This write up is truly valuable. Thanks for laying out all the arguments so clearly. Conclusions excellent. So it then pits we the American people against ourselves and our own best interests? Not to mention the extenuating circumstances of bodily integrity and natural rights to life and liberty.
More convinced than ever that if anyone arranged this leak - seems entirely probable in current environment - it was the current "leaders" committed to the ultimate disruption and dissolution of we the American people and all imagined rights.
I think the 1973 Roe decision was also part of the long-game for the globalists too. It came out of nowhere, in terms of common law and legal precedents, and its cultural effect was to erode dignity of human life and promote social divisions while simultaneously creating a source of human embryonic and fetal cells for biomedical research.
The timing is a tell - around that time a lot of major historical events happened: Nixon taking US dollar off of gold standard setting off five decades of financialization of economy (Wall St. up, Main St. down), Philip Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiments on obedience to authority to commit atrocities, War on Drugs started, leading to prison state expansion, Klaus Schwab set up World Economic Forum, Martin Seligman learned helplessness experiments, Club of Rome published Limits to Growth plan, WHO published a paper on virus and vaccine-associated immune disregulation, Alex Jan van deer Elb in Netherlands collected kidney cell line from live female embryo through abortion, Watergate, Henry Kissinger National Security Council memo re: population control, start of DARPA [correction: founded in 1958 as ARPA; renamed DARPA in 1972], and Richard Gardner, Council of Foreign Relations paper on the need to “end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece” to establish the New World Order for the elites.
Yes, and thank you for putting more learned details than I possess with what I've suspected. Knew I should have studied law and public policy, lol. Of course we have been set up and the sheer scope of the evil is way beyond the imaginative capabilities, let alone language and reasoning skills of most. Am always heartened by those who do realize and by the three dimensional skills of people like yourself. To mental modeling!
The problem is with the moral frame of reference, or the lack thereof. If humans are animals, they can be treated like animals. If they have divine traits, then we go into religion and occult. "In God we trust", but want to behave as godless. Can this be resolved? Maybe, by letting individuals choose their belief system and live by it. But then comes the State that wants all of its godless power to itself and says "no way!"
I've been intrigued (since reading about it last fall) by the Polish model of pluralistic Catholic Constitutional republican monarchy, developed between the Piast Pact with the Holy See in 990, the Pact with the Roman Catholic Primate of Poland as the Interrex of 1573, and the Pact with Mary as the Queen of Poland of 1655. Catholicism was the State religion, but the Constitution protected the civil rights of religious minorities.
It didn't last forever -- most political arrangements don't -- but I think of it as a possible model for whatever comes after the dysfunctional political system we have now.
It wasn't without the kinks, Jesuits trying to maintain the religious fervour at every turn, but still, it was a multi-religious society, no doubt, including Catholics, Orthodox, Uniats (Catholics of Eastern Rite), Muslims, Jews, Armenian Catholics...
Abortion is among the most polarizing social issues, if not the most, in our time. It is nearly impossible for any government to mandate a policy that will satisfy most people.
This write up is truly valuable. Thanks for laying out all the arguments so clearly. Conclusions excellent. So it then pits we the American people against ourselves and our own best interests? Not to mention the extenuating circumstances of bodily integrity and natural rights to life and liberty.
More convinced than ever that if anyone arranged this leak - seems entirely probable in current environment - it was the current "leaders" committed to the ultimate disruption and dissolution of we the American people and all imagined rights.
I think the 1973 Roe decision was also part of the long-game for the globalists too. It came out of nowhere, in terms of common law and legal precedents, and its cultural effect was to erode dignity of human life and promote social divisions while simultaneously creating a source of human embryonic and fetal cells for biomedical research.
The timing is a tell - around that time a lot of major historical events happened: Nixon taking US dollar off of gold standard setting off five decades of financialization of economy (Wall St. up, Main St. down), Philip Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiments on obedience to authority to commit atrocities, War on Drugs started, leading to prison state expansion, Klaus Schwab set up World Economic Forum, Martin Seligman learned helplessness experiments, Club of Rome published Limits to Growth plan, WHO published a paper on virus and vaccine-associated immune disregulation, Alex Jan van deer Elb in Netherlands collected kidney cell line from live female embryo through abortion, Watergate, Henry Kissinger National Security Council memo re: population control, start of DARPA [correction: founded in 1958 as ARPA; renamed DARPA in 1972], and Richard Gardner, Council of Foreign Relations paper on the need to “end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece” to establish the New World Order for the elites.
Yes, and thank you for putting more learned details than I possess with what I've suspected. Knew I should have studied law and public policy, lol. Of course we have been set up and the sheer scope of the evil is way beyond the imaginative capabilities, let alone language and reasoning skills of most. Am always heartened by those who do realize and by the three dimensional skills of people like yourself. To mental modeling!
And to index cards!
And sound tracks and life experience.
Agree very much with your conclusion - the leak is part of the overall psy-op and cultural destabilization program
The problem is with the moral frame of reference, or the lack thereof. If humans are animals, they can be treated like animals. If they have divine traits, then we go into religion and occult. "In God we trust", but want to behave as godless. Can this be resolved? Maybe, by letting individuals choose their belief system and live by it. But then comes the State that wants all of its godless power to itself and says "no way!"
I've been intrigued (since reading about it last fall) by the Polish model of pluralistic Catholic Constitutional republican monarchy, developed between the Piast Pact with the Holy See in 990, the Pact with the Roman Catholic Primate of Poland as the Interrex of 1573, and the Pact with Mary as the Queen of Poland of 1655. Catholicism was the State religion, but the Constitution protected the civil rights of religious minorities.
Wrote about it a bit here:
It didn't last forever -- most political arrangements don't -- but I think of it as a possible model for whatever comes after the dysfunctional political system we have now.
Yes, the high time to ask "what next"? As "what before" clearly failed us.
It wasn't without the kinks, Jesuits trying to maintain the religious fervour at every turn, but still, it was a multi-religious society, no doubt, including Catholics, Orthodox, Uniats (Catholics of Eastern Rite), Muslims, Jews, Armenian Catholics...
Abortion is among the most polarizing social issues, if not the most, in our time. It is nearly impossible for any government to mandate a policy that will satisfy most people.