One of the first Bailiwick articles to reach me in my unpaid subscription was "Rep. Bud Hulsey in Tennessee understands the scale of the Constitutional crisis, and what states can and should do to respond."

That article references a bill in the hopper of the Tennessee House of Representatives lays out in careful detail who has the Constitutional authority and ability to bring the usurpers, Federal and otherwise, to heel and hold them accountable for their crimes.

The several States created the Union, and as Creator have superior authority over their creature, the Federal Union.

It is the State's responsibility to defend its proper authority and powers against the usurpers (this is called Separation of Powers). I urge everyone who reveres these United States to read that bill.

- dan

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How did you manage to get that ability to think so clearly and see through the lies? God bless you. The laws, both morally and ethically that have been broken negate all of their power in total. They are now defunct but are pretending otherwise. The people don't want them, don't need them and will bring them to justice.

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I believe we are at the point in history where its county politics and the power of each county to restore constitutional governance. The county Sheriff should be the ultimate arresting and investigating power, meaning no law enforcement office, or IRS office or intelligence office can function inside the county legally unless registered and approved through the Sheriff. This type of power is what will restore the states power to act constitutionally. Example, every state has the power to run their own energy agency for the prosperity of their people. The Federal Government has no business or need to be involved in this area except to corrupt and monopolize this need for illegal gains. The Federal Government should not own any land whatsoever in any state. Too much power has shifted to the Fed’s and now it must take radical actions to eliminate the threat it now poses.

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"This would mean helping private bioweapons dealers (masquerading as pharmaceutical and non-governmental organization executives) reduce their own criminal exposure, by creating opportunities for them to flip on their supervising accomplices in exchange for lesser sentences for themselves."

Bingo 🎯

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Brilliant description of the way through this, in time...🙏🏽🇨🇦

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There is the issue of "bad actors" in positions of authority that circumvent checks and balances .

Elected politicians who are assigned positions of state power and then act like megalomaniacs .

Matt Hancock springs to mind along with Lauterbach of Germany, van der Leyen of the EU and US State governors.

There is also this from Israel that CHD reported on today.

https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/israeli-politicians-pre-ordered-pfizerbiontexh “vaccines” BEFORE clinical trials had commenced. Paid upfront fees, hid the contracts with Pfizer and are now busted.

My "wishing on a star" for the day is to see criminal and/or civil prosecutions brought against the WHO for hundreds of billions of dollars by a global class action - murder and assault by "bureaucratic edict and regulation".

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Another tour de force...Bless you and God keep you...your thoughts about how and what we can do...please let us know what we can do for you.

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"To whom do People have recourse when almost every State worldwide has been captured by criminals and the capture is rendered almost invisible by perversions of language and law?"

We will need to stand up for ourselves or accept being slaves.

"As far as I can tell, it’s God: the Divine authority from whom all legitimate earthly human authority derives."

I have great respect for the intuition of faith; for that innate connection and relationship to qualities unseen yet can be penetrated and known. Whatever form or expression that knowing takes, doesn't matter. Life is valued, love is real and we need only claim its truth and orientation in our lives. I can't prove I'm free, I claim it and then proceed accordingly. I can't prove my worth, but I don't need to. I know it. The Source that created us, is in us, and so we are Self-Referencing. We are our own authorities. It must be. But only when we say so.

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i read "the tower of basel" a few months ago And was very surprised about its " legal structure" of being answerable to no one. But i am not a " jurist" and english is not my mother tong The BIS is in my view very much dominated by anglo saxons. Always up to no good i am afraid, although other nationals were/ are also acting. But it was a " discovery" that unknown to the public and hiding from view a " happy fews" rule the world.

A few week later, by coincidence i heard that David Icke was barred from travelling in Europe for at least the duration of 2 years. He is considered a " complotist" you see.

Having never heard of him, i had a look at wikipedia, and ordered " The Trigger", as i prefer to make my own opinion about individuals. It is about 9/11 and he reveals a shocking truth that might complement this artike about the " hidden forces" at work.

As the tower of basel, the trigger is no easy book to read. Lots of names and connections.

But worthwhile. I understand that the ones in power have no ground for defamation and cannot censure his book. So they try to shut him up by barring him from traveling and calling him " a complotist" .

I have been checking news on the BIS since i read the Tower of Basel. They bought a lot of gold for the last years as all central banks. And they are now taking measures to implement digital currencies.

There is a first project going on at the moment between Norway, Sweden and Israel, driven by the BIS . Israel being no surprise when you have read the Trigger.

I found your article extremely interesting and i am going to send it to editors and friends .

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It is not the BIS to be unanswerable but to the centrsl banks of the world, but Switzerland and its wannabe neutrality. Geneva is a museum of such cancers. The WEF is just the newest one. Until someone enters their bunkers ...

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Your work is monumental and I like your plan for flipping those few who might save themselves and bring down Goliath. Hear o Israel!

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I don't think Pfizer was under duress in these contracts. Pascal Najadi is suing them and has had a security detail appointed to protect him and his family. This detail was appointed through the court. The Pfizer contracts are asking for national assets such as land and military bases for non compliance.

I don't think that many state actors were under duress either. Ursala seemed very happy w/Albert and I believe a lot of money has changed hands all over the world w/political figures who were not afraid, but greedy, stupid and evil.

It would be interesting to see if there were a few people, either at Pfizer or in any governing body who were under duress. Who was under duress is we the people who are forced to abide by these illegal contracts or lose our rights and jobs and lives.

I'm also not sure we should write off lawsuits against Pfizer. Moderna just got discovery. Granted they are as evil as Pfizer but they did win discovery. I will never write off Brook Jackson or Pascal Najadi.

I think you are on the right track about the contracts and duress but maybe the targets you site or not correct?

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i don t know if it is still there, but there was a video on youtube of US senator Rand Paul asking questions at a high ranking government individual about the financing by tge US ( military) of research about gain of function on covid at wuhan. The US state is implicated in developping covid ( gain of function = man made).

The date of this video was from memory february 9th 2023

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that is the link to senator Rand Paul

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Thank you!

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Also, according to the same article in Epoch Times, Modern's suit against Pfizer will also go to discovery. So it is not impossible for these cases to succeed. Discovery is huge, even between all these evil companies.

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I didn't see that but clearly there are several US labs which look to have help make covid. Modern had the vax in 2019 as I believe did Pfizer. I would say this is an interlocking directory although I don't rule out that some people may have participated under duress.

However, it is important to note that BIS appears to be the boss of all the parties whom we know of to date. Whether BIS coerced states, state actors and corporations as well as militaries is a real question. For example, it looks like Thailand's Royal Family did not understand what their nation signed up for.

So i think it is a good idea to look into duress to see who exactly was under it. Also, it is a good idea to look at charters. BIS is not chartered to run the world!

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the us government has been working for decenia on virusses and their " military" use. Also in Ukraine as it was probably unlawfull in the USA. Just like Guantanamo really. What an hypocrisy !!

The BIS is a central bank for central bankers. Its role has nothing to do with developping virusses or weapons, as far as i understand. Much more of controlling events through currencies manipulations.

And even during wo II facilitating theft and enriching itself in a immoral and appalling way

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Not the whole company but rather individuals. The key is individuals nor corporations in the whole. Katherine has pointed this out before in the context of government officials.

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So, being as the USA is a corporation also, what is a corporation, exactly? I've been under the info that it is a legal entity. Is it actually a legal fiction?

I 'm confused here, I was told "legal entity/person", which would imply that a corporation can be sued. Indeed, corporations, as corporations, have been sued. Never rescinded tho.

What am I missing? Thanks if you can clear this up for me.

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These are not contracts, they are simulations of contracts for covering up a worldwide military coup d'etat. Hence irremediably invalid. The underlying real contract is about the establishment of the totalitarian world government.

They beg amnesty, i.e. they admit they failed.

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the "coup d etat" is still going on.

Have look at


that is what is comming now.

The usa is preparing for it, but since i read " the tower" ik keep an eye on the BIS news and yes they are preparing for digital currency.

Lynette Zang explains very well in her video the difference between " money" and " currency."

You all should look at her video s on youtube.

And also the WHO had changed recently its " Status" giving it much more and coercive powers.

So, yes evil forces are still at work.

And strange that european " heads of states" are cooperating. As von der leyen everybody know she is corrupt

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I got something wrong here. Moderna and the US govt. bot lost and Moderna will have to do discovery: "Moderna and the U.S. government, which backed the company, failed to prove that claims involving the company’s COVID-19 vaccine contract with the government should be dismissed, U.S. District Judge Mitchell Goldberg ruled on March 10." Epoch Times

This is a really big deal!

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No - Pfizer had nations under duress.

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In her podcast with R Kennedy JR., Sasha claims it's the US DOD that had nations under duress, and which demanded military bases as collatoral, etc.

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The precursor to the IMF was the EMF. Same type of deal. And it was Pascal Najadi's dad who helped Klaus you-know-who, who's daddy sold weapons to the nazis, create the EMF. Pascal is a big time swiss banker. Of course they are going to try to set any legal precedents.

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Pascal has openly spoken about his dad's relationship w/Klaus Schwab.

You will need to make your own decision, but he isn't hiding it and his father split from Klaus. It's always good to be cautious but it's also good to keep an open mind and truly listen to the words of the person himself and to watch his actions.

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No need to "follow the money" anymore?

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Are you not capable of doing this? Why do you need me to do this for you? I said, in effect, be cautious, make up your own mind. Wouldn't that include doing your own research on money trails? Why are you asking me to do your own due diligence?

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Phenomenal work Katherine. I recently read Lebor’s book then perused the BIS’ website. As you know the book often describes how over the decades BIS management deftly and successfully “renovated” its raison d’être, once its original mandate became obsolete. This continues to be the case, eg this Feb 22 speech by Augustín Carstens titled “Innovation and the future of the monetary system”


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yes, " innovation" means digital currencies, while the BIS has bought recently tons of gold.

In a funny way it make me think of " the Lord of the rings". One ( digital) currency to control all.....

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as long as they are “expressions of central bank liabilities” (Carstens’ words) they’re good to go “direct” - without the inconvenience of fiscal policy or purchasing Treasury paper - that’s their ultimate dream of full control - Carstens reminds me of Jabba the Hutt


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i am not surprised. I saw what was coming long ago.

Buy gold if you can. If you have assets in the bank you might lose a lot if not everything

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Skimmed through. This article is a short book!

Nice idea to prosecute the covideans and other criminals based on alleged int'l law violations however what ICC judge will have the "guts" or be insane enough to sit over this type of case?

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the european parliament tried to get the pfizer contracts signed in Brussel by corrupt von der Leyen They got only heavily edited pieces. Some pages were only black

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“ alleged?”- hardly. But, as the proper etiquette in law goes. The judge will show up & they won’t be insane. They won’t do it for the fame or glory of righting this evil. Nobody but God can do that. They WILL show up & be horribly treated & tested. But the truth will win, because army’s of angels are on our side. We can help these judges, all that stand up to evil, by defending them on social media, and by asking God to give them strength & unprecedented wisdom. These judges know, as Christian’s, this is not our permanent home. And if there is no justice on earth, there will be someday, after death. God is a loving and just God. He always works things for our good. If you don’t know him, read “ Mere Christianity”, by C.S. Lewis. I love that book for explaining this without preaching. He was an atheist & one day took a walk with Tolkien, one of many, & came back a believer. Very logical & simple. He writes with true compassion & grace. 😇

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i would not put to much trust in juges. Money can buy anything and anybody

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I hope your right.....

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We create all these governments, institutions, agencies and organizations and not any of them are above being totally corrupted and used to control or destroy mankind. Throughout history, even religion has been used for the same purposes and these are presumed "holy" institutions? Is this the best man can do?

Many will argue that the world should turn towards God and religion. But which one? There are thousands in the world (both Gods and religions) and that too is a ego corrupted environment. Religions fighting each other acting like anything but religions and gardens of God.

While the "state" exists, there will never be peace among countries and among citizens. We are always at war with other peoples or government...sometimes even ourselves. Maybe that is where the world's monsters come from.

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religion always were used to control masses. Churches gone ? Nature hates void...

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a government...rule the mind...is a church of state.

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Gods not dead. 😇🌈💕

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Religion is what man created with GOD as the leader. Only GOD is perfect so the “ religion” and followers suffer because of an infallible system created by humans. This isn’t GOD. There is only one GOD, light of the world. The Bible has the answers. It’s simple. Don’t make it so complicated. We dont have to, or even expected to, have all the answers. Pray to God & accept Jesus into your heart & you will be given a gift that can’t be earned or taken away. It surpasses all level of understanding. It’s pure Grace & Love from a creator that does not cower to evil on this Earth.

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if the "Bible" has all the answers, why do you bother reading all this? why don't you just straighten the whole mess up ? I don't quite get it yet. I don't understand at all why folks who have that bible with all its answers ever do anything but preach. But they do. Most of them get paid regularly to do stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with their bible. Cause you know, according to the bible, Jesus was murdered by the bankers.

So, having been raised Catholic and all, I still don't quite get it.....

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Europeans are being made sub-populations in their own ancestral homelands. But if they dare to notice their own ethnic cleansing are accused of “racism”. According to the recent government census, in many urban districts not least London native Britons now constitute an ethnic minority.

If I somehow tuned into media cartel output from my mother’s basement on Mars, with no earthly knowledge than racial categories, I’d be bound to conclude that England was African such is the scale of negrification of public spaces.

African diaspora racial antagonism /alienation is being deliberately deployed against Europeans. No one’s put the overall agenda more pithily than BlackRock CEO Larry Fink in an interview with Bloomberg: “Covid, Climate, Racial Justice: the three great issues of our time.” Afrocentrism in the service of anti-gentilism is as much a demographic bioweapon as “Covid” democidal. Again unanimity between officialdom and global plutocrats total.

None of which is to suggest that Israelis are a monolith any more than Africans or Europeans. Perhaps no single group has been more prominent among those speaking out against the “Covid” racket.

Equally I’ve been personally astonished by the enthusiasm of members of that group for the medication. At the height of the jab frenzy 18 months ago I happened to be visiting an orthodox household in north London on business. I was taken aback to hear the father berating his fifteen year old boy on the phone on importance of being jabbed, and a few minutes later the mother cautioning the younger daughter to don her mask before going outside.

Israel is said to have one of highest per capita jab rates. Which is hard to square with the idea that the jab is nothing more than a plot to massacre the goyim. Things are often more complicated than they might appear and the temptation to point the finger indiscriminately must be resisted. No one regardless of group identity is immune to the lure of power and status.

Nevertheless shared allegiance is real as is its rivalrous corollary. Collective antagonism is a cultural fact and Europeans have to wake up to the reality of being its targets on multiple fronts. As ‘Darwin of the human sciences’ and Catholic cultural theorist Rene Girard put it: “Not only is the revolt against ethnocentrism an invention of the West, it cannot be found outside the West.’

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So, revolting against ethnocentrism is bad, right? And Afrocentrism is bad too, right? And Britain's rule of India for how long?, and how about south Africa? , and the sun never set on the british flag and all that....how do I sort out the various etnocentrisms and figure out which is good and which is bad? I'm horribly confused....

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Mar 18, 2023
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If you refer to the quote by Rene Girard, I did, and considered it. It is narrow, reductionist, and uninformed, in my experience.

In all times and places where humans have been, some of those humans belong and know they do to a far greater society of life than ...quoi que Monsieur Girard comprends ...as "ethnic".

There have always been and always will be travelers, shooting stars.

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Wow! Once you’ve ideated Pfizer flipping, claiming duress, it can’t be unthought. Bearing in mind that every defendant that cops a plea and every bumbling defense council that sells them up the river shares the same fact pattern, perhaps morphic resonance (Rupert Sheldrake) aka the grace-of-God will make it so.

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The Monster thinks we can survive a BioWar and wants the mRNA platform. That is madness.

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For some reason which I cannot discern, I woke this morning singing "freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."

Infiltrators is a term I have difficulty understanding. It's like a heretic, right? Only a bounded group can have infiltrators? There has to be an inside, and an outside, yes?

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Outstanding research.

The latest from the BIS is once again pointing towards the imminent roll out of the "future monetary system", aka CBDCs. It's very troubling, to say the least.


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