveat. Smart enough to pour piss out of your boot if you can read the directions printed on the heel.

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There is a WWE/MMA wrestler that drinks a beer out of his boot after every fight in the ring; Is that what your talking about?


Me thinks the founders were rather clear, back the they said "We the People", and then there was them 'people"

The lower case versus the upper case People vs people

The founders were scholars, and then & now most of the USA citizenry were un-educated harelips, all of penal colony blood, as the USA began as a Penal Colony, where like AUSTralia, UK dumped its human garbage;

Everybody when the USA 1776 papers got signed, knew the score, "All Men are created equal", some men more equal than others, and wo-man not even to be considered in the pogrom; Then to go on and offer cash prizes for injun scalps for a 100 years, until the US-GOV had successfully decimated indigent populations

Now today we have uppity niggers, and uppity women, and worse of all 'HOMOS have left the closet'

Solution? Culling, massive purge, civil-war

A failed penal colony, or as the Captain of Rampart LAPD used to say in the 1990's, when the USA dies the tombstone will say "Failure to allow black men to enter USA civilian society".

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GOD bless you Katherine - your brilliant mind helps me to process & understand better WTF is going on. I pray hard for mankind to Wake up to the TRUTH of what is happening to our world. A quote that gives me Hope - "I am a God loving soul having a human experience. GOD is my refuge. “I am not afraid. I was born to do this.” Saint Joan of Arc

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Acts 5:29 “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men”.

We have to choose who/what is our authority. Ultimately man will bow to the Creator.

Philippians 2:5-11”Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:

That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

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.....yeah, just KEEP deferring away - THAT's gotten us REAL far as a species.....UNTIL we START finding FAR greater faith in OURSELVES - as OPPOSED to passive PROSTRATION before CUMULATIVE ethereal CONSTRUCTS the VERY same creatures CREATED to CONTROL us, we're gettin' NOwhere.....

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Christianity is NOT "Passive PROSTRATION before CUMULATIVE ethereal CONSTRUCTS". Christians are to STAND AND FIGHT TO THE DEATH FOR GOD AS JESUS IN THE TEMPLE. Don't know where you get your information from as the passivity your referencing is a HERESY OF SATAN.

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Who, exactly, is standing to fight for the God given dignity and Freedom of man? No one! Not Christians. Not anyone. God will not save us from our reckless cowardice. I suspect He’d reward Courage with Victory. We may never know, though.

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Absolutely. Amen!!!

Greatest Generation had the courage of conviction based in faith in God even though most were poverty stricken agriculturally oriented. They didn't know the source of what they fought for and perhaps it's a good thing most are dead. It's better they didn't know the truth of what they risked their lives for, died for, were disabled from...For the wealth of the International Mafia Cult.

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SPARE me, please - SICK of this response being so RIDICULOUSLY predicated by strictly RELIGIOUS conditions; it's completely SABOTAGING it.....

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Had two Great-Uncles in WW2 Heroically Decorated...WITH NO PTSD


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I don't care - ALL wars have been provoked by the ROCKEFELLERS, industrialists (ROMAN Catholic Church / Empire, FACILITATING same) for over 100+ years; responsible for 140 million deaths between the so-called 'Spanish Flu', WWs 1 & II, 'holocaust', Russian, Chinese & Cambodian purges ALONE - just an ENORMOUS waste of lives and resources.....

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You only know the limits of your knowing. Faith in Christ, being is experience. It’s not translated well. Many of the constructs built around such translation have been infiltrated by the powers at the top anyway. They have even edited scripture. Ultimately I dare suggest you are fighting the wef who Illuminati and their brokerage of religion. But the event of redemption from synopsis identity, is rising. 💫💫💫

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In Australia the past few years there is a noticed change in the way our Governments implement new programs. In the past, individuals were offered to formally opt in to a Gov program. Now, just like this method by the WHO, we are not told that we are being automatically opted into a new Gov system (eg National eHealth database). Someone had to publicly expose it and they reluctantly decided to allow individuals to opt out. The WHO method may explain the change in Gov behaviour. In fact, it almost feels like our Governments here are already captive to the WHO system and methods.

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Follow the money;

Most states are dependent upon Fed money

Most country's are dependent upon IMF(WHO) money,

When a country accepts billions from WHO, then that country's is owned like a little bitch;

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Infiltrated all through. No labour or liberal apart from caricature. Owned by wef. All

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"natural human aversion to work and pain"

says who? no one wants pain, it's a signal of harm

most humans define themselves through their work...humans do not have same same motivations, energies, interests, capacities....some people love to work, and simply are not allowed...others hate to, and do so every day anyway....humans also pass through cycles...but if you know too much, judgement becomes impossible

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As usual Katherine knocks it out of the park!! Thank you for all your hard work.

Here’s the thing:

Look over here! Noooo!! Look over there!!!

Trump’s indictment today just set precedence for the whole DC swamp to get indicted. And all living past presidents . . . Probably all those hundreds of thousands of sealed indictments we have been waiting for will finally also be unsealed.

What’s happening right in front of our eyes?

The US petrodollar is going up in smoke.

Kenya President said to his people “if you have USD now, get rid of it. In two weeks it will be different.” In broad daylight last week . . .

BRICS = Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Iraq, Iran, and Zimbabwe are all ditching the USD and taking gold backed money for trade. That’s more than 75% of the world’s entire population that are now no longer using the USD in trade. You think there might be a small problem there, folks? Less than 25% only use the USD. Hmmm I’d say [they] are done.

When the dollar bites the dust, no one will get paid in big government, institutions, Wall Street, banks will shut their doors, insurance companies will pay out especially the FDIC as they don’t even have 2% of the funds required for bailouts insuring depositors. No one will get paid. We will all have to walk off the job and rediscover our true nature and values.

The Fed is Dead. This economy is imploding in on itself. The world no longer needs the BIS, NYSE, federal reserve, the Rothschild banks, ad infinitum. It’s done.

Do not take CBDC as your way out of [their] Problem/Reaction/Solution. It’s just like CCP merit based system. You’re never going to be in control of your own money again. Period.

Physical silver and gold are real wealth. Pull your money out of the bank. Use it wisely to buy your supplies. The bail-ins will seize your savings and checking accounts like [they] did in the EU & Cypress. You’ll be up a creek without a paddle.

Stock up on everything. Enough to get you through a month of “The Big Ugly”

Stay Safe 🙏🏼

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Ron Johnson.

The same man that has hearing after hearing but no indictments or convictions.

The Same Ron Johnson that supports the Ukraine in their cover up of the money laundering scheme for the US elites.

I can say the same thing about Rand Paul as he willfully convicted Americans on J6 and decided to push through the vote instead of contesting two states.

It's us, against all of them and by all of them, I mean both parties and any person that has ever uttered one word of support for this BS official narrative.

DJT indictment is candy for the stupid supporters of MAGA and the GOP who just can't accept the burn from their behind.

It's pathetic to see the support for him.

We will never enact justice unless we take control of the system ourselves.

How, is the big question?

But to put faith in a government to correct this, that has gone so far in treason against us to this very day, is wishful thinking and borderline fantasyland.

I wish I had the answer, but all we can do is wait and watch and pray.

They can't win ultimately, but GOD has the time when His plan will be enacted against them.

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Dr. McCullough’s podcast this week also expresses this frustration and anger with our representatives, both Republicans and Dems. We need a lot more leaders like Dr. McCullough: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-mccullough-report/id1562849542?i=1000607246418a

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Waiting is our undoing. Blood must run in the streets. Blood of Tyrants and Free people.

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I’m very grateful that someone so capable is looking into this fake government control for the rest of humanity. No pressure 🙂. It’s seems our future is in your hands. Many many thanks for your hard work and using the skills you have to achieve this massive task in addition to your other work. Hopefully balanced with a loving supportive family life.

A huge big hug of love and support from Sherrie, in Moonta, South Australia.

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Thank you Katherine. James has done yeoman's work on these issues,

and your analysis brings a lot of clarity.

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'.....capitalizing on natural human aversion to hard work, conflict and pain....' - that LAST conclusion, looks a LOT like THEIR sadistic / MASOCHISTIC expectations of US - so, WHEN do we finally STOP beating OURSELVES up FOR them????

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Hello Katherine Watt and concerned readers: Obviously this intrusion into National and personal sovereignty will not stand if a citizen (individual) is not engaged or participating in commercial activity. Treaties are contractual agreements within the legal "Semblance" of commerce. Treaties should not be considered as Constitutionally binding agreements. It is the intent of the United Nations to falsely interpret silence as agreement... I'll leave it right there...

Nearly all modern concepts of Lawful order have been replaced with legal Statute. Statute law is dictated by alleged authority, Not Common Law. The American Constitution (a Common Law construct) was hijacked sometime prior to 1861. Most civilians are not aware of the existence of the Original 13th Amendment. A brief explanation can be found here: > https://michaelruark.blog/2020/09/12/the-first-and-missing-13th-amendment/

Further evidence can be perused here: > https://web.archive.org/web/20160311142648/http://constitutionalconcepts.org/13thamend-%20images.htm

The above facts Negate all subsequent Constitutional amendment, and inform the reader that all governmental agents, agencies, and operatives, are actively committing acts of treason against the civil populace of the former United States.

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Your FOIA request will be processed 24 months after this crime against humanity takes effect.

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I am not a nation state but an individual sovereign entity and therefore excluded from any WHO horsecrap. I am not represented at the table and therefore declare immunity from these non-elected thug's pissy-pants declarations which are illegal and unbinding.

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As long as you back that up with killing, and dying, if it comes to that.

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It's ok, Pelosi just announced that HRC has been POTUS all along, ran from Obama white-house at Martha's Vineyard


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We always knew this, but its good to get confirmation from the two main witches;

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Where can I find this entirely inverted definition of the word "consensus"?

The only codified "law" in North America was The Great Law of Peace.

Gerry Mander's "In The Absence of The Sacred" gives the definition and usage of "consensus" that used to apply.

I do know that "majority" is not defined as..."meaning"...those with the most power.

So, I'm not surprised that consensus now means the opposite of what it defines. It always has been, and remains, a War of Words. Lots of shape shifting going on. And the Mother remains "ghosted".

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