This write up is truly valuable. Thanks for laying out all the arguments so clearly. Conclusions excellent. So it then pits we the American people against ourselves and our own best interests? Not to mention the extenuating circumstances of bodily integrity and natural rights to life and liberty.

More convinced than ever that if anyone arranged this leak - seems entirely probable in current environment - it was the current "leaders" committed to the ultimate disruption and dissolution of we the American people and all imagined rights.

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The problem is with the moral frame of reference, or the lack thereof. If humans are animals, they can be treated like animals. If they have divine traits, then we go into religion and occult. "In God we trust", but want to behave as godless. Can this be resolved? Maybe, by letting individuals choose their belief system and live by it. But then comes the State that wants all of its godless power to itself and says "no way!"

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Abortion is among the most polarizing social issues, if not the most, in our time. It is nearly impossible for any government to mandate a policy that will satisfy most people.

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