“Idle speculation”?😄. Everything I have seen/read since March 2020 only makes it less likely I will seek medical attention for anything other than an actual heart attack or broken bones. If the intent is to destroy trust it’s working perfectly

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With you on that. I tried to go to the dentist for a simple cleaning and it ended up not happening. And I haven't sought a new one yet. When someone insists that you have symptoms and a problem that you don't have, and don't listen to what you are saying - then they are treating a text book example, not an individual patient.

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Yep...and when my dentist asks for my vaccine status? Get outta here!

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Right! Tell him you are vaxxed against BS. Ha ha ha.

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Tell him you're vaccinated against novocaine, then get the h out of there!

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Yes. Twice I’ve been denied a healthcare visit that was already scheduled because I had the sniffles. I did not have any of the symptoms on their list at the front desk. I was there for s follow up appointment from an ER visit. I even took a home covid test that was negative, but they refused to accept the results because it was a home test. The hilarious part is that they were 💉😷 and stood as far away from me as possible. I walked out and never went back.

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Smart move these days!

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These people are out of their minds. Or possessed. I spend a lot of time with my dogs. Many humans are lost

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Is there a sarcasm font? Because I can't wait for gelatinous worms to crawl through my blood and body. Does it make a grand exit through my chest as well at dinner time? The wife and kids would love a good mealtime surprise.

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Similar to a gruesome scene in the film “Alien”.

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That was my thought exactly. :-)

Merry Christmas. Thank you all for coming.. ughggahgag BOOM!

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I feel like the whole "You have won the internet" thing is overused, but this is well done. Say what you want about sarcasm; when it's done right, it gets me every time.

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As the worm passes up the flambe and croutons, and decides to nibble on your wife and son......

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Sadly, transfection means none of us get to choose, though I suspect things move slower if one hasn't been injected. But we are all now 'nano'd' as far as I can understand.

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Thank you Katherine. I subscribe to Sasha's Substack - I read her paper regarding the absolute trash in the shots yesterday; excellent work. I dropped out of the MIT in the 1980's. I was an A student. Even back then, almost every course I took had an AI focus. It made no sense to me and it still doesn't. The root cause, as you are well aware, is that secular society thinks that they are their own, and out of that we get moral relativism. It's a Godless society. Thanks for all your amazing posts and hard work since day 1 - I am glad you are digging deep and educating the masses as to what is really going on! I hope that your subscriptions multiply exponentially. May God Bless you and your family. Thank you again. Merry, Merry Christmas.

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No thanks, I’ll die in my own terms.

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Dying is not evil. Of course no euthanasia, suicide etc

(caveat, I don't want wife going to jail if she loses it and bumps me off... My gosh, I deserve it)

But maiming yourself a mortal sin... I'd rather take chances with covid pneumonia than get bells palsy. Yikes

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One of my 7th grade teachers (in geography) taught me a valuable distinction; After much study on a subject, what seems speculation is actually an educated guess with high probability of being correct. I think our biggest hurdle going forward is to get folks to see the connections between (and danger of) the 5G grids, the Nanogel injections, the CBDCs and Chemtrails spraying heavy metals, and the WHO power grab, all part of a single 'system' of enslavement and control. The iceberg analogy persists, much bigger underneath than above; this applies to us, the Little People, as well as to the (would be) Enslavers. Ditch your cell phone, find your farmers and try to eat organic food. There are billions of reasons--the millions of vaccine damaged humans need our help. Thanks for all you do Karen, I keep you in my (pagan) prayers and wanted to recommend some skullcap tea or tincture for soothing the brain and calming the headaches! Best from Oregon

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What to say about the military? We put our lives on the line repeatedly in the sixties and seventies to end war, end the military madness. But it's a cult, it's a belief system, that violence will win the day. There's no sense arguing with fools.

I had a woman who has MS tell me yesterday, that her MS is because her body is super active and BORED....that's right, bored, this is what your glorious know nothing white coats told her, and so attacks itself.

This idea that there is any such thing as suicide needs to end. It is all societal murder. No natural being kills itself. I hope that it is obvious by now that "suicide" is as much an agenda as is "persticide", etc. And by the way, the Native North Americans didn't just "disappear".

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There are Just Wars. St. Thomas Aquinas.

Most wars are evil. Our Lady of Most Holy Rosary of Fatima said wars are a punishment for sin.

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All wars are for profit. There is no sin without a sinner. Wars are made by violence loving men. Men who adore living together and wearing curious and queer uniforms.

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When Nazis invaded Poland, brave Polish soldiers were fighting a just war.

I would bet the polish soldiers wish they didn't have to fight it! For damn sure.

American civilians might be called upon to fight a just war

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Okay, we're going to talk binary duality. Great.

Yes, two "sides", that which wishes to war against, and that which is warred against.

Of course, if both end up warring and being warred (words get weird when repeated)against, then they merge into one.

Lord forbid any soldier ever see the writing on the wall.

I refer you to Buffy Ste. Marie's famous song, which pretty much was a core factor in ending the Vietnam "war".


That war ended when the soldiers decided to end it. How else?

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I am heartbroken against genocide against Indians. US Military going into camps to shoot down women and children.

Murder of innocent is one of 4 sins crying out to heaven for vengeance

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Compliments of the Season, and thank you for your great work!

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Sounds like the smart idiots at Johns Hopkins have been watching too many cheap, grade-B horror movies.

Merry Christmas, Katherine, and many blessings & Good Health to you & yours.

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John Hopkins has been a very bad actor in the depopulation plan

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Exactly, they were intrinsically involved in Event 201!

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And more! False studies.

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I trust La Quinta Columna, a Spanish lab that were the FIRST to actually examine what was in the vials...

I don't know that ALL the vials contain the same things, but it's being shown that what's in most of them, apparently, are some pretty nasty things, including graphene, LOTS of aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, and those things, or even just ONE of those things could well be enough to kill you.

That same Spanish lab has an excellent detox protocol to rid the body of graphene, which includes glutithione, a food supplement and also produced by the body, 600-750 mg, NAC (N-Acetylcysteine), the most effective antioxidant, which causes the body to secrete glutithinone endogenously, which is helpful-- take as a preventative; take zinc, too; other antioxidants (which fight inflammation) that can help are Astazanthin (bit pricey), Quercetin - in many foods, Vit. D3, milk thistle, all these take in the morning with breakfast; and melatonin, 1 mg, at night, for radiation mitigation.

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Soak in a bath with frankincense serrata and lavender essential oils.

Rub the frankincense serrata , cut in an oil base (castor oil is the most absorptive and healing), on forehead, temples, I do all the bony structure on the face, the ears, nose, and at the back of head where skull meets neck/spine. This really helps with the microwave induced "head aches", frying of the body/brain. I also use herbs a lot, for these purposes of rest and calming, valerian root powder and skullcap herb. Also, Recue Sleep Remedy is great.

My body does not like melatonin at all. I get all my needs in organic foods and herbs, no supplements, pills, potions. Magnesium through organic maize/corn. Quercetin as you say is in many foods and herbs.

Yes, La Quinta has been stellar and out front courageous. I was in Spain a few years ago,, in Barcelona, and the activists were fierce courageous. I saw a bicyclist in a major square stop suddenly right in front of a turning bus, and loudly berate the driver for turning on the light which allowed pedestrians to cross. He didn't move until the light changed. The bus was stuck halfway througn it's turn. Magnificent.

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What a great comment, on several levels! ^_^ Cheers, and Happy Hols! xo

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Lots of speculation. How do we know it's not something much simpler? Weaponized mycoplasma encased in LNPs for example...

Time for evidence!

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" ... How do we know it's not something much simpler? Weaponized mycoplasma ..."

Yes, possibly so ... If the bioweapon is a weaponized mycoplasma of some sort, then maybe that is why an old antibiotic from the tetracycline family, like doxycycline, may help ... Recall how Uttar Pradesh province in India mass-distributed $3 packets to the population there containing ivermectin, doxycycline and zinc ... and with GREAT results ... much better outcomes, lower rates of death than here in the U.S.A., where we are constantly told that we have the very best "health care" ... such empty bragging ... such lying mass murderers ... well, we in the U.S. are learning (the hard way).

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Katherine, not sure if this can be researched, but I've been hoping....In October of 2021, well before the "roll out", I met a woman, the mother of my son's girlfriend, who showed me that a magnet could and always had stuck to an injection spot in her upper arm. Now, she received this injection about forty seven years ago, when her entire class , she was about 11, was pulled out one day and injected, by surprise. She said she passed out at the time, and had balance issues for years after.

So, this experimentation began a long time ago. These injections were forced on the children in the Oregon school system, somewhere around Salem/Albany area. I may have been as long as fifty years ago.

Honored to be gifted with your excellent work. All together now.....

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I remember when just the idea of "microchips" being in the vaccines (even before they rolled out) was met with such scoffing - " HA! We don't have NEAR the technology to do that!". I'd love to confront those people now with this info. I'm sure they're jabbed, so it would be met with vehement denial. 🤡

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Amongst the more than fifty documentary videos which Jamie Lee of Aplanetruth...up to # 15 or 16 on YT, on rumble....did of the intentional destruction of Paradise, Ca. , is one taken in the crux of the conflagration and shows clearly the nanobot controlled embers moving together unidirectionally down the road, against the winds, and somehow not burning anyone's legs or feet. They were on a mission to find those eaves openings...."those demon embers". as the MMS puts it, kissing cousins of those firenadoes.

You like Disneyland and movies folks? Oh, they'll give you all you crave and more. While you pay for 5G to kill us all, as if it does anything for ya at all.

Speaking of movies, anyone else here familiar with "Goya's Ghosts" ? Pretty awesome one there. HIghly recommended. I was raised CAtholic, you could say it's a Catholic film. Enjoy.

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If these wormy robots can deliver medicine, they can deliver poisons, too!

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All of those pharmakeia freaks' "medicines" are poisons. That's the definition of pharmakeia. Sorcery through spells and poisons.

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"The technology may have already been injected into some of the recipients of the US Department of Defense Covid-19 injectable bioweapons."

Interesting speculation. However, if DOD isn't tracking/studying the individual recipients, how will they learn anything from their experiment?


Love your in-depth legal/legislative research! May you have a blessed Christmas ~ ✝️

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Of course they are "tracking" every injectee, that's why the injections come with bluetooth identifiers.

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How can DOD guarantee every "injectee" gets a unique bluetooth identifier when there are multiple doses (supposedly five doses, but sometimes one/two more doses) per vial of COVID vaccine?

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Interesting observation. The first thought is the same way a computer program can link all your passwords to your email accounts? Not sure, pretty much not into technology.

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Merry Christmas Katherine,

A present for all....breath deep and feel the subtle vibration.....breath and relax.....let go and feel the energy.....it's the Love from above...take it in a share it widely.....

God Bless You All

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