As cow-bird-milk flu silliness hits its stride for Summer 2024, some suggestions.
Also update on a FOIA filed in Feb. 2023 seeking DoD reports to Congress on the efficacy of Covid vaccines for inducing morbidity and mortality, and updated PDF collections.
Update on a FOIA filed in Feb. 2023 seeking DoD reports to Congress on the efficacy of Covid vaccines for intentionally inducing morbidity and mortality
In February 2023, Sasha Latypova and I worked with Bill Marshall of Judicial Watch to draft a set of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to the US Department of Defense (DoD) and US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Feb. 1, 2023 - Draft Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to DOD and HHS
Prepared for a FOIA coordination call today:
1. Signed, dated ATI-DOD-Pfizer "Project Agreement" contract, under 10 USC 4022 (previously 10 USC 2371b) and MCDC Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) No. W15QKN-16-9-1002, defined at p. 9 of July 20, 2020 Base Agreement, under which Pfizer is the Project Agreement Holder (“PAH”).
2. Signed, dated documents recording the dates on which President Trump and/or President Biden invoked or extended suspension, under 50 USC 1515, of all prohibitions on DOD testing, use, stockpiling and transport of chemical and biological weapons and delivery systems, and/or suspended all Congressional, international, state, local and other notice and reporting provisions under 50 USC 1512, 50 USC 1512a, 50 USC 1513, 50 USC 1518; 50 USC 1520a, 50 USC 1523, and 50 USC 1528.
3. Signed, dated documents recording dates on which President Trump and/or President Biden waived, and/or extended waiver of, informed consent for military personnel under 10 USC 1107a(a).
4. Signed, dated copies of reports to Congress, prepared and submitted by DOD and HHS, under 50 USC 1512, 50 USC 1513, 50 USC 1518, 50 USC 1523, and 50 USC 1528, and/or any other applicable Congressional notice and/or reporting law, quantifying the mortality and morbidity data collected from any and all government databases (VAERS, V-Safe, VA, DMED, Medicare, Medicaid, etc), contract manufacturer and subcontractor databases (ATI, Pfizer, Moderna, Ventavia, ICON, etc.), and private health insurance databases (Kaiser, Blue Cross, etc.), assessing the effectiveness of the mRNA/LNP class of bioweapons for incapacitating, sterilizing and killing adults and children, from the start of the events known as “Covid-19 vaccine clinical trials” in Spring 2020 to the present.
Marshall filed a FOIA request using some of the proposed text on Feb. 1, 2023, seeking:
Signed, dated copies of reports to Congress, prepared and submitted by DOD, under 50 USC 1512, quantifying the mortality and morbidity data collected from any and all government databases (VAERS, V-Safe, VA, DMED, etc), contract manufacturer databases, and private health insurance databases (Kaiser, Blue Cross, etc.), assessing the effectiveness of the mRNA/LNP class of biological agents for the alleged purpose of preventing COVID-19 disease, from the start of the purported clinical trials circa Spring 2020 to the present.
A DoD FOIA officer recently (May 2, 2024) responded to the request Bill Marshall filed in February 2023, asking for clarification, writing to Marshall:
I’m reaching out again to request clarification to your FOIA request 23-F-0415.
The congressional report you are seeking for 50 USC 1512 is for transportation of open-air testing, and disposal of lethal chemical or biological warfare agents and not COVID-19.
Marshall contacted me asking for suggestions for the clarification response.
My reply:
My suggestion for a response to DoD would be to clearly state that the contents of the Covid-19 vaccines, and the contents of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) generally, are prohibited, lethal biological and chemical weapons and weapons components, and since they are being disposed of by being injected into recipients, such disposal qualifies as disposal activity under 50 USC 1512, and therefore you would like DoD's records about the vaccines'
raw materials as delivered to the manufacturers under DoD control
processing methods at the factories under DoD control
finished products as delivered to the SNS locations under DoD control
storage at SNS under DoD control with additional supervision by CDC
finished products as delivered from SNS to "points of dispensing" (PODs) such as retail pharmacies, hospitals and pop-up clinics under DoD control
finished products as disposed of into human recipients under PREP Act 'covered person' and 'qualified person' control
records collected as to effects on human recipients post-disposal and supplied to DoD and CDC program supervisors
It’s unlikely that DoD will respond robustly to the FOIA request, but it’s worth asking anyway, to get the questions into the FOIA record, and to help more people understand what’s going on and how public health emergency anti-law is used to authorize government-directed mutilation and killing, and to simultaneously cover up the crimes.
Some suggestions for Bailiwick readers (and for myself) as cow-bird-milk flu silliness hits its stride for Summer 2024.
Get off the internet.
Go outside. Take walks. Plant gardens and tend them. Ride bikes. Go swimming. Sit around talking. Visit the sick. Listen to music. Climb trees. Go to church. Cook meals. Organize parties and picnics and cookouts and barbecues. Watch a baseball game at the ballpark. Bake bread. Play games. Read books. Tell jokes. Bury the dead.
Bring joy and laughter to the people around you, especially the kids and the young adults. And the old people and the middle-aged people and the babies. Everybody.
Do good work when it’s work-time. Do good rest when it’s rest-time.
Pray the Rosary.
Every day that you don’t cower in fear, read CDC and WHO nonsense data and recommendations, slap a mask on your face, stick a swab up your own nose (or someone else’s nose), or walk into a pharmacy and request toxic injections (or inject someone else), you’ve done good work to help expose fake pandemics and toxic biological products in their ugly reality and to help dismantle public health emergency anti-law.
Every day that you don’t tell someone else they should be afraid, or read CDC and WHO nonsense, slap a mask on their face, stick a swab up their nose, or go get a poison-shot, you’ve done good work to help expose fake pandemics and toxic biological products in their ugly reality and to help dismantle public health emergency anti-law.
Every day that you confidently and clearly explain to someone else why you’re not afraid, why CDC and WHO nonsense is nonsense, why you don’t mask, or test, or vaxx, you’ve done good work to help expose fake pandemics and toxic biological products in their ugly reality and to help dismantle public health emergency anti-law.
PDF compilations of Bailiwick News posts for readers who want to save the legal research material offline and/or print:
2022 Bailiwick News, Vol. 6 (950 pages, 24 MB)
2023 Bailiwick News, Vol. 7 (785 pages, 10 MB)
2024 Bailiwick News, Vol. 8, Jan.-April (313 pages, 4.2 MB)
The files compile more than two years of research and writing in support of this synopsis from a January 2023 abstract for an academic paper:
…Through gradual, covert statutory reclassification and program transfers, reinforced through Presidential Executive Orders and related executive branch declarations, and implemented through hundreds of regulatory amendments, the US Government's Chemical and Biological Warfare Program originally housed in the Department of Defense (DOD), became the Public Health Emergency [PHE]-Emergency Use Authorization [EUA]-Medical Countermeasures program housed in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
The bioterrorism program is now jointly operated by DOD, HHS, Department of Homeland Security, Department of State, most other US federal agencies and their subordinate departments, divisions, offices, authorities, enterprises, committees, advisory boards and employees, in collaboration with the World Health Organization, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and other public, private and public-private hybrid institutions around the world…
Sept. 28, 2022 - DOD chemical and biological warfare program: herd-culling plus stockpile disposal in one tidy package
…In November 1997 — through the FY1998 NDAA and the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act — Congress and President Clinton set up the Emergency Use Authorization program, accomplishing two things.
The amendments and additions transferred the DOD chemical and biological weapons research and development program to the Health and Human Services Department under the Food and Drug Administration, and expanded the pool of humans subject to experimentation without informed consent from military personnel and prisoners, to the whole American population.
In October 1998, Congress and President Clinton passed the Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act.
Title II established the National Pharmaceutical Stockpile, later renamed the Strategic National Stockpile, and appropriated $51 million (regularly topped up in subsequent appropriations) “to remain available until expended…for pharmaceutical and vaccine stockpiling activities at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”
Division I of the same 1998 bill — the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act of 1998 — established prohibitions on chemical weapons, to give the appearance of US compliance with the terms of the 1997 UN Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction.
The 1998 dual-use legislation accomplished another key US Government objective: it rendered the DOD’s illegal stockpile of biological and chemical agents into a ‘legal’ stockpile of pharmaceutical products and vaccines.
Same deadly toxins.
Different labels.
April 13, 2023 - Vaccine production facilities are indistinguishable from bioweapon production facilities, and vaccines are indistinguishable from bioweapons
May 26, 2023 - 93 biochemical weapons to decline whenever a medical mercenary offers them to you or your children