Katherine, please listen to this guy in Australia (click on SOURCE hyperlink I cannot copy video).


You have done us a HUGE good

in picking out the legislation that has been pushed through to render us slaves. But

I thought you might get a small boost from what this Australia politician says in this video. BECAUSE you were/are RIGHT and put your finger on exactly what has been done to us.

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Thank you!

Related - Sheila Hemphill of Texas Right to Know


presented my work to a Texas Senate Health and Human Services Committee meeting the other day and sent me the video link:


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This doctor writes an excellent blog with a few related articles: https://drjessesantiano.com/

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Any law passed by congress or declaration made by the President that hampers the agenda of the deep state can be bypassed by them. A good example is when Obama tried to curtail funding for biological weapons research and Fauci just moved the project to Wuhan and shifted funding there to pay for it. All of these 3 and 4 letter agencies serve as entry points into OUR government for corporate and other elite interests to take over, which is why they must all be dissolved.

In one of my early posts on this subject, I mentioned that Clinton had signed EO 13139. Thanks for highlighting it here.

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I have no doubt “Obama’s attempt to curtail funding for biological weapons” was controlled opposition, deliberately advertised to the public to throw everyone off the scent. He’s one of the most dangerous shills.

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Obama was one of the puppets, business as usual. He irritated me to the point that I couldn't pay much attention to him.

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EOs resemble the practice in communist countries, where edicts were issued in order to save time, because parliaments would have voted for the laws, anyway. That kind of resembles the way US legislators voted unanimously (with a single counter-vote) for sending $40b to one of the most corrupt regimes in the world. That alone shows whose country the US is now:


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The political, military and law enforcement corruption has always been there since the beginning of America. Its just escalated to the point of no return. Americans are about to understand that we are NOT the "exceptional" people so many of us arrogantly believe ourselves to be. We are NOT a better country nor are we a better people than the rest of the people in the world. We are an ignorant and severely indoctrinated, entitlement ridden people, who have been lied to since BIRTH, by the satanic driven elite entities that are running this nation and its people, into totalitarian enslavement. We are a cowardly people who have never, or at least not until now, experienced the raping, pillaging and sheer murderous horror rampages, the USA INC military complex, with its so called bullshit treasonous politicians and supposed leaders in all three of our nation's branches, have bestowed on all nations of the world. We, the so called American People, (Sheeple) have ALLOWED this vile, CORRUPT TO THE CORE, DEFACTO, "self enriching" "private for profit" "foreign owned & controlled" defacto corporation, answering to the USA INC, to take by force any resources and enrichments belonging to other nations, and CLAIM IT for themselves, and by We the People NOT stopping them, they accomplished these murderous atrocities and shameful outright thievery, all over the world, IN THE NAME OF OUR PEOPLE!

These satanic driven pieces of shit, fraudulently continue to call themselves our nation's legitimate and constitutional government of the United States of America comprised of, by and for the people. They are NOT! We are now going to have to pay the price for our willful ignorance and virtual STUPIDITY, because these same self serving elite bastards, have now brought the murdering and pillaging theft spree they have afforded the rest of the world, to America.

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It's even worse than you say.I was reading an interesting piece that questioned wether the States is truly independent of British rule, the tie up had something to do with Washington DC and the British crown I believe 🇬🇧🇺🇸👍

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The Royal Scam

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You are so correct! We have NEVER been free from the Crown!

The answer to to your question regarding our Independence (which we do NOT have) after the Revolutionary War can be found in the very text of the bullshit "Treaty of Peace" of 1763. George Washington NEVER declared us the victors in writing, after the Revolutionary War against England ended. Was it done on purpose? I beg to say yes since Washington, along with many of the other leaders of that time, had riches and land in England they did not want taken from them by the King. That is the real reason behind that treaty came about. If you read the treaty's entire text, you will clearly see that there is a blurb in it which contains the statement that Prince Elector remains in FULL control, of the United States of America. The Definitive Treaty of Peace 1783 (Article 10)

" In the Name of the most Holy & undivided Trinity.

It having pleased the Divine Providence to dispose the Hearts of the most Serene and most Potent Prince George the Third, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Duke of Brunswick and Lunebourg, Arch- Treasurer and Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire etc.. and of the United States of America, to forget all past Misunderstandings and Differences that have unhappily interrupted the good Correspondence and Friendship which they mutually wish to restore; and to establish such a beneficial and satisfactory Intercourse between the two countries upon the ground of reciprocal Advantages and mutual Convenience as may promote and secure to both perpetual Peace and Harmony; Article 10th:

The solemn Ratifications of the present Treaty expedited in good & due Form shall be exchanged between the contracting Parties in the Space of Six Months or sooner if possible to be computed from the Day of the Signature of the present Treaty. In witness whereof we the undersigned their Ministers Plenipotentiary have in their Name and in Virtue of our Full Powers, signed with our Hands the present Definitive Treaty, and caused the Seals of our Arms to be affixed thereto.

Done at Paris, this third day of September in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three.






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Thank you so much.Nothing in this world is as it appears, I find it constantly fascinating and a little scary at times.What you say fits with a random article I came across🤔 I have been wondering wether alot of the global chaos that started in 2019 was actually rooted in the 🇬🇧.

The UK has been setting itself up as a global hub for gene therapy products and the fourth industrial revolution for 5 years or more. Brexit and much more could all fit into this narative 🍻🍻👍

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I wonder how many military people realize they are guinea pigs. and now three quarters of the American population are guinea pigs...

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Actually, they are now victims and I doubt it has ever been otherwise... The lethal injections have been developed and tested in secret labs worldwide for decades. They act EXACTLY as expected...

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Ingrid, go watch this (click on SOURCE link).



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there are lots of people known and unknown working on this. They are few and we are many ! Thanks Duchess !

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Thanks for this information. We know we have been on a long slippery slope to Fascism but at times we become even more aware of how long, three dimensional and intentional it has been from the beginning.

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The slippery slope has nearly ended, and it's anything but Fascism. Fascists at least did not want to kill off their own followers as Stalin did. Technocratic globalist mass murderers might be a better term than Fascist, especially because the latter has become a cuss word without any realistic meaning. Franco despised Hitler, because Franco preferred raw force over populism! Who is the Fascist and in what sense? :)

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As any language does, words get distorted by all kinds of deceptions, I prefer “fascist” because the actual definition and practices depend on a huge Corporatocracy. My spell checker may balk at spitting this term out but it the real deal.

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Aug 25, 2022·edited Aug 25, 2022

“Be sure your sin will find you out”……there awaits judgment for all the miscreants. Can’t come soon enough!

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Thank you for the accurate and exhaustive information!

It is amazing that people were and still are, theoretically, allowed to refuse to be maimed/killed with injections without being on death row. Of course, poisonings are now coming from several sources:



and the delivery systems are ever-expanding:


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Well, another reason to hate Bill Clinton. Deregulate media to give us the prestige media squawking whatever the Intelligence community, DOD and Wall Street tell them. Deregulate the banks to give us the Masters of the Universe who no doubt helped plan the plandemic. Throw half of black men in jail for minor offenses and then set the stage for the race hatred of the day and the woke revolution. A sexual predator of underage girls with his good buddy Jeffery Epstein. I feel like I am forgetting something?

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This is unconscionable!

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"In October 1998, they simply relabelled the illegal DOD biological and chemical weapons stockpile as a “protective purposes” strategic pharmaceutical stockpile ..."

Yes, some time shortly after this date I heard about that action through a college of pharmacy associate whose family members had been physicians in the US Military services all the way back into World War II, one of which was involved in the Japanese Unit 731 post war "evaluation."

I was actually impressed that some of the professors were among the strongest critics of this action and others associated with it, so much so that I contacted some of them myself and even got drafted into composing a letter to South Carolina Senator Strom Thurmond about the foolishness of these actions.

One reason they lobbied me to write Senator Thurmond was I had personally interacted with him during the late 70s (as a student) about a medical informational outreach effort regarding inflationary pressures on the cost of health care, especially projected increases in drugs.

Amazingly, I actually heard back from the senator's staff who actually invited me to Washington DC, however I was unable to attend, as I was changing employers, states, as well as procuring a Georgia license to go with my two others.

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Aug 25, 2022·edited Aug 25, 2022

It is truly insane that this has been in the works for decades. Silently chipping away, one cabalist, globalist president after the next, pretending to hate each other but sitting in board rooms together strategizing our demise to this day. Each administration just placed one cog in the wheel. On issues of no state importance— solely a Machiavellian agenda.

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I consider myself lucky. I served on active duty for close to 35 years, and I well remember the anxiety we felt when the anthrax vaccines were being rolled out. At the time, the vaccines were only required if we were deploying to combat zones (as I remember). They did not force vaccines on us if we remained in garrison. It is chilling to me to read about that vaccine program, and to know, now that we can easily see how evil our institutions can be, that I was more than fortunate, and I will go to my grave being grateful I never had to take those shots.

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I find it extraordinary that nowhere is there any mention of the need to strengthen natural immunity by ensuring Vitamin D repletion prior to vaccination. It is elementary that blood 25 OHD3 levels should be increased to a minimum of 50 ng/ml before any vaccination of any type, because simultaneous recruitment of natural immunity must be associated with degradation of 1,25OHD by 24hydroxylase, which is one of the enzymes induced by vitamin D receptor activation.. This would be easily and safely achieved with a bolus dose of 100,000 Units, or 2 doses of 50,000 Units each a week apart.

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