Thank you. I needed this today. We are all connected thus it's so very important for us to remain positive and calm. I don't know you, but I'm proud of how you climbed out from the dark hole through faith.

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I know your post is mainly about God, but your reaction during a very dark point in the covid nightmare was so similar to mine. I have always looked back on it as the pique moment of realization that the world is not (and has never been) what we thought it was. It was the ultimate red pill moment. And I realized that this is why most people cannot or will not be red-pilled---because the anxiety that comes with that--the acceptance that we are not living in a normal world, is simply too much to bear for most people.

I had tremendous anxiety, sleepless nights, crying jags (yes, especially when the mandates were in full force)--worried about my family, my kids' future. This was unusual for me, I am not easily scared or reactionary But at the bottom of it was this "no going back" idea that it is all so much bigger than vaccines/mandates/fraudulent elections, etc. Understanding that the power behind all of this madness is backed by trillions and has been strategized by specific people for decades made me feel hopeless and terrified, mostly for my kids. But with time, I have accepted it and made some changes in our lives that may or may not help in the long run.

So not to downplay the usefulness and power of faith--just wanted to remark on that small part about why even intelligent people refuse to see what's directly in front of them. It's because it comes with too high a price emotionally.

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Mass hypnosis has happened.

I too have friends who would rather not know anything

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Mass hypnosis: 8 siblings - 6 living. All got the jab. They think I'm the one in the wrong - anti vax. My diseased parents and 2 older sisters must be praying for them, or they got a weak batch of the vaccine, because so far none have gotten sick (that I know of-- they don't really talk to me). I keep thinking they will figure it out, but I really don't think they want to.

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Because it’s a EUA there isn’t a set dosage.

It can range from 0 - 250

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I live in Los Angeles. This describes most of the people I know. I discuss/coffee with a very small group here to keep my sanity.

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That's what I do. Weekly 4 - 5 of us women get together and watch the Remnant News video with Michael Matt and discuss what has happened.

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I love Michael Matt

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It’s stunning isn’t it.

The shot is supposed to be for their health. Yet they want zero discussion on the high risks, zero helpfulness.

I trust my Dr. Is one excuse.

Camps were understandable.

Forced shots, not a problem. Even with my fellow Jews…

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It's the reason they used "vaccinations" as the pivot point. People were terrorized by the thought of dying from covid and they NEEDED something tangible to be able to let go of that fear. They don't want to go back to that vulnerable feeling again, so the shot can kill thousands of people---as long as it "saved" them. These are the people you don't want to be around in a real crisis.

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I appreciate your comment. 🌷 That happened with me about 15 years ago. My safe world view crumbled, and it was a little depressed and anxious for a couple months. And we do adjust, don't we, it gets easier. Take good care. 💕

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So true AL! But faith helps so much…knowing that we are all in the hands of a ‘power greater than ourselves’ (whatever and whomever that may be) that will not let us down, even in the depths of our sorrow, anxieties, and fear.

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Very inspiring! Something similar happened to me - through my substack that I feel compelled to write to organize the information for myself and, hopefully, others. And to seek out and give support to the like-minded. And the spiritual element as well - thanks for the night prayer!

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Thanks for this inspirational read. I suffered similar mental trauma until I found my church nearly 18 months ago. The pastors at Godspeak were having none of the evil covid nonsense, shepherding full maskless services despite accruing huge fines - which were eventually (and quietly) dropped.

I read the Bible daily and pray that I may find a proper course of action to help fight satanic forces enveloping the world. I have fought many local battles regarding mask and “vaccine” mandates yet feel there is a greater role ahead for my energies. I harbor no fear of death but desire a much better world for my family.

I dropped my shot / pill happy doctor of 12 years and found a new one through the church. I avoid going to any hospital as I would a real plague, which this surely is not.

Anyway thanks again for an uplifting read.

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Thank you for confessing all this.

I, too, am a life-long Catholic. I am in a spiritual space I would never have thought possible. Can you say PRIDE?

I am struggling. As I once taught the catechumens; when you think no deadly sin holds an attraction, it is pride that can bite you where you sit.

God is good...all the time. All the time, God is good

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Amen! The world is the Lord's and all things in it. I surrender it all to Him, as I am helpless.

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Thanks so much for sharing personally what you've been through, and also that you worked as a paralegal.

I had a similar dark night of the Soul in December of 2021. Several things came to a head. Socially the gaslighting of the corporate media and government, then threatening words by our president, was agitating and frightening. I lost my healthcare career just as Delta became prominent and proved even more that vaccines don't prevent spread. At the same time I had conflict with two of the people closest to me because I would not take the vaccine, and had to distance myself. It was recently divorced, and then isolated from personal contact with my spiritual community, except for two people. Then I got sick, a combination of Omicron, which took away my smell, and a bacterial infection in my home. I didn't sleep for 3 nights. I touched bottom in a way that I ever had before, and I've been through some hard times through the deep spiritual work that I do. I was at the end of my rope, very close to a psychiatric emergency. Like you, I turned away from reading so much media, and out of pure desperation focused all the attention I could muster on Being, on the Absolute (words for the Divine in my path). The love and kindness at the root of all manifestation shown through. ❤️🙏

I ozoned my house to clear out bacteria and a little mold, and sought out an unvaccinated community in my area and have a close group of unvaccinated friends now.

This has been quite a time of hardship and growth for so many. I'm glad to have the contact that we all do on substack and other social media.

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On a side note, may I ask what you did to regain your sense of smell? I managed to escape the dreaded Covid du Jour for two years, then two weeks ago I was having lunch with my niece and her grandmother (who is vaxxed & boostered). The next day my niece told me her Gramma tested positive for C, and then two days later on Sunday I started feeling sick….I am into day 12 now…all the fever body ache & headache gone, but have lingering ‘cold-like’ symptoms, and can’t smell and the taste of most food is seriously off for me. Did you take a supplement to restore your sense of smell? Anyone reading this are welcome to chime in! 💓🙏🏼

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Loss of taste/smell can be low zinc. My taste straightened out very quickly with a bit of zinc picolinate

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Good to know.

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My son lost his sense of smell too. I think it just eventually came back a little at a time. He had covid, no shot.

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Do you know how long it took to come back? This experience has been quite different than any ‘cold’ I have ever had before, when I lost my sense of smell or taste.

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I'm so glad you're feeling better. I hope you're a smell and taste comes back soon. I didn't do anything, it just went back to normal after about a month. I took an early treatment protocol for 3 days, and hardly had any covid symptoms after the first day so I thought I was out of the woods. I didn't lose my sense of taste, but soaps and essential oils smelled like chemicals. I was confused for a couple weeks, I thought the bacterial infection in my house was the cause, then I came across an article talking about not a change in sense of smell with covid, not always loss of smell.

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Never loss smell or taste but could smell and taste chemical or exhaust fumes for weeks. Wondered if anyone else had that

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Nothing like that but for awhile everything I ate had a metallic taste to it. My sense of taste and smell is slowly returning now 14 days in!

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I had cv in October and I still have a metallic taste in mouth and many foods that I used to love, taste off, like soap. I really wish there was something to get it back to normal, but it has been 8 months already!

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Thankfully my taste & smell came back after a few weeks, but a few things still seem off. I think whatever we all had (I never did a test) is a bio-weaponized agent, a super ‘bug’ of some sort, that was ‘jacked up’ in a lab… Because the symptoms and how I felt were not anything like any ‘flu’ I have ever had. The only thing I could compare it to (in the first 8 days) was when I had Dengue Fever over 30 years ago in Oaxaca Mexico! Then it ‘morphed’ into a head cold type of symptoms for the next phase. Reflecting back it was the strangest progression of a ‘seasonal illness’ that I have ever had.

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I have been taking all the protocols, done IV drip ozone & vitamin c treatment, nebulizer treatments with food grade Hydrogen peroxide & saline, taking all the supplements, and got an ivermectin prescription but it has yet to come. Going to take it prophylactically when I get it.

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Katherine I can totally relate to all you went through/are going through. I was always a strong person yet found myself gut-sick, depressed, in a constant stake of anxiety, and seeing no hope for the future. I considered suicide (over all that is occurring with overreaching government and the NWO that wants complete control over our bodies, lives and deaths.) Every night my dreams were plagued with horrific scenarios involving our loss of freedom as human beings. There was no place to find peace within myself waking or sleeping. It was constant turmoil racing though me.

My grown kids cannot see what is going on and refuse to even listen. They must think I’m a nut case so I have given up trying to inform them. My hubby understand what it going on but he finds his own peace by avoiding everything distressing; so I don’t have him to talk to. I am old and live in an isolated rural area, and have no friends other than on the Internet. I had no where to turn.

I have been consumed over the past many many years with THIS life and put my Christian faith on the back burner. With all my distress I began reading my Bible again, and even bought a study Bible for the first time. It has renewed my faith as well as my hope knowing God has a plan and I must trust it, and it has sweetened my dreams. I even dreamed just last night that Jesus reached out his hand to me to give me comfort! I don’t go to church because of how much physical pain I am in when I try to walk or stand, but I am finally finding peace through The Word of God, and limited my watching/reading anything about current events. I wonder if God’s plan is for his children to experience all this turmoil because we have lost our way and that we have come to realize it’s the next life we need to be concerned with and turn back to Him.

May you continue to live in peace through our Lord Jesus Christ.

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What a beautiful dream, I imagine it wasn't just a dream. 🙏❤️ Take good care.

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Katherine, A pedestrian comment among your deep writing and some of the profound comments that others have made. I do not see Robert Barnes on your list of lawyers (he is often broadcasting with his Canadian lawyer buddy Frei). He is not on Substack but uses locals very effectively. He does a broadcast several days a week that you might find a good addition to what you are doing. He is the lead attorney on the Pfizer whistleblower case. vivabarneslaw.locals.com

And thanks for all you are doing.

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Good point. Will add him to the list. I’m aware of him and his work, but I’m not on locals.

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Katherine, I'm not either except for him. But it has been well worth it.

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Is Dr. Barnes working with Naomi Wolfe? I watch Steve Bannon's Warroom and she is on there a lot. She and Warroom are connected with Children's Health Defense, which is Robert Kennedy Jrs. He wrote "The Real Dr. Fauci". Great, great book!

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I truly believe God has pulled back the veil on this evil Cabal.

Remember when Agenda 21 was just a conspiracy….

People are finding their back to honest Faith, not soiled by Wokeism or The WEF like Bergoglio has done to his branch of Catholics .

I believe a stronger Catholic faith will emerge from the infiltration of Satan in all Churches and Synagogues.

We must know what real faith is and not fall for the stink of Woke.

Worshipping at the Golden Calf of Feel Good faith. One that doesn’t challenge us to come up higher, check our motives, responsibility for our actions. Etc.

May The World Find God again and eradicate this Globalist Demon once and for all

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Our bodies sure do let us know when we are completely off balance don’t they? When I find myself losing my equilibrium I say the serenity prayer. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. ☮️

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I love that one.

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God bless

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Just the message needed! God has this, we just need to do our part and keep praying for guidance and strength to continue to do His work in this time and place. David Clements, from the Professor’s Record, says (paraphrased), I do the work, the results are God’s.

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Thank you for this post…I too was raised in the Catholic Church, but do not go to church. I am a huge fan and follower of the Virgen de Guadalupe (have her all over my house, in my car, shrines outside my house, etc) I pray The Hail Mary all the time, but will add that nighttime prayer from the Benedictine monk. I too know that we were put here at this time to help people wake up to their spiritual connections to a Higher Power (whatever that may be, mine is La Virgencita). Our world is in a time of massive shift from what no longer ‘works’, towards a world that is filled with love for humanity and all people! We are here to be the facilitator’s of that shift. Blessings to you. 💓🙏🏼

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You have exceptionally tuned research and analysis skills and it's clear you are in your wheelhouse. We find ourselves in a phenomenally absurd situation where it feels like fact and fiction are polar opposites and the space between is like a void or black hole. I think our legal system has come to some kind of closed loop because the peer pressure to conform to the official narrative is so strong and the gears are stripped. It sounds kind of esoteric but I've exhausted myself trying to extract some sensibility from a senseless narrative. What happened to the standard of prudence that all these self righteous people in law and politics refer to? It wasn't prudent to deploy a warp speed, prototype, quasi named vaccine, using technology that has never been FDA approved on billions of people around the world - for a flu type virus that has a 99.9 % recovery rate. I hope their wives turn into whores and their girlfriends turn into prudes.

Here is a link to some insight that may help you in your research, it's called Citing the Uncitable.

I really appreciate all your hard work. I'll send you some money soon.


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And we know that, in all things, God works for the good with those who love Him, who have been called according to His Purpose. Thank you Katherine.

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A short suggestion that a seer prophet priest suggested for these times we are, and will be, going through for a while is to pray "Jesus, I trust in you". And the rosary is a blessing for me too. I will put you in my rosary prayers. I too am a revert. Watch Mass of the Ages (part 3). It was so informative for me.

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