I don’t think there’s much value in trying to convince those who believe the government and corporate narratives about Covid, testing and case counts, masks, lockdowns and ‘vaccines,’ that their views are wrong and dangerous to others.
They might emerge from the fog themselves sooner or later, or they might not.
I’m interested in finding and working creatively with more people who are already outside the Covid-narrative and are looking for ways to make life out here better.
I think there’s value in trying to set up some grassroots local systems for connecting sick people with nurses and doctors who leave the corporate system because they can’t be a part of the corruption, lying and coercion anymore, but still have knowledge of human nutrition, wellness and healing that they want to share.
Similarly, I think there’s value in trying to set up some grassroots local systems for connecting kids and parents with teachers who leave the public school system because they also can’t be a part of the corruption, lying and coercion anymore, but still have knowledge of human history, literature, mathematics, music, art and science that they want to share.
I’ve thought that setting up local systems for the production and exchange of basic human goods and services was a useful project for a very long time, worked along those lines for a couple of decades, but got extremely disoriented by the deliberate, coordinated, comprehensive government-corporate abuse and attack on civilians that happened during the lockdown/masking/medical coercion phase.
I have a little hope that I’m starting to find my footing again as we move into the next few phases of the crises.
I’m not a nurse or a doctor, and I’m not a teacher.
I’m an observant critical thinker who is capable (when not paralyzed by fear) of collecting and distributing information about which people are newly interested in working directly with which other people, outside the corporate health care system and outside the public school system, to start making more functioning alternatives to join the independent healers, charter schools and homeschooling organizations already in place.
We need more of them locally, more ways for more people to connect to them, more close-by places for them to work and more locally-controlled systems for the exchange of money among them so they can earn a living.
I don’t know exactly what these grassroots connections will look like.
I don’t know if it’s too soon to try to bring more of them into being.
One way to find out: please spread the word if you think now is a good time to make more of these grassroots connections and I can help.
Contact information is here, and after initial contact by email or regular mail, I can be reached by phone and in-person as well.
If you’re happy with how things are going under the current leadership and systems in corporations and government, please don’t contact me.
This is a project for the people who are unhappy with how things are going.
Pilot project will close on or about September 7 with a post here at Bailiwick about whether there was any positive interest from local independent-minded nurses, doctors, teachers, patients, parents and students, and if so, what kinds of next steps those people are interested in seeing.