Excellent article! "advanced and continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing" - Pfizer has been doing this since 2021. They have lots exceeding 5 million doses which are produced over a period of 6 months or more. A lot is supposed to be a single production run which is a few hours to maybe a 24 hr period for mRNA. As usual, first they commit a crime at large scale, then legislate it.

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"first they commit a crime at large scale, then legislate it"

That phrase sums up all history textbooks of all levels.

History students and Poltical Science students are dying to but a t-shirt with that phrase.

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"…Biological weapons are unpredictable in their effects and of limited value in combat. Since cheating under a BW Convention could not yield significant military advantages to the cheating party, a ban on biological weapons without verification of compliance was considered by the negotiators to be free of serious security risks."

This appears to be arguing that (impossible) compliance regimens would be redundant since bioweapons cannot be unilateral - they will harm the developer state just as much as the enemy.

I think it's valuable to be skeptical of the narratives that take pandemics as inevitable absent any pretext besides influenza, which is a very specific virus with an established and semi-regular history going back centuries.

For the same reason, skepticism is valuable for claims in the opposite direction. Humans only started being able to manipulate a wider pallet of viruses in the 90s (i.e., before then it was just forcing flu recombs with antibody+temperature passage, cool work but very crude). So, to quote comments from the 90s about what is possible in biowarfare is like quoting a renaissance cannon-maker's opinion on guided rockets.

The evidence needs to be handled objectively and provisionally, without nihilistic proclamations based on untested theories like Couey trades in. The evidence points to SARS-CoV-2 being pretty good at making people sick - certainly the immune systems of children and most young adults can handle it, but adults depend on actual immune memory for protection, they don't just ride around meeting viruses for the first time all day. They are vulnerable. That doesn't mean we had a "pandemic" per se, at least not until December 2021 which is when people really start to get sick everywhere all at once instead of just here and there.

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I realize that’s the impression the authors wanted to give (that the inevitable blowback of infectious organisms makes it intrinsically bilateral or multilateral). I just think that’s a false impression that was in the killers’ interests to give, so as to create the fear conditions for the injectable biochemical weapons.

Re: Couey, I don’t find all of his claims as plausible as his hypothesis about purified clones dispersed to drive convergent PCR testing data, to drive the initial fraud, which could then be perpetuated with testing protocols that identified any coronavirus fragment from any wild-type immune response, as Covid-19 or a subsequent variant.

And re: the Dec. 2021 turning-point, accepting it as true for the sake of argument, I interpret that as the point at which the population-wide damage to immune systems - from the first two or more doses of the weapons — converged with the circulating wild-type variants and any additional dispersals of purified clones, such that people after Dec. 2021 got sicker because their immune systems and detox systems had been compromised, especially with respect to coronavirus components (ie. Spike protein), not because the variants in circulation were any more intrinsically harmful than the ordinary range of wild-type coronaviruses endemic in human populations prior to the injections.

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100%. Denis Rancourt and his team have proved that there was no pandemic. Most of the initial deaths early on were murder by hospital protocol, as described in "Undercover Epicenter Nurse". Fear is the driving force. JJ Couey is spot-on; Michael Yeadon, PhD and former VP of Pfizer, agrees.

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I don't dispute that mistreatment led to more deaths. But just showing that some deaths in some places - especially the example of "just NYC/UK in spring 2020" were probably exaggerated and possibly outright-caused by protocols is not the same as showing the virus cannot kill unassisted. As a metaphor, I could claim to prove that rain is not real by showing a picture of someone watering their lawn. In fact, this person pouring water on the ground at this one time and place does not mean it doesn't rain, and should not be confused for proof of the same.

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Point taken. The virus was easily stopped by off-the-shelf, decades old, trusted meds. In the case of "Undercover Epicenter Nurse", ALL of her patients died because of the protocol - she had to take time off to sleep; when she returned to work - her stabilized patient(s) were killed by combinations of remdesiver and morphine. We are smack in the middle of a global eugenics program. Ed Dowd's work shows a minimum of 600,000 people murdered in the USA by the shot. Dr.Denis Rancourt's team showed that over 13 million people globally have been murdered by the shots - not covid. Finally, look at the Ethical Skeptics analysis and his charts of cancers - the spike was designed to accelerate cancers and a host of other horrible diseases ( See Walter Chesnut's work on SubStack ) - people continue to die from the shots they got 2 years ago.

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Fine, but I can show cases where patients died on HCQ instead of remdesivir. More important seems to be failure to treat early. After that, some number of older adults whose immune systems mount a slow response experience lung injury and low blood oxygen (ARDS) as well as clotting cascades.

What is the share of virus (+mistreatment) vs. vax on excess deaths is an interesting question, though again the evidence mostly points to virus, and Dowd is not convincing of otherwise. And, again, this doesn't support the notion that there was a big emergency we needed to freak out about. Actual death rates in a lot of places in 2020/2021 were same as they had been 20 years earlier in 2000, not the middle ages.

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We agree to disagree. Dowd's analysis is spot-on. 600,000 + murdered via the shots, so far, in the USA. I agree that there was no pandemic or emergency.... yet we are still under EUA.....Peace.

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The trial in UK testing HCQ gave fatal doses to the test subjects. No accident. There seem to be 2 schools of thought: yours, arguing that virus could have killed a lot. others who think isolated pockets got some pathogen that was released in certain areas. Does it matter? when we know the response has been like a Eugenicist's dream?

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HCQ is neuro-toxic and frankly I question it's use. I have said it seems to reduce fever but whether that is really of any use is debatable.

Ivermectin on the other hand is essentially an antioxidant and helpful, albeit there are other perfectly good alternatives such as vitamin C.

The 'flu or COVID 19 as it is now know is a chemical imbalance, not an alien bug.

Treating this imbalance is the key and neuro-toxic drugs just suppress pain and do not resolve the issues.



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The so-called virus is the 'flu re-branded to make more money for big pharma.

What is seen through the electron microscope is the exosome part of the body's defense system.

What happened at Wuhan was a con, it was atmospheric pollution causing severe respiratory disease, ignorance and gullibility did the rest combined with the lying propaganda.




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Midazolam murderers and a tainted flu vaccine all the countries that got the new flu vaccines were the ones hit first,you need to go back to 2009 in the Ukraine with the warning from Joseph Moshe where he withstood 5 gallons of C's spray and tear gas all while keeping his hands on the wheel after giving a radio talk about what was going on , Timothy Cunningham CDC warning about dodgy flu shots got him whacked, the midazolam murderers have been going on for well over a decade old folks homes with 200 beds where the average stay before death was 4 days had a turnover of 7-800 people a year every year, a sick world we inhabit ,eat your 5 veg a day so we can kill you of after the staff beat you up and rob you first

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On a visit to my doctor who was dressed like a butcher mask cape and face visor, I produced a capsule of amoxicillin and a magnet picking up the dark end with the magnet I asked him to explain that and was instantly asked to leave, 30 minutes later I posed the same question to a pharmacist and got the same reaction from him as he sped away from me ,I am not the sharpest tool in the box but I know fear when I see it Dr Andreas Noack did not kill himself and the 100 aids researchers on the Malaysia plane that went missing or the vast numbers of holistic doctors who are being killed in weird surcumstances show that this is a big club at work Luic Monsieur wrote a interesting paper about teleporting viruses with frequency about 2015 it was way above my pay grade but I am sure there are keen eyes here , I am still amazed at the experiment with a magnet and a pool of graphene I saw in a video ,one second it was a small pool in the middle of a empty tank then when a magnet was put half way up the tank it looked like a mace ball with spikes from the middle ages,real scary stuff Katherine

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OMG! I've read on other substacks info/suggestions that graphene might be in some of the pharma pills and/or even supplements.

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Since 2018 pork has been injected with the MRNA that humans are getting, then the chickens now the cows ,where a third of the herd instantly fell dead then the Chinese announced that they had used mice and fed them MRNA altered rice , Bill Gates bought up that farmland for a reason ,milk ,GMO corn and what else is going in our food

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At times I have found the theory that pandemic dangers and lab leaks have been hyped to prompt over-reaction (including injections) a plausible one. Now I mostly think the dangers are hyped because in the short term it pays to hype them, both in research and defense; and lab leak is hyped to some extent to hangout / distract from intentional release.

The hype remains hype if attributing excess mortality to the virus and/or accepting official Covid death stats (if anything, they seem like undercounts). Measured as a percentage of population it is still nothing. Mortality rates simply returned to where they had been a few years prior, so this is obviously not an emergency. IMO, this perspective provides a more robust and simpler argument for resisting "countermeasures" and media-political terrorism, but at the same time, I don't want to pretend like I have Godlike knowledge that the virus really was what did all the killing. That's just where the evidence mostly points to.

Tests for SARS-CoV-2 lighting up for generic coronaviruses is an extremely over-burdened theory, when you compare it to how the tests performed IRL. I.e. if you spot-check discrete results that came out of tests, and try to explain how those discrete results could happen if the test was just detecting some random other virus, it requires magic or total worldwide fraud. And if there's total worldwide fraud, then you don't need the test to light up from background viruses anyway. You just light them up for nothing.

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Seems to me that nobody wants to say this:

"We really don't know what happened, and virtually all of our data is garbage."

Not only do we not know, but our gnarled STEM brains broke a long time ago, and we had to pick a theory and publicly roll with it. As such, confounding information to the theory that we picked will be viewed with hostility.

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The data is "garbage" in the sense that testing contexts vary, so what PCR+ tells you can sometimes be poisoned by telling you extra things, i.e. PCR+ tells you someone was tested and people sick for other stuff were tested so amounts of sick for other stuff isn't related to the virus as much as to being tested. PCR+ tells you someone was tested because they wanted to be tested (vs. groups that don't). You don't want to go overboard with conclusions. But even in these contexts you have observations that can't be explained unless the positive tests almost all mean infected to begin with (very few false positives). The people testing positive today do not re-test positive in the future, even though remaining in the same context of having been more likely to be tested today (i.e. something about them made them likely to be tested in the first place vs. background). This, again, can't be explained unless 1) PCR works 2) Magic 3) Widespread worldwide fraud that doesn't require any "gimmicks" or "gotchas" with PCR specificity.

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It's not just PCR. It's all of it. Soup to nuts. People. I note that STEMs laser in one aspect that they are knowledgeable about and extrapolate like motherfuckers. I did get one to agree that every single piece of data was compromised.

Since this dude makes his bones analyzing data, what to do?

I'll tell you what to do. Just keep going. Just keep pretending.

There are too many variables that cannot be controlled for to arrive at any conclusions.

For ex. People who got plenty sick and never went to the doctor and never got tested.

People who were injured and never got their VAERS reports filed.

We just don't know.

The trials were rigged.

Sasha says up to 1000% difference in manufacturing qualities.

Never mind that the Expert Class don't agree with each other on anything.

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Analytical vs holistic thinking. I tend toward holistic, like most people receptive to conspiracy theories. Again when it comes to PCR I'm not arguing for rampant extrapolation. Rather, if I want to investigate whether PCR is picking up background regular old viruses, I can go look at real-world performance. Does "PCR+ today = less likely to PCR+ tomorrow" make sense if all PCR+ today means is I've got a background virus? Does the fact that for the whole world, this stopped being true when SARS-CoV-2 mutated to Omicron. No, it would require magic or worldwide fraud to explain this. So you can throw out Couey's theory because it isn't compatible with PCR performance, that's all.

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If there was world wide fraud, the powers that be could set the PCR testing parameters.

No test is 100% accurate and the trouble with PCR is that by increasing the number of chain reaction cycles, the less accurate the test became and the more likely it was to pick up irrelevant and non-infectious pieces of nucleic acid. The increased number of cycles also considerably increased the risk from sample contamination.

That is without even taking into account that the "Covid19 virus" was never isolated, anyway!

Before COVID, the DNA sampling industry was limited to working on the medical samples to which it could gain access, together with voluntary DNA samples which an individual might offer if they passed a sample to a genealogy site to determine their family history, for example.

COVID-19 PCR tests, undertaken by millions of people, have changed this dearth of DNA data to a flood of data. And that data is worth a lot.

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A list of quibbles. I can make a list of quibbles about dog ownership. Does that mean anything about whether dogs "work".

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The PCR tests are typically 90% false positives. Dr. Kerry Mullis, inventor of PCR, said it should never be used to test for infection of anything. Fauci did just that during the AIDS years, testing people for HIV, which does not cause aids, and then giving asymptomatic people AZT, one of the deadliest drugs ever made. It's no accident that the initial work of the German Corona committee was based on the fraudulent Drosten PCR test - they used PCR to drive fear to get people into hospitals, and then to give up all their rights and roll up their sleeves for the bioweapon injection.

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Yes, you are completely correct about the PCR test--in fact, in Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's initial presentation, he put the rate of false positives even higher.

fwiw - Here are some links I collected on the scientifically fraudulent PCR test:

Bulgarian Pathology Association: Covid-19 PCR Tests Are Scientifically Meaningless https://bpa-pathology.com/covid19-pcr-tests-are-scientifically-meaningless/

Covid-19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless https://www.globalresearch.ca/covid19-pcr-tests-scientifically-meaningless/5717253

Asymptomatic 'Casedemic' Is a Perpetuation of Needless Fear https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/11/19/covid-testing-fraud-fuels-casedemic.aspx The PCR test is not designed to be used as a diagnostic tool as it cannot distinguish between inactive viruses and “live” or reproductive ones. Amplification over 35 cycles is considered unreliable and scientifically unjustified. Dr. Anthony Fauci has admitted the chances of a positive result being accurate at 35 cycles or more “are minuscule.” Yet the CDC, FDA and WHO all recommend using 40 to 45 cycles.

COVID-19 Testing Scandal Deepens https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/12/18/pcr-test-reliability.aspx

Former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says "Second Wave" Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, "Pandemic is Over" https://hubpages.com/politics/Pfizer-Chief-Science-Officer-Second-Wave-Based-on-Fake-Data-of-False-Positives-for-New-Cases-Pandemic-is-Over

Covid-19 Test is Scientific Fraud https://wickedtruths.org/en/covid-19-test-is-scientific-fraud

NY TIMES: Up to 90% Who’ve Tested COVID-Positive Wrongly Diagnosed! TRUTH: A Whole Lot Worse! https://jamesfetzer.org/2020/10/ny-times-up-to-90-whove-tested-covid-positive-wrongly-diagnosed-truth-a-whole-lot-worse/

COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter https://off-guardian.org/2020/06/27/covid19-pcr-tests-are-scientifically-meaningless/

WHO Finally Admits PCR Tests Create False Positives https://www.sott.net/article/445941-WHO-finally-admits-PCR-tests-create-false-positives

The PCR False Positive Pseudo-Epidemic https://www.sott.net/article/445063-The-PCR-False-Positive-Pseudo-Epidemic

National Security Alert: COVID Tests Scientifically Fraudulent, Epidemic of False Positives President Trump Must Take Immediate Action


Ten Fatal Errors Scientists Attack Paper That Established Global PCR Driven Lockdown https://uncoverdc.com/2020/12/03/ten-fatal-errors-scientists-attack-paper-that-established-global-pcr-driven-lockdown/

Dr Clare Craig: “We Are In A False Positive Pseudo-Epidemic” https://lockdownsceptics.org/dr-clare-craig-false-positive-pseudo-epidemic-coronavirus-testing-pcr-lateral-flow/

The PCR False Positive Pseudoepidemic https://lockdownsceptics.org/the-pcr-false-positive-pseudo-epidemic/

PCR Based Covid Testing Has Failed Us https://lockdownsceptics.org/pcr-based-covid-testing-has-failed-us/

The Real Pandemic Is An Outbreak of PCR Testing https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/12/17/the-real-pandemic-is-an-outbreak-of-pcr-testing/

WHO (finally) admits PCR tests create false positives Warnings concerning high CT value of tests are months too late…so why are they appearing now? The potential explanation is shockingly cynical. https://off-guardian.org/2020/12/18/who-finally-admits-pcr-tests-create-false-positives/

Dr Mike Yeadon - PCR Testing is a waste of time https://www.bitchute.com/video/a6oTFAUfO7Sa/

External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results. https://cormandrostenreview.com/report/

And here's an old one I found from Dr. Yeadon--Years ago, Dartmouth Medical Center thought it had an epidemic of whooping cough, but the CDC got involved and found there to be ZERO cases of whooping cough. So what caused the illusion of an epidemic? The PCR test:

Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t


(I collected lots of links during operation covid hoax- I also have a lot on the asymptomatic transmission lie, bogus death counts, media lies, no isolation/no Kochs postulates, etc.)

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Very impressive Sandra, thank you for sharing.

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Thanks very much Sandra. Peace.

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great research sandra! thanks!

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Kary, not Kerry :-D

go read these:



There was a documentary about Halton Arp (the red shift cosmological controversy) where Kary Mullis appeared. I have lost the link.

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Thank you. Peace. :-)

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PCR is just bacterial proteins and nucleic acids subjected to different temperatures. PCR accuracy is determined by nature, not the so-called human who "invented" putting these molecules together.

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So the guy who invented PCR and won the Nobel prize for it did not understand his own invention? PCR accuracy is most certainly NOT determined by nature. The primers chosen can basically give you any "result" you so desire. Covid is 100% criminal fraud - it is a business model, shoved into place without consideration of people's health. Covid is mass-murder; intentionally planned for decades.

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"The primers chosen can basically give you any "result" you so desire" - correct, including an accurate test for an infection. If you want to say the tests were intentionally made promiscuous, or the results are just total fakes delivered on the internet, fine, you can say that. But there is no relevance to what Mullis said. If the inventor of bikes said they don't work I can still ride bikes. You don't tell me anything true by quoting him.

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Do you remember this video from March 23d, 2020?


Ioannidis saying then what you are writing now.

No one wanted to listen, it seems.

I think this was political from the beginning, in summer 2019.

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Right, that was always the most important point - getting infected doesn't actually change your overall risk of dying at all. This was borne out in follow-up work, I used to have the link. This makes sense because, guess what, the world is already full of things that can make you sick, this is just one more. The difference is only visible in statistics and real life it just goes on like (20 years ago) normal.

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If getting infected doesn't change risk of dying, as many of these so called harmful viruses.

Epstein Barr is reported to have infected 80% of people but only a small fraction of them have issues... Hmmm

We learned that the average age of "cv19" death is a bit above life expectancy in most nations... Average Years of life lost due to the disease is pretty much a wash... Meaning no effect on life expectancy.

Why is this virus the focus of the cause of disease and not many other factors?

In 2018, my father had identical symptoms, a cough that progressed into low oxygen which hospitalized him. Luckily he survived with oxygen, no ventilator protocol crap.

It wasn't until covid that I started to ask him questions about that year. He was perfectly fine right before and after the event.

It turns out he got some shots a month before, flu and some booster shot for seniors. Recently I've learned that flu shots are still healthily fortified with wonderful aluminum, among other wonderful toxins.

What I do know is that even the Spanish flu was not really caused by a virus but the treatments, like overuse of aspirin, which can cause pneumonia.

With polio, the ignored factor was the use of DDT and arsenic based pesticides.

Seasonality of respiratory diseases like the flu and cold have another clue. Our winter flu doesn't travel to the southern hemisphere, despite air travel.

Their winter flu doesn't come to us.

The equator has a flat line of sickness through the year.

In a mostly indoor society with already low vitamin D levels, winter creates dangerously low levels of D.

Recall that it was thought scurvy was transmissible until later realizing it was a deficiency of vitamin C.

My problem is that virology leads to the medical system ignoring other factors of disease. I see the viruses detected as the RESULT of cell damage, not the cause. But even that is iffy, since there are a lot of infected that have no issues. So what exactly are these antibody and PCR tests measuring?

Here's a good video about the debate of the real cause of disease.


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They didn't give aspirin to pigs that got sick in 1918. lol

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*Anything* hyped by media cartels should be viewed with suspicion for that reason.

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Thank heaven for sensible commentary on this whole psyops or what ever they call it.

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Yes, Katherine is the best!! A warrior and hero for the TRUTH!!

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Apr 24, 2023
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This meeting is news to me, I wasn't invited, so I don't think I will be there as I am going biking now :)

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Apr 24, 2023
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Sasha and I both pre-recorded our segments of that event. I think the recording will be available tomorrow (April 25).

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yes, that was the pre-recorded one, Thanks for pointing out!

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Ah! I realized now what was that link about based on Katherine's answer - yes I wasn't available to do it live and had to pre-record.

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Thanks. I don't think I can making the timing work. Do you know if that is going to get posted later for those not available at that time?

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Apr 24, 2023
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Okay. thanks!

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Thanks Dave

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Yes it is and NOBODY has authorization. This country has no leaders, it really never did but no elected ones

Many Politicians and government appointees jobs at risk for not signing Oath of Office to protect the Constitution:

On Friday, a bunch of politicians and appointees had been NOTIFIED that their documentation and certification for taking the Oath of Office … (which is REQUIRED … for all office holders, whether they are elected or appointed)…. Was NOT on filed.

They had been FOIA-ed and could not produce those documents.

There might be a ceremonial taking of the Oath when a person takes office, but it MUST be followed up with a signed and notarized written Oath that is FILED correctly.

The penalty for violating the Oath of Office is perjury.

FACT: Signing these documents is MANDATORY.

FACT: They must certify their oath BEFORE they begin the duties of their office.

And the signed document must be Witnessed…. By the Notary who puts their seal on it… and filed correctly

People like the head of the CDC, and Secretary of the Army, etc. need that signed Oath.

The breaking news also said that Vice President Kamala Harris did not certify and file her Oath of Office.

She was put on NOTICE in the last 48 hours…. That she has 10 days to get that done, she is out of office.

I have been going over this with other people in the legal arena.

The reality is… anything these uncertified people have done up until that documentation is filed correctly…is NOT LEGAL.

Mon. 17 April Ann Vandersteel: Do we have Public servants in office right now acting as ‘elected officials’ without swearing allegiance to the Constitution? Immediately terminate positions for those who cannot produce an affidavit swearing allegiance to the Constitution: https://twitter.com/annvandersteel/status/1646654916532789248

For those individuals who have failed or refused to produce an affidavit as required by 5 U.S. Code, Section 3332, demand that those persons provide the U.S. Attorney and this Court with the compulsory affidavit within ten (10) days. For those individuals who do not produce the 5 U.S. Code, Section 3332 affidavit within ten (10) days as described above; as well as, those who have admitted they do not possess the requested affidavit and those who have produced defective affidavits:

a. Immediately terminate their appointments or positions;

b. Render all official acts, bills, laws, regulations, or any official actions whatsoever, including the appointment of any subordinates void ab initio and;

c. Replace and restore all proper, former office holders until competent replacements can be lawfully appointed.

A Writ of Quo Warranto [Document shown – Case Number 2023] to the U.S. Attorney in the District of Columbia…Petitioner-In Re: LISA MCGEE…stating that ‘Numerous Oaths of Office CANNOT be found on file for many of our federal officials including:

1. U.S. Vice President, Kamala Harris

2. Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin III

3. Director of Center of Disease Control and of Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Rocheli Walensky

4. U.S. Secretary of Treasury, Janet Yellen

5. U.S. Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm

6. FDA’s Principal Deputy Commissioner Janet Woodcock

7. U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Beuerra

8. U.S. Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg

9. Secretary of State Antony Blinken

10. Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Maynrkas

11. Secretary of Commerce, Gina M. Raimondo

12. Department of Justice, Attorney General Merrick Garland

13. Commissioner of Food and Drug Administration, Robert M. Califf M.D.

14. Secretary of Labor, Marty Walsh

15. Deputy Secretary of Labor, Julie Su

Someone said people were too afraid to step up for fear of J6 arrests. Do you want your Republic back? Be bold Nobody is in charge the cia, fbi, FEMA have shown that they are rogue. Power returns to you and me. Grab it. Two weeks a march or something WITH GUNS.

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Wow! This is remarkable information. Anyone else in any other job would be gone. 10 days to comply is too long.

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And they've been in there since 2021! I agree about 10 days. The 10 days are up on the 29th.

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How can anything they gave at point be consider legal? Valid?

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Legal or valid is up to you now. That's where the power is in Dr. Linda's hands and YOUR hands.

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Thank you so much for posting on this. I just learned about this from listening to SGT report with Todd Callender as a guest:


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It was in the Times (not the NYT) also. And a few other newsletters.

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Probably the Washington Times, my friend has a subscription.

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This smacks of diabolical disorientation!

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To say the very least. Disoriented, they can do more. But the unsigned oaths, look them up. I think it's article 3332. While it does give them an extra 30 days to sign and notarize, that's all.

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just excellent Katherine, as always!!!

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Well it's about time I finally found someone that actually gets it.

They couldn't create a global pandemic so:

They had to pretended there was a deadly, rampant new virus.

Make this virus appear to be as deadly as a Sarin gas attack (videos from China and the media frenzy)

Rebadge the most common ailment across the world, cold/flu, as it's symptoms

Barely let it be known that the cure/vaccine is based on a different technology to the usual

Deliberate deception the whole way.

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Dear Heavily Vaccinated,

You’ve Become

Your Own Worst Enemy.

You Are Fighting Yourself Now.

We Call You:

“Loss of Function Research”

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what if daszak and baric were patsies?

during the early days of the psy-op in 2020, robert malone admitted that the mrna based genetic engineering has been an epic fail.

what if the lethal covid injection campaign was to set up a phony messianic crispr shot campaign? free for everyone who took the pfizer shot! look, it's the fountain of youth! you can eat the bugs and they won't give you cancer, honest!

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dual use scientist/patsy?

sure, why not

they are not that smart, lol!

no one who tries to give power to tyrants and kill people is smart if you think about it.

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collaborators are a short term rental. the cabal knows they can't be trusted

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by the way, we also miss you at Sage's comment section.

a bunch of good commenters have left

I can imagine why

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KW, I apologize, and delete this if you wish:

Sage Hana

just now


Why would I email you? You are already trampling around to another Stack, a person that I know! And making lots of insinuations. Why? Because of Christine? Forget that.

They feel left out because SH reached out to a guy with a history of doxxing people and attendance at Puerto Rico Conference (which Alexander says was pedo related) and this guy had a background in blockchain and Human Genome Project with a bioweapon building wife...

And the Stack reached out to research and used some pedestrian methods to glean info....(and we DID) and then Kampfire Math Boy lost his shit because I didn't want to cover Stew Peters the way he wanted.

And then doxxed a wholly unrelated person which Bob Malone then used to also dox a wholly unrelate person?

They left b/c of that> Then get the fuck on out.

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Here is the whole conversation started by Sage commenting to me, citing a comment I left to nymusicdaily in BailiwickNews comment section:


I regret having wrote to nymusicdaily "I can imagine why." That was understood as me implying something bad was going on. I should have wrote what I was thinking that the commenters who left Sage's comment section were feeling let down.

I apologize for this to all.

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You just showed more integrity than people that I have known here for a year, so kudos for that, Double Agent Rog.

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As the Department of Defense was once the Department of War.

Weapons are agnostic. When the enemy combatant seizes your rifle and proceeds to aim it at you, the rifle doesn't strain to make the bullet go backwards, nor does it have a crisis of faith. 'Defensive weapon' is a euphemistic non-starter.

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Quote: "Covid-19 was never and is not now a pandemic.

Covid-19 is a psychological and biochemical warfare program designed and executed to bypass Constitutional crises at the nation-state level and clear the path for global biomedical totalitarianism."


Christine Massey and team have 213 confessions from public institutions and agencies that they do not have any SARS-CoV-2.

This proves there was never a pandemic or a health crisis or any reason for health emergency declarations.

They have proof.

People didn't believe Christine and her pals.

People don't seem to like to believe that there was never a pandemic.

"People died, therefore there was a pandemic. Why would so many people with higher education lie to us, all this time?"

That's how the public reasons.

Katherine, your team is putting together an alternative explanation. Some people in your team believe there was a pandemic and a virus. I don't know why they insist on that.

Maybe you guys have better luck in giving the public a chance to understand what happened.

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It's important to differentiate between 1) by historical/standard criteria, there was no pandemic and 2) there was no new virus circulating in 2020 that caused illness in people with signs and symptoms (clinical presentation) not previously seen with yearly flu. I think evidence is dispositive that #1) is true, that is, there was no pandemic. I am still not willing to speak definitively about #2 because there is conflicting evidence which IMO, has not been adequately dealt with. The clinical presentation of the illness in question (2020) was different from other respiratory flu-like illnesses previously encountered, especially in the sickest patients (ground glass diffuse pulmonary infiltrates on CT/MRI for example). Whether it was the result of a virus or some other kind of toxic agent/injury, is not clear to me yet.

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Did you personally see one of those sickest patients?

Doctors lie to patients often. They scare them into consent. Why wouldn't they lie to everyone at once, inventing "very unusual symptoms" to sustain the psyop?

Most of the people consented to being locked down like prisoners because they unconditionally believed the doctors.

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Best one yet .

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Hi, BINYB, long time no see.

I hope you're doing great.

We all miss you at Sage's newsletter.

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Best. Title. Ever.

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I'm pretty sure one of Canada's public health officials would just as soon gas everyone who disagrees with her, or speaks out to show, using rational means, how wrong she is. In fact, she keeps pushing dictates onto the citizens and gets away with it so why not go all the way aye B?

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you are on to something here. All the BigWhatever traveled on when we were locked down. Boris Johnson, the Belgian and Austrian government, had parties while they forbid people to meet. Several American govt people said to stay home, then traveled to their second or third or fourth house to party. They all knew the pathogen was not dangerous but for a very select public of sick, elderly citizens. But the jabs on the contrary, seem to have killed quite a few. I am sure most of these highly visual people got a saline shot.

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Yes, Dr. Mike Yeadon talked about the parties and much more in this recent interview with Reiner Fuellmich:

MIKE YEADON - The Only Thing We Need to Fear is Fear Itself


"AWESOME INTERVIEW with Mike Yeadon, scientist and former VP of Pfizer, UK, from April 10. Yeadon is one the best informed and honest truth-tellers about the CV19 scam “plandemic.” The entire pandemic fear-campaign — to include the phony PCR testing and the killing of people with covid protocols in hospitals — was all about getting something shot into as many people as possible all over the world. In other words, depopulation."

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Katherine Watt published a very interesting article earlier on Substack, with about the same conclusion. The jabs were what it was all about.https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/at-home-gain-of-function-kits?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=37889&post_id=116973062&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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100.000 people a week were flying into the UK during the hight of the pandemic when the average Joe was getting stopped going to his local shop and drones were following people out on the moors miles from the nearest human

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Don’t leave out the devilish Rick Bright (what a piece of work that guy is). As far as gassing goes, I am seeing chemtrails like never before

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What if chemtrails are false too?

I mean, just a quick summary: liberals are authoritarians, viruses are not viruses, transvestites are men, the EPA is corrupt like everything else and always was, etc. Nothing has fundamentally changed, only the appearance of change.

What if the geoengineering of the atmosphere through that method was also merely an attack on your mind, to hide the real attack?

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Geoengineering on a mass/global scale has been happening at least since ~1997.

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I have been here since 1970. I've seen a lot. There have never been this many streaks across the sky in my lifetime. Something is up. And after this obvious plandemic my #1 suspicion is they are trying to kill us....


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Something is up, sure.

My question is: are they toying with our minds with something visual, and the huge gaslighting around it, in order to cover for something invisible?

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Thanks, Katherine -- Such a great take on it all -- such an imaginative take in all the right ways, out of the box thinking we all need!!!

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I think she's writing about a box also

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