A lot of the things called international treaties have never been confirmed by the Senate. They are in fact letter agreements. That might be an additional thing to specifically call out. By the way, glad that you have connected with Fitts. She has strategy and you have tactical tools

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Yes, agree and the three of them together will be formidable. We NEED TACTICS AND AN OVERALL STRATEGY...and LITTLE STEPS WE CAN TAKE NOW.

Please get better soon, and please you three....we really would love to be able to see/hear/your conference. Where can we find it?

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I don't have a link yet. More information is here:


It will be streaming at UKcolumn.org, fifth in a series of symposia:


When I get a link, I'll post it.

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Katherine you have done so much already. I think you have saved. us.

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Love this. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. Letter going out today.

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❤️❤️❤️ Thank you, Duchess!

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Katherine -- Feel Better! The World needs you.

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I hope you feel better REALLY soon!

I can't express how much I admire you and your work. As my Grandma would have said, "You are the best thing since sliced white bread." (Race was not a "thing" with my Grandma, so please don't take it that way!)

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Thank you for all your work. Hope you are feeling better.

I have posted this public on facebook.

Everyone must watch this.

Today at 12pm EST Sen. Ron Johnson Roundtable will be LIVE & discussing the COVID-19 Vaccines


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Have been watching it.

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If only he had asked you to present your information today. So much meat not being discussed.

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They will never ever go there. Too much danger in ever pointing at milintel or national security. Jail or mystery death in the future if you go there.

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I wish I could dispute that.

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It was a superb conference; I hope everyone will watch at least the last hour.

I will be drawing quotes from it, for future conversations. Thanks for sharing the news and the link!

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future conversations ??!??. WTFU


not data. not talks.

Nothing new was presented.

MURDER plain as day.

Shots are the same as shooting a gun into a crowd. 93% of the people will be just fine.


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I watched/listened to it twice in a row.

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Thank you so much for providing this summary. It helps so much as the material itself is very daunting for most people who are not familiar with the machinations/parsing involved in legislation and related documents.

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The summary was MASTERFUL.

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I wonder why people are still curious about covid. It has done its damage, I know they still want to use it for further lockdowns and mandates. I have no clue about who is going to accept them. Personally, I've said goodbye to the medical/scientific community who just lied to me for almost 3 years. I do understand the need for people still in this fight though.

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Too many mandates still affecting people - that’s why.

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Katherine, you, CAF and Sasha should have been front and center at the hearing of SEn.Johnson today.

How do we help you get this out? Its on my facebook page, but how in God's name do we wake people up. I am talking about regular people. I am 100 percent positive Congress already knows this...as does the Judiciary.

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I agree! Katherine and others are light years ahead on understanding what is behind the curtain of media and bureaucratic propaganda. Your voices should have been heard at that hearing as well.

During that hearing they were still using all the propaganda language developed to pull off this scam:

O "vaccines" (Dr. Malone seemed to hedge but still called it a "therapy" even though this technology has NEVER even been useful as a gene therapy either!);

O "viral infection" (as if covid19 was something other than a lab-created gain-of-function chimera);

O "pandemic" (as if there had been any transmission of this illness whatsoever; they messed with us and threw contagious flu cases into the category of covid; we must look to understand that a synthetic gain of function lab creation is a POISONING, because nothing about a chimera matches our immune system's ability to respond to it!)

Thank you, K., for your diligence and insightfulness.

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I've been thinking that what we need -- and have needed -- is more investigation into just how this unlawful, but "legal," crap was carried out against the country. We need legal gatherings and seminars to examine this, to enable better understanding so that while the good doctors figure out how to save people, lawyers, paralegals, and "ordinary" people like us figure out how to help unravel all this unlawful junk at the federal and state level. While the medical profession slowly implodes, we need to push the legal profession toward that same implosion.

You're right re the Congress. They have, as Katherine's work has shown, aided and abetted the coup that has resulted in the criminal mess in which we find ourselves. If the Brunson case gets a SC hearing and they find for the brothers, Johnson and lots of other enablers are out...

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I like the idea of local investigative committees about this "legal crap"...and invite the local DA or Sherriff in...because without a huge anti legal sentiment and committees all over the country informing regular people that our Constitutional rights have been violated, not even the SC would entertain a hearing...they will just say "no standing" and protect their arses.

Wonder if you could get even a state rep to attend...probably not, but it is worth a try.

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I like the idea, too. It's possible it could happen here in FL given Governor DeSantis's recent announcement of going after the manufacturers. In fact, to provide support and cover for DeSantis, I think it's incumbent upon those of us in FL to take this idea seriously -- and to let our local reps know that we are.

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These outlines really help to cut through the enormous amount of non-sense out there (of course done purposely to facilitate confusion).

IMO a lot of the covid theater is perpetuated by chasing too many red herrings. But it is difficult to get someone to understand something when their paycheck is dependent on them NOT understanding it.

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Sending you lots of healing prayers Katherine. ❤️🙏

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Katharine, I 'm sorry you are not feeling up to par. I have been into personal health research 61 years...and I'm healthier today than I was in my twenties and thirties. I got into this research, because of my first child. I was a young trusting mother who thought doctors knew everything. I had no realization that dependence on his pediatrician had created my sickly son. My husband had not been healthy as a child so I did not attribute my child's poor health to his doctor. In 1961, I had a wake up call, when a good friend handed me some books and said, "Start reading! You are depending on the wrong people." I thought to myself, "You are not a doctor." However, I opened one of the books. The first two things I read changed my life. I realized that my son's doctor had created his poor health from the start. I never depended on a doctor again and have not stopped learning since. The knowledge people need to keep well is very simple. Everyone is unique, but no doctor in the world has the ability to heal anyone. It stems from the person's own actions by living in a manner, which creates health. Unfortunately, people are bombarded with illness-creating misinformation stemming from every industry. Industries are all about the Bottom Line...and sick people support them. I like Tennyson's quote: "When all all men's good...be each man's rule and Universal Peace be like a shaft of light across the land..." We are born to contribute to making the world a better place; not to live like parasites off of the efforts of others. In the interim, I wrote music; poetry; manuscripts; took a 300 page manuscript "How to Raise an Organic Baby to NYC in 1979, which the publisher was interested in. However, after I waited a few months, the publisher said that the AMA would not approve, because I did not have a doctorate - only 22 years of experience. I went for a Masters in Nutrition and Holistic Health Science. My thesis was my 300 page manuscript and other work I had done.. I received a Masters. However it was held, because I still lacked credits in my bachelors. So, I looked at schools that taught nutrtion. Then, I discovered that nutition information was coming directly from the food industries, which supported the nutrition schools. So, I simply took a test to become a nutitional consultant and passd wth an A. At the bottom of the test I wrote: This is the information you want, but it is not necessarily the truth. In 1982, I opened a holistic center; and did 30 years of nutritional consultations; lectured many times; did a series of radio shows; published a book; did a series of TV shows,and then set up a website for 12 years, which contained over 350 pages of health information. It came down this spring and now I started a free substack. I feel compelled to do my bit in making the world a better place. If you would be interested, please check it out. https://barbaracharis.substack.com it is entitled: Journey to Wellness Questions and comments are always welcome.

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Safe travels Katherine , I do hope your feeling better. Like Dr. K said ... “the World needs you. “

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Hope you feel better soon K. Thanks for this summary.

Maria Zeee has an excellent interview (on Red voice media and probably Zeee media) of Aman Jabbi where he runs through all of the setup for dystopian “smart cities” and CBDC etc. Of particular interest, legal-wise, is the weaponization of LED street lamps with energy weapons such as “puke rays” (or worse).

Where in all these laws etc. would that be permitted?

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I haven't looked for it specifically but I think the LED falls under electromagnetic radiation categories, which puts it under CBRN - Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear - weapons development, and is pseudo-authorized/pseudo-justified by the "protective" "defensive" or "prophylactic" exemptions from international and federal laws otherwise prohibiting CBRN.

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Fast tracking to make the Nazis look like rank amateurs.

Thank you for your post.

Sorry to see that you're still not feeling better.

Get back to 100% asap please.

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Katharine: Hope you feel better soon! I did not see the other comment I left. I do hope it will reach you. I have information, which could help.

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Katherine - THANK YOU so much for all you do. I've followed you since last April IIRC and have learned so much from you. I spread your info everywhere I can. I never would have known about WEF taking over the planet if it weren't for you. This outline is amazing and I feel like crying as I read through it - a list of all the harm and crimes against We the People. Thank God we are starting to wake up and learn about all the evil that has been going on. For now, I hope you can get some rest and get well soon - we need you! I hope you feel better very soon, prayers for your speedy recovery.

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Katherine... Thanks for this. Powerful. Sobering. Tragically accurate.

Get well! Your voice is needed!

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