Jun 12, 2022·edited Jun 12, 2022Pinned

Reader sent me an email raising a related point, referring to issues raised by Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney and Attorney Todd Callender during a podcast posted Feb. 12, 2022.


Reader writes: “Lt. Gen. McInerney argues the position that COVID19 is a deliberate biological attack [as a form of asymmetrical warfare - https://www.britannica.com/topic/asymmetrical-warfare] from the Chinese Communist Party rather than a medical pandemic [and that] if this is true, then the treaties with the W.H.O. can be declared void.”

The idea being that, so long as the event is classified as a pandemic, the WHO International Health Regulations are in force, but if the event is classified as an act of war or bioterrorism, different international legal frameworks come into play.

I listened to that podcast shortly after it came out, and posted a couple of times about the likelihood that HHS and its globalist/communist handlers anticipated that maneuver and put provisions into the Code of Federal Regulations to head it off early.

March14 - https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/modernas-2013-patent-on-furin-cleavage

April 11 - https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/parallel-statutory-and-international?s=w

Summarizing: HHS/US Gov took a step, on Nov. 17, 2021, to blur the lines between biowarfare and public health, when they added engineered chimeric SARS-CoV-2 to the list of toxins that pose public health threats.

I think they did that specifically to muddy things and give themselves some more legal cover for their actions, by trying to ensure that all the gov’t acts undertaken since the start of the outbreak are classified as public health measures, even if the lab-creation, military deployment of SARS-CoV-2 becomes common knowledge.

The reader who sent the email about McInerney’s argument also wrote about elements of international laws of war:

“Callender made a correlation between the Treaty at the Hague http://lawofwar.org/hague_iv.htm and McInerney’s act of biowarfare argument.

Although Callender used the term “alien occupier” I can find only the term “occupying State.”

I am assuming that Callender is referencing; Section III. Military Authority over the territory of the hostile state at Article 42. Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.

This seems to me reminiscent of General Orders No. 100: promulgated by Abraham Lincoln 24 April 1863. (commonly known as the Lieber Code) at Sec. 1. Art 1.

“A place, district, or country occupied by an enemy stands, in consequence of the occupation, under the Martial Law of the invading or occupying army, whether any proclamation declaring Martial Law, or any public warning to the inhabitants, has been issued or not. Martial Law is the immediate and direct effect and consequence of occupation or conquest.” https://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/lieber.asp

Thus, there is no requirement for public notice nor the presence of an occupying force, but simply a surrender to an “occupying State” to effect martial law. This we have done with the International Health Regulations (2005).”


I replied to the reader: I agree with your conclusion. I think that was the point all along, since the mid-1940s - to figure out how to take over a country without any armed invasion or announcement of occupation, by occupying it from within, gradually, over decades of legal changes and changing how the people in positions of authority think of themselves, their country and their relationship to the citizens.

One other point: I recently found an Executive Order signed by Obama relating to handling of civilian casualties.


2016/07/01 - Executive Order 13732, US Policy on Pre- and Post-strike measures to address civilian casualties in US operations involving use of force.

My initial understanding is that it relates to the killing of American non-combatants, in areas outside of active hostility areas, in foreign countries and on American soil, with non-traditional weapons including drones and bioweapons.

However, this executive order is difficult to interpret and it’s going to take more time and more research to fit it into the overall puzzle well.

Several of the writers who have analyzed it suggest that it refers also, or primarily, to the people who would carry out attacks on American citizens, on American soil (rather than the weapon type). For example, it may mean that foreign occupying forces, such as UN troops or Chinese mercenaries, would be authorized by the US government to control and kill American civilians.

Others believe it relates more to domestic mercenaries, such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters, who would be contracted to the US government to kill other American citizens and then their families would be compensated if they (the mercenaries, and maybe also the victims) died in the street-level conflicts.

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Please stop misusing the term communist. It has literally become a term people use for anything they don't like and that really destroys credibility.

Fascism is when private and public entities collude. In a ***capitalist*** society, it may look like cronyism.

Totalitarianism is when the state holds complete authority.

This is how you bring more people on board and not push them away by screaming, "KARL MARX!" That's culture war nonsense.

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I think they are communofascists who don't realize what they are.

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Well, I "liked", but when it comes to the party in control in China, its actual name is the Chinese Communist Party - even though it's not - so you have to use the word "communist" in that instance. Did I miss something?

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I wondered. Do you know how public health has been infiltrated on the Ground in every county. I think I watched it happen for the last 10 years... CDC, the health plans, Kaiser, PH, PHIs, State Governments, Offices of Resilience that are on the State Gov sites but actually are not - they are actually hedge funds that are sucking off resources from Foster kids and Juvenile justice programs at PPPs..... Anyway.... https://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=70.190&full=true

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Oct 28, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023

The info graphic is "building community capacity" In the trauma circles, it is also called "Self Healing Communities" It was picked up by RWJF aka J and J and pushed around to all 3047 County PH departments across the US of 4th least over 10 years. It's all very convoluted. As I watched this, I came to realize that we literally live in a movie script where "rock star" physicians are created to actually push agendas. This thing involves a Cal Surgeon General, all Health plans including Blue Cross Blue Shield.and so much more even moving into transhumanism. https://web.archive.org/web/20120611082227/http://www.fpc.wa.gov/about.html.

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This video talks about a group called ACESConnection (Paces Connection) Jane Stevens is a journalist who started the group in 2011 - with $$ from RWJF ---

Anyway, this is the NJ AAP. Dave Ellis is a former person who was made the president or something of the NJ ORR which is made of 3 hedge funds but looks governmental ---- Dave was picked from Minnesota where he took ACEInterface (Laura Porter from Wash Family Policy Council and Rob Anda from CDC's ACE study). Dr. Anda is on the call listening. Healthy Steps, Rahil Briggs is a PPP in the Bronx that is teaming with Peds Offices to bring to them the JPB Harvard Center Network Panel for kids that at some point peds are supposed to get on babies-- A swab of the cheek for DNA/Epigenetics (they have known for 20 years that neglect/abuse in childhood impacts the function of like 20 percent of our genes), cytokines, Hair for cortisol, EEG brainwave data, eye tracking. Rahil and Dave kind of talk about how they are dividing the State's HHS into 3 for Hedge funds I think. This video is on the NJ AAP site. I doubt the average NJ Pediatrician has any idea about any of this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QShG-MM6rvc

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When they said they were exempt from all rules, regulations, laws, oversight, morality, responsibility, liability, duty, accusations of fraud, and pretty much anything else, because they were co-conspirators with the US Government against not just US citizens, but the entirety of humanity, it was the first genuinely true thing they have said. I feel we need similar statements from them about China, Russia, the CDC, W.H.O., the Wuhan Virology Institute, Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, and the innumerable other individuals and public-private partnerships, domestic and foreign intel agencies, the WEF, George Soros, Ukraine, and, well, it is a long list!

Such statements will come in very handy at the Nuremberg 2.0 trials, which I sincerely hope, won't be held in Germany, or even Europe. I'm more thinking the South Shetland Islands, and at the immediate conclusion of the event, all of the convicted can be rapidly dispatched to the interior of Antartica where "Global Warming" will be the least of their worries.

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I think an African country would be a good place for the international accountability process to be held, because so many of the genocidal pharmaceutical products and programs have been tested there first. Perhaps under the direction of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano and Cardinal Robert Sarah of Guinea.

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To clarify, by ‘they,’ you’re referring to Pfizer in their April 22, 2022 Motion to Dismiss Brook Jackson’s false claims act case?

I agree, it was an important moment in truth-telling.

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Pfizer is a co-conspirator in the same sense that say, Facebook is a co-conspirator with the USG as a surveillance outgrowth of DARPA and Lifelog. And of course a propaganda/censoring arm.

Once you have a ruling source of power that subsumes regulatory bodies and checks and balances oversights, you have the surreal theater of Presidents and Bureaucrats alike explaining why the Constitution and its rights are basically suggestions, and fuck you, we'll do what we want...or else.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt

Similar to your feelings expressed in your article of April 28th, I am spending time confused, alarmed, and filled with despair. I was under the mistaken belief that Renz in the US and Fuellmich internationally we’re making progress on the road to Nuremberg 2.0. I will remain steadfast in hope and prayer that global humanity will rise above and win against this worldwide governmental tyranny and evil.

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Largely ceremonial, but will provide an accurate real time record of testimony should Justice prevail, which is not at all certain.

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Thank you Sage Hana. I appreciate you and the body of your hard work more than you know.

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Merci. Katherine is the hero on this front. WE are all Spartacus.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt

This is as effed up as it gets. So, there is no intellectually rational or legal way to stop this rabid innovative bio warfare. That means we must dissolve it with love and light. Unless anybody has another suggestion.

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Yes on prayer, love and light.

Also keep on saying No at the individual level.

The refusal-to-comply group is getting bigger every day, I do think there will be a critical mass tipping point (but don’t know when), and after that point, the whole geopolitical and legal situation will be very different, very quickly.

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I think so, too, but there will be a reckoning and then a light flooding awakening.

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I put up a post on this, it's a paid sub post.

But along with prayer, love, and light, look for anybody who is willing to challenge the swamp directly and by name, and this will be personally dangerous for those who do.

Now. Is the Swamp the Global Corporate State or the US Security State?

And the answer is: Yes.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt

Katherine, if this is a true, why is pHarma desperate to get their clotshots approved and put on the childhood vaccine schedule, if not for the sweeping and open-ended product liability protections?

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022Author

I think they’re desperate to get the poison into children because, for depopulation purposes, they need to reduce the number of people who are capable of having children in the future. Causing death and shortening lifespans for people past reproductive age helps them reduce the overhead costs of social security, pensions and Medicare in the present.

Causing death, shortening lifespans and causing infertility among reproductive-age people helps them reduce overhead costs and also population in the future.

And causing death, shortening lifespans and destroying reproductive capacity among today’s children and teens reduces overhead costs and prevents new births in the future.

I used to think it was about the permanent liability immunity, until I learned that HHS added “and pregnant women” to the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program as of January 2022. (First notice 04/04/2018, Final Rule 12/02/2021 (86 FR 68423), in force as of 01/03/2022.

So the EUA products, which are CDC-recommended for pregnant women,


already have full, permanent liability protection under the VICP program.

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To add to this that, a diminished population is easier to control / transition into their future technocracy for trans-humans. Methinks Prince was correct when he stated, “They are after your soul.” They cannot have mine.

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What I have wondered, with depopulation, is who will fry the chips? Deliver the mail? Is this all gonna be bots?

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt

I believe that it is to just get one more layer of protection. Besides, at that point they will no longer have to persist in having an "emergency" (joke of the year or two or three) to continue to use EUA authorized spikeshots. Currently, if the "emergency" is ended because people get disgusted or the administration changes or because, like the other 200,000,000 of us the government acknowledged there is no emergency then there is a narrow window through which some lawyer might try to sue. If on the pediatric schedule, that window is eliminated.

This has always been about following the money (wish we could follow the kickbacks). This is just more of the same.

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Money is surely a major factor that motivates crooks and thieves without a morsel of humanity and morality, but the big driver is a depopulation agenda that is being carried out on several fronts including: 1) Climate Change, Zero Carbon and Agenda 2030; 2) a war on cheap energy and abundant food which is being waged under the fake Global Warming agenda that includes Sustainable Development; and 3) the poisoning of the air we break by massive chemical spraying of the atmosphere with nano-sized particles of aluminum, barium, strontium, graphene oxide (?) and God knows what else.

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I wish money were it. But money really isn't a factor:

a) They already have more than they can ever spend

b) Money won't exist soon; they will own everything, and the rest of us who survive will be allowed or disallowed what we need and want based solely on credit scores, and that will be based on compliance.

Therefore, forget about their profits, forget about national debt, forget about banks. Money was always a fiction (that we all agreed on to make the exchanges work), but soon even that fiction will be gone.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt

Because that is currently the only way to do it and to sidestep that would be too telling. Still, they are getting them on without any real testing or proof of efficacy/safety. It's a mere bureaucratic move to make it look legit.

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Jun 20, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt


There can be no Organic Constitutional violation as you imply. The 1871 Act of Congress 'converted' the wording of same to a D.C. corporate charter upon which Congress could then legislate. Evidence of this is the first four words of the Tenth Amendment, "The powers not delegated..." clearly summarized the Founders' position that the SCOTUS never respected. The Constitution of 1789-91 was one of 'strictly delegated powers'. Thus, if the power was not listed therein, Congress did not have it. Read the Tenth Amendment several times and let that sink in. The BAR Members have been pretending using the Organic Constitution for 151 years, and it is time to expose them for the FRAUD of their intent to commit same. Therein lies the crux of the problem.

Bob Jungles bobj3631@gmail.com

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Jun 20, 2022·edited Jun 20, 2022Author

That makes sense, although the 1871 Act of Congress you mention isn’t one I’ve read yet.

I think this article gets at what you’re talking about.

The Act of 1871; the Two Constitutions; Corporate America


And it lines up with what Dolores Cahill said in her June 5 Tess Lawrie Substack interview,


about Social Security numbers and birth certificates attaching to Federal Reserve Bank financial instruments through which US government owns the productivity of people born in US, and has done since sometime around the 1913 Federal Reserve Act and the 1921 Sheppard-Towner Maternity and Infancy Protection Act, which expired in 1929 and was then replaced by the 1935 Social Security Act.

[Cahill was speaking mostly about British birth certificates and birth registries, but said that similar financial systems are in place in the United States and other nation-states; starting from her information, I read some articles and watched some videos, and located the US enabling legislation.]

It also connects to Executive Order 6102 of 1933, signed by President Franklin Roosevelt and then ratified by Congress through House Joint Resolution 192, suspending the gold standard.

That, in turn, connects to Catherine Austin-Fitts’ information about the October 1995 collapse of US federal budget negotiations, the November 1995 launch of predatory lending programs, and the December 1995 FDA approval of OxyContin, viewed alongside $21 trillion dollars missing from federal non-military budgets, plus trillions more in money missing from Pentagon budgets.

“If they couldn’t get a budget deal, the only way to balance the budget was to bring down life expectancy. It had to end in Covid-19. It’s math.” Austin-Fitts, at about 14:20 in mid-March interview with Karel van Wolferen.


Having learned about the birth certificate bit just last week and looked into it some, I’m trying to find and connect more of the dots between 1913 Federal Reserve Act, the 1980s intensification of the statute-authorized bioterrorism program, up to the Jan. 2020 (public) start of Covid.

Working model so far:

When our monetary system went to a central banking system, off the gold standard and onto the fiat/debt-based currency system (1913-1933), human labor productivity/human beings became the collateral held by international banking cartels who participated in bailing out the bankrupt US government. Human beings were substitute for the previous collateral, which was gold.

As of roughly 1980, as human productivity gains plateaued and AI/robotics/telecoms entered the equation, the international banking cartels no longer see human labor as necessary for their financial interests.

This connects to the depopulation plan (kill as many as possible) and the population control plan: inject people; establish digital currencies tied to ongoing compliance; establish biological control mechanisms (nanotechnology, etc).

Because now human beings are not net assets, or collateral.

We’re net liabilities, financially speaking.

If the 5G connection holds, they’re converting us — legally and biologically, as much and as many as they can — into disposable, mobile, self-electrified wireless transmitters of telecommunications signals. That’s the Microsoft/Gates patent piece.



Exposing them is key, getting to a critical mass of angry men and women who clearly understand the enormity and multi-generational construction of the fraudulent system in which we live.

I don’t know what that critical mass is in terms of numbers or percentages.

I do know we need to keep working toward reaching it.

And praying to God for help.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt

After reading this post, the puzzle pieces are certainly coming together. I can clearly see how it takes real legal scholarship and particular expertise, along with moral fortitude, to do the digging, the deep dives. All this is quite chilling: The long term orchestration, the fine tune engineering, assembling regulations, statutes, laws, rules, accomplices, the entire scaffolding of an evil plan. It’s all quite astonishing. The betrayal, apathy and banal contempt for Americans, and Humanity is so complete, so certain, it leaves no room for doubt. It blows any conspiracy out of the water. This latest revelation, or puzzle piece, is palpable and shatters all illusions of beneficent American life.

Brings the awareness to a whole new level.

If the ‘white hats’ or an ‘Alliance’ are true and real, then they may have been aware of all this in its breath and scope, as they may have been planning and tracking the demons all along.

I hope this is true and consequences will follow.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt

Wow that’s just plain wrong!

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Jun 20, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt


Some of the very best research you will find is by Anna Von Reitz at www.annavonreitz.com

She has well over 3,000 articles on her website, and it's all about returning to the Common Law of the Organic Constitution. It's about getting the People of the States involved at the local level.

The entire purpose of the Civil War stems from Edmund Burke's speech before the British Parliament in 1774. Summarizing, he stated that, 'Americans were seeking their freedom. We will give them all the freedom they want, and put them under our Acts of Navigation'. The whole purpose of the so-called Civil War was to eliminate the Law of the Land (Common Law) and put America and Americans under the Law of the Sea (British Admiralty Law) combined with Statutory and Roman Civil Law some 85 years later.

The Vatican is the Mother of all Corporations, founded by the Holy See. The Vatican, the City of London, and Washington D.C., are the three City States. The 'Mother corporation' has/had both the Power of the Purse, and the Power of the Sword under its control. Those two powers should never be combined in one entity under its control. The Vatican controlled all municipalities and the British, all States of _____________ as those are the business entities for the soil jurisdiction states, such as Illinois, New York, Texas, Michigan, etc.. The Civil War was fought between the business entities of the respective northern and southern states involved. The soil jurisdictions were not involved.

Of course, all the legal groundwork for what followed other then the War of 1812 to attempt to kill the Original 13th Amendment officially ratified by Virginia in 1816 penalizing those taking Titles of Nobility forbidden by I.9.8 to Federal employees and I.10.1 to State employees. They needed the liawyers and banksters to pull off the Civil War and set-up America for control of the money with taxation and unlimited spending, and thereby, control of America and Americans totally. This was all achieved, and here we are today wondering how the hell they did it, while the vast majority are so dumbed down, they haven't the slightest clue of any of the facts recited above. The Vatican and the British had to have control of those two professions mentioned above to pull off the greatest FRAUD of the 19th Century to entice these two business entities of states to kill off 528,000 of their own people. The only one better is the present COVID-19 SCAMDEMIC !!!

Bob J / bobj3631@gmail.com

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The United States Security State (aka, the Blob, the Military and Intelligence Industrial Complex) is the Global Mall Cop for the Global Oligarchs.

The Blob also gave us the bioweapons to begin with.

The Blob murdered one of our Presidents and that President's brother. Because that family sounded the alarm to the Blob.

The Blob has murdered democratically elected leaders all over the world and fomented color revolutions and burned through trillions in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The Blob created much of the internet and privately outsourced their DARPA surveillance and pre-crime strategies to its Silicon Valley partners, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft.

The Blob works hand in hand with its Global Capital Partners such as Black Rock, State ST. and Vanguard. WEF. WHO. UN.

The Blob has alliances and outgrowths: NATO, Five Eyes, Council for Foreign Relations.

Make no mistake, that WHO Sovereignty Treaty? That is 100% Blob engineered in tandem with WEF, Gates, and Oligarchs R Us.

Nobody would sneak up on The Blob and pull a fast one on them.

There is a reason that the Five Eyes Nations are the ones who went Full on Fascism : NZ, Aussie, Kanada.

Why? Why do they do this?

The bureaucracy of the Blob is self perpetuating. They are a Virus now. And they are unelected, and they are unaccountable. They cannot be challenged.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt

I stopped reading the stacks on how awful the vaccines are... I only read the titles. Why hear it again???

Your article feels like a rock in quicksand. Thanks. Much. It is closer to ‘What to do??’

Would appreciate ideas on :


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Have written a bit on “what to do” here:



And second section of this one


“...my lodestar hope is that once the citizen outrage critical mass shifts from wrongly-targeted anger at dissident doctors, lawyers, scientists and writers who keep speaking out against the government narratives, to rightly-targeted anger at the government officials running the bioterrorism program, some elected officials will perceive the shift in the political winds carrying intimations of rough justice at the street level brought by citizen vigilantes with nothing left to lose and no faith in non-violent recourse to the zombified justice system.

My hope is that those government officials will try to set up parallel legal systems that are newly and independently faithful to the US Constitution and its sacred Bill of Rights, and through those parallel government institutions, prosecute the officials who remain loyal to current, bioterrorist government, for treason, genocide and other war crimes and crimes against humanity.

So the rest of us can withdraw our implicit consent from the criminal government occupying Washington DC, and invest it in something new and better...”

Will listen to the Lawrie-Cahill interview and think it over for a future post.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt

Looking forward to your post.

Your vision of the creation of a just and parallel system deserves its own blockbuster with gritty and resilient band of heroes.

Will relish reading the stacks you posted.


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I watched the interview on Monday. Very interesting and informative. I probably won’t write a standalone post about it, but will incorporate some of Cahill’s points into other reporting and analysis, especially her distinctions between the Law and the politician-drafted statutes and regulations, her hierarchical structure points about that, and her information about birth certificates as financial instruments.

Thank you so much for linking to the podcast and suggesting I watch it.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt

You are most welcome. And I thank you for your thoughtful response.

I hear from a friend that a woman in our area offers a course in how to change our birth certificates to move our legal status from being corporations back to being humans. So many are feeling impotent and frustrated at not knowing how to fight globalism...perhaps each person reclaiming personhood would be a timely act of defiance.

I look forward to your further discussions on related topics!

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Another thought: Since corporations have more rights than humans now, could it be an advantage to be registered as a corporation...?

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Please will you explain what you mean about birth certificates. And are you referencing US birth certificates only? After a particular date? Thanks.

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Jun 15, 2022·edited Jun 15, 2022Liked by Katherine Watt

This seems to confirm your analysis and conclusions that given the EUA, it renders no culpability, no responsibility for harm from the architects and their many accomplices implementing this bio weapon.

It is truly sickening, disheartening,

and disgusting.

Today from CHD;

FDA Advisors Unanimously Endorse Pfizer, Moderna COVID Shots for Infants and Young Kids, Ignore Pleas to ‘First Do No Harm’


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While I sincerely believe that the COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest fraud ever, I question your and Sasha Latypova's interpretation of ... "“shall not be considered to constitute a clinical investigation.” 21 USC 360bbb-3(k)".

The way I read and understand this statement is that issuing an EUA for a product and the EUA product's subsequent use does NOT constitute a clinical investigation. The USE of the product is NOT the clinical investigation. ... this does not mean that the product cannot undergo clinical investigation. This does not mean that EUA products do not exist -- they DO exist -- it's just that USING THEM does not constitute a clinical investigation, according to the statue you quote.

I DO believe that a case could be made that using EUA products constitute an EXPERIMENT with human lives. I DO believe that a case could be made that using EUA products designated as DOD prototypes that potentially put human lives at risk is an extreme ethical violation by DOD and HHS.

I believe that the clinical trials were a sham in their own right, ... that possibly the FDA was under pressure by the DOD to make things move as fast as possible (ignoring the sham trials that look good on paper), because DOD's immediate priority was NOT human health, but rather completing an exercise successfully to deploy a new technology, using the DOD's risk-acceptance philosophy of developing prototypes.

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I incorrectly worded one part of my comment.

My sentence in question should have read, "This does not mean that manufacturers of EUA products do not exist -- they DO exist -- it's just that USING the EUA products does not constitute a clinical investigation, according to the statue you quote." ... If I remember correctly the particular sentence of yours that motivated this.

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It seems like fraud against men and women who have inalienable rights would be the way to go.

There is a course called "the sovereign way" which talks about the law for mankind. I haven't taken the course, but it seems that people agree to become a part of the system of law, and to give up their rights as a man or a woman, when entering a court of law and agree to be a "defendant", or signing a contract when our name is spelled in all caps. It seems very interesting, a reflects the truth about how our legal system is set up. When we call ourselves a citizen, or a defendant, we are agreeing to leave the system of men and women with inalienable rights that can put claims against others in court.


I also wonder about a leader who would use our special forces to arrest and charge everyone involved in fraud. Since corporations are people, it seems that the CEOs of the pharmaceutical and media corporations would be the person to arrest and charge with fraud, bevause they are the most obvious person associated with the corporation, which is also a person under the law.

I know it's a stretch, just a thought.

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It is a good thing that this substack is not hidden behind a paywall.

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Katherine, have you read Karen Kingston's substack? She believes firmly that the approval for Comiraty DID happen - read her substack highlighting using patent and research data in the criminals own words - and she also alludes to Malone and others have been blindly followed suggesting it was never approved ..if the Comaraty (spelling) was approved then the EUA shield is NO MORE? Hense they can be tried and prosecuted for their crimes. She also goes on to point out that MRNA has been proven (again by their own words) - see patent language she highlights that it cannot cross human to human. This voids any discussion that this Covid19 was ever a virus when it cannot cross human to human. The "spike" they are talking about is an Artificial Intelligence bioweapon device added to ensure this bio weapon injection to be weaponized into humans. Anyway, she has great legal points (to me) that any God fearing, justice seeking, men/women of legal resources can prove this was an attack on America and American's. Crimes against humanity, violation of Nuremburg and everything the like?

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Nov 28, 2022·edited Nov 29, 2022Author

I disagree with Kingston on this point — She may be right, but my read of the laws and regulations is that the FDA authorization/approval workarounds to avoid legal liability and criminal culpability are pretty tight, even with the COMIRNATY event in August 2021. And that the the manufacturers and FDA are not now, and have never been under any legal obligation not to lie and misrepresent information and mislead the public.

With one caveat - a courageous federal judge could rule that the statutes and regulations are unconstitutional, null and void. So, I think it would be good if Kingston could find some attorneys and plaintiffs to bring the arguments she writes about, because those arguments might be the ones that get to the right judge and push him or her to void the laws.

But I invest time in other legal strategies aimed at the same result — getting a federal judge to rule on the constitutionality of the laws and regulations.

I think it’s important to try everything anyone can think of.

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The Cominarty was approved. But it was never used in the USA (I don't know where it was distributed). For the USA, it was a bait-and-switch. THAT is approved, hey, THIS is "just like" THAT, so we'll use THIS. And you get no protection from THIS, because THIS is not technically FDA approved. Because the BNwhatever was already widely distributed and "similar product," it was still distributed to Americans under the EUA. I think some military on foreign bases may have gotten Cominarty, and have the supposed recourse that FDA approval brings. Good luck with that. However, Katherine's work seems to say that use of the word "biosecurity" nullifies all rights. I'd think - especially in the military.

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