Interesting read. I know where I was on July 2021. Solidly on the fence not willing to take the vaccine and not sure I wasn't making a mistake. And that was based on the science I had available to me at the time. I'd be very curious who constructed the MSU mandate policy. Did they have some round robin panel of medical experts to discuss the prevailing science? I very much doubt it. More likely an administrative decision based off CDC / FDA guidelines, certainly not science. The 'science' to require vaccination was certainly not there at that time. Certainly not for an employer, an employer!, to mandate a vaccination as a requirement for employment. Here the court cited Jacobson v. Massachusetts. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Massachusetts a state? I'm not saying there would never be a case where the state's interests would require vaccines. But it's not anything we've seen during covid. And a 'state' MSU is not! I've never understood where schools, public or private, had the authority to require these vaccines. If the state required it for schools, I could at least recognize the legal authority even though I'd be against it. I could be biased having been born in Michigan and never been a Spartans fan though.

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Best clues for the federal government views on this are the July 6, 2021 DOJ legal opinion by Deputy Attorney General Dawn Johnsen


And a series of Congressional Research Service reports by Attorney Wen W. Shen that started in May 2019. Links to a few of the many versions:




Short synopsis is that the federal executive branch might prefer to do one massive federal mandate for simplicity’s sake, but for purposes of diffusing responsibility and covering tracks — and because they couldn’t be sure Congress could pass a mandate through legislation — they instead framed the legal question as (paraphrasing) “Is there anything in US law that would prohibit any public or private entity from forcing medical treatments on people?”

They decided there wasn’t any impediment, because they destroyed informed consent laws.

And then they coerced military branches, hospital systems, local governments, states and public and private entities (universities, employers regulated by OSHA etc.) to coerce soldiers, employees and students, through federal funding withdrawal threats under Congress’s power under the Spending Clause:

“You do the mandates, or we’ll take away your federal money.”

{They also consider using the Commerce Clause, regulating interstate commerce, but they’re not sure they can get away with ordering individuals to engage in the commercial activity of receiving a specified medical treatment.}

The Spending Claus bit is basically the same coercion mechanism the Bank of International Settlements/WEF is using to coerce federal governments to play ball on the whole Covid-based totalitarian world government thing.

“Do what we say, or no more access to international financial system.”

All the way down to the employer level.

“Do what we say, or you’re fired and can’t pay your bills to keep your kids fed and a roof over your head.”

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Thank you Katherine for posting. Very helpful

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Wow...your message here confers a broader understanding of what is going on and very useful to send to friends and acquaintances....those who have no idea that governments down the chain are being blackmailed and why they are forced to comply.

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No consent for me and my family; I had a year starting in the early 2020 God telling me to [n]ot get the vaccine, most days before my feet hit the floor ■ Dr. Martin establishes this injection to be criminal and gene therapy with supporting dates and facts, along with witt of persuasive discernment


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TRAFFER wrote: Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Massachusetts a state? I'm not saying there would never be a case where the state's interests would require vaccines. But it's not anything we've seen during covid.

First I am not in a position to answer your questions as any kind of authority. Katherine Watt would be the best person I know of. Being bold at the moment I will express and opinion. NCLA has been active in the area since the Covid Jab rollout, defending those to skip the jab if they have natural immunity. This is only the latest court case. To support them to do this work (not rich just $20.00 here and there to NCLA). My memory is not clear about Massachusetts. But yes states have come out strongly with jab mandates. Calif is one.

There is a deep an nefarious reason for these jabs and bio weapons used on the public. Again I am not the one to speak on this. But there are those on Substack that are. '

Keep being curious and asking those questions. Dig for answers. My path is understanding what it means to be alive. I am digging back into Lynn Margulis to find those gems of wisdom she shared that set of the alarm bells in my mind as soon as they said they would have a genetherapy/jab solution for the Sars Cov 2 virus. Fraud was what first came to my mind. For me at least trying to understand the deep biology of the Earth and evolution that lead to me is how to navigate the madness of humans thinking they invented all this. When it comes to micro biology we copied from the microbes. The current jab is a virus of sorts.

Thanks for your comment and questions, they will cook in the back of my mind

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I remember Lynn. Is the question did we incorporate bacteria as mitochondria to power our bodies? Or do we exist solely to support mitochondria?

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As James Lovelock would say to the effect: When one looks closely at humans it is hard to say who made what. Are we created by the bacteria ...

Also Lynn Margulis talks about the oxygen holocaust. If my memory serves, she said that as hydrogen became scarce on Earth, bacteria (cyano bacteria being one) began cracking the water molecule, keeping the hydrogen and letting fly the oxygen. Oxygen is extremely toxic and corrosive stuff for life forms that existed for a billion years or more without it. Shortly so to speak the Earths atmosphere reached toxic levels of oxygen. So in order to survive bacteria had to come up with a solution. Multi cellular life that (if I remember mitocondria) metabolize with oxygen was the solution of which we are apart. Those same bacteria inhabit our gut now. I think you can see where the trail might lead.

Lynn Margulis warned against making war on bacteria. We are out of our depths. Still those super smart guys have declared war on bacteria. We will learn the hard way.

One more thought. It is the one I am looking for within Lynn's work. She is very clear that viruses originally come from bacteria. Here is the part I am trying to find (did I make this up???). I believe Lynn Margulis said viruses were also a communication method between bacteria. Think stranded on an island. You have one piece of paper a pencil and bottle to protect message. You write the message put in the bottle seal it and throw it into the ocean hoping one day some one reads it and saves you.

Well bacteria are a bit smarter than us. They encase the strand of DNA or RNA to protect from destruction via ultra violet and other catastrophes and send it. Another microbe picks it up. Reading it means running it in their system. But microbes invented CRISPER CAS 9. So if reading the stretch of code isn't anything the microbe is interested in, snip snip and that stops the message.

Much more she explains. One of the mind stretching realities of her work is that bacteria are about 3.5 billion years old. That is everyone that is alive today has a linage of life going back 3.5 billion years. That is because they divide and when a bacteria divides one cannot tell which is the original and which is the copy.

3.5 billion years. If there are Gods on this earth, these be them!

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Thank you ■ Photoed and shared

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Katherine, do you know of a man named Ehden? He published contracts early on. There are many redactions. Here is his website: https://senseofawareness.com/ His twitter speaks of the intersection of transhumanism with transgenderism: https://twitter.com/eh_den

The contracts he has show that each govt. must not only hold Pfizer harmless, they must defend them in any suit (using taxpayer funds of course). The military contract showed soldiers were to be used to determine doses (I presume, what will maim, what will kill?).

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in addition: "1) Does a government, which is the executive branch in democracy, have the right to make an obligation to restrict the legislative branch (the parliament), as well as restrict the Judiciary branch of democracy (courts)?

2) Can a government make an obligation to foreign entities that they will have a right to oversight and vet the decisions of the legislative branch (the parliament), as well as decide whether or not the decisions of the Judiciary branch of democracy (courts) are valid or not?"


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That is some cold hard truth right there.

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Unbelievable and grotesque. Made me think of this piece on Sri Lanka. George must be delighted men women and children will go hungry. https://www.commonsense.news/p/sri-lanka-just-fell-what-do-we-have?r=kmoyv&utm_medium=ios

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They are already hungry, thanks to madam superwoman activist vandana shiva too. A little experiment for the future.

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That's right. I hadn't connected the dots to her yet. Good one.

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"DR. DAVID MARTIN - MESSAGE FOR ALL NATIONS ■ It alleges that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau violated international biological weapons treaties, engaged in racketeering, collusion, federal restraint of trade violations, market sharing, antitrust violations - if not willfully reckless - mass murder."


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WHO Treaty in the making ■ https://www.brighteon.com/ddaab64a-3f5c-4ea4-93cd-17a0451d6ffd, Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger - WHO Pandemic Treaty - Important Update! - Maria Zeee (1 of 2)

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Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger - PART 2 Zombies, CERN Opening Demonic Portals, & How to Remove Nanotech from the Body! ■

Not a virus, it is a synthetic tech; injected have ID that strill transmits after death on bluetooth according to embalmers. GO, Graphene Oxide, can be reduced, it does receive and transmit code, even to another's body movements; zombie; the injected are challenged by lack of D3, the light within


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G3986 - peirasmos, experiment, attempt, trial, proving ■ 8I know thy works:, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.

9Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

10Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation/experiment,▪︎G3986 - peirasmos, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

11Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. Revelation 3:8-11, KJV, Blueletterbible

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Thanks for this great article.

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Jul 8, 2022
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Preach it

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