Amen sister

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I will pray for all the world, when the american agencies are deciding crazy things, all the world is affected and hurt.

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Agree, and am doing the same. But also think God expects us all to be far more aware of, and active in pushing back on, what is going on re these crimes against humanity than we are now { Luke 12:54-56, Matthew 16:1-3, John 8:32 (NIV) }.

And, though not a Bible guru, my sense is that our situation continues to become closer and closer to that of Sodom and Gomorrah. And this is mainly because too many of us are unwilling to seek out the underlying root causes of our decline, and then help counter them effectively, even though what to do is already known:

* Ref-2_2 = Concise issues and solutions -- KGB defector interview Griffin in 1984 = 3.2min (1:15:22-1:18:11 + 1:18:42-1:19:02) of ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yru14mMES1c )

* Ref-2e = Required remedy per lecture by KGB defector = 4.4min (59:00-1:03:23) of his 1983 lecture ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9TviIuXPSE&t=18s )

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The comment period is open one more day I believe, for the eugenics bioweapon for children, to let the CDC know it is on notice for crimes against humanity. I posted with slight alteration your notice after I prefaced it with acknowledgement that both Sharyl Attkison, and RFK. Jr. had repeatedly exposed the CDC for its criminal activity. I'll also be emailing the notice to FDA, Fauci, Pfizer's CEO, numerous worthless politicians etc.

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I hope your right ... I don't trust most pediatricians, many of whom have recommended the poison to babies and small children, so that they can be a part of the establishment and to feed their greed. I do not see this ending by peaceful means ... I hope I'm wrong.

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Agree, and here is a great book by one of the few great pediatricians = "Dr. Paul’s Vaccine‐Friendly Plan" (see Appendix-E for his success rate against autism 0/1098 vs 15/894 for CDC guidelines)

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He has recently said on his podcast “against the wind” he would not recommend any vaccines after they did their vaccinated vs unvaccinated study. The damage from even partially unvaccinated was still too high. Trying to find which one it was too send to friends.

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He is being forced to close his practice. My children are patients in the practice. My heart was broken when I got the letter last week. I cried. He’s not done but he’s being forced to stop practicing medicine. His partners are opening their own practice and hopefully will be left alone. This persecution of doctors is criminal. He’s counter suing the board - they have destroyed his career. He will build a new one but more than 30 years of experience being forced into retirement.

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Thank you! Had not heard that yet, and it reminds us all once again of how disgusting our medical system has become, going after the license of such a great doctor.

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War in a syringe. If only the CDC/NIH/NAIAD members and family HAD TO BE JABBED FIRST, this problem would take care of itself. Only when they see their own flesh and blood poisoned would they understand the real motives here.

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Great idea, if things were not so rigged -- the evildoers that actually deserve such incentives already know the shots are dangerous, so they and their families thus arrange to take placebos

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I agree that all these approvals, etc. are foregone conclusions. They don't even hold advisory committee meetings (but wouldn't listen to them anyway if they didn't agree), and now the abysmal lack of safety testing and ignoring of VAERS -- the system they created to keep us safe! It will be up to each state's department of health or similar to decide whether they will be mandatory to attend school. I know in Washington state, it was considered once and declined because they were worried about minorities or those less fortunate not having access to the shots and worried about that impact on schools. HELLO -- the shots are everywhere, it is not a matter of lack of access, it is a matter of parents don't want them! Also, I have never met a pediatrician who didn't love every single vaccine they could get theirs hands on! Next time I visit, I am going to ask how much they are compensated for each vaccine given, because I know they do not look at any vaccine safety data, or the fact that they are designated unavoidably unsafe. I look forward to reading your article on the whistleblower lawsuit.

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Some legal team needs to go after, and ruin, individual panel members that commit these crimes (ie, such crimes continue because none of the individuals involved ever suffer any serious negative consequences personally as a result

===== Excerpt from Article Exposing Criminal Fraud re Covid.Shots

{ Excerpted From = https://open.substack.com/pub/amidwesterndoctor/p/we-now-have-clear-proof-the-vaccine?utm_source=email }

V-Safe’s Data (is much better data than VAERS)

V-Safe collected two forms of data, relatively generic responses on the effects of vaccination (this is why it was not suited to detect rare significant side effects of vaccination) and free form responses on complex side effects that were experienced. Presently, only the former has been made available. At some point in the future, the latter will be made available and will likely be able to paint the best picture possible of the severe side effects that the vaccines have created. Nonetheless with the former, there is a lot of extremely concerning data which I believe indicts the COVID-19 vaccines as the most harmful vaccinations in history.

Of the 10,108,273 users who participated in V-Safe the following was found (you can review the data yourself here, keep in mind there will always be a degree of underreporting that occurs):

•1,225,867 (12.13%) were unable to perform their normal activities.

•1,344,330 (13.3%) missed work or school.

•782,913 (7.7%) required medical care, on average 2.7 times.

This is really bad.

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yes- the fact that the jabs can be "accessed" at all, is the problem !

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Spot on. Protect your own, educate your friends and carry on.

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Trudeau threatens more restrictions because of low injection uptake by his Canadians. Injection professionals need to be injecting these vial contents into the biohazard waste bins And stop participating in crimes against humanity..

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I like it. My comment on one sub about the sham meeting was "We're doomed". I felt a little bad posting that, honestly. It is truly what I thought and felt but I forgot one thing-hope. It would be mere optimism (or folly?) to think we can change what obviously is already set in stone by Those In Charge. But hope is different, isn't it? We can and should pray for individuals to do what is right. Thank you spelling it out.

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To win, Americans must remain positive, so don’t you dare give up -- keep the faith!

In my view, God also expects us all to be far more aware of, and active in pushing back on, what is going on re these crimes against humanity than we are now { Luke 12:54-56, Matthew 16:1-3, John 8:32 (NIV) }.

Do not think you will understand enough to effectively counter the evils we face, without first absorbing the additional details below, but at a high level, the cure is simply for us to return America to the moral standards { derived from Mosaic Law } established by our Founding Fathers.

===== Assessment of Situation (more detail)

* Much reason to be positive because underlying root causes, of threats imposed by our enemies, are already known along with how to counter them effectively – so we need to:

__* Educate ourselves about these things (see minimum-awareness tutorial below)

__* Use this knowledge to organize/act in ways that effectively counter these threats (better overall leadership needed at national level)

* Most peaceful resistance efforts count on forcing judicial system to be fair/objective -- not likely without “we the people” weighing in on a much larger and more-effective scale than now (otherwise, crooks will deflect/delay accountability by escalating conflict with Russia, declaring martial law, etc)

* Many suitable, but independent, peaceful resistance efforts exist, but these efforts, as a whole, are not organized or coordinated well enough to assure:

__* Threats to American survival are met with countermeasures that are broad/timely enough to be effective.

__* All areas of critical importance are covered (eg, too many focus on fixing symptoms rather than on finding/fixing the underlying root causes)

__* Followers/leaders know America could easily die from the massive, ideological subversion efforts, guided by foreign actors, that have been ongoing for many decades (eg, see Ms Watt’s coverage of crimes against US Constitution by leaders many admire).

* Peaceful resistance strategies/tactics are not up to the challenges imposed by the evil criminals that are destroying America from within.

* Americans are not broadly “united” to assure freedom for our children because they let less importance issues get in the way.

Tutorial (~2-hours for minimum-awareness)

===== Communist Threats

* Ref-1a = How Communism Actually Works = 20.0min ( https://www.theepochtimes.com/how-communism-actually-works_4475236.html )

* Ref-1b = Why Misunderstanding Communism’s True Nature is Leading the West to Destruction = 23.5min ( https://www.theepochtimes.com/why-misunderstanding-communisms-true-nature-is-leading-the-west-to-destruction_4239229.html )

===== Effective Countermeasures

* Ref-2_1 = Concise rationale for “team humanity” -- Dowd interview with KliM in 2022 = 3.2min (42:12-44:45 + 45:22-46:01) of ( https://rumble.com/vv1adx-breaking-exclusive-former-blackrock-portfolio-manager-exposes-pfizer-fraud.html )

* Ref-2_2 = Concise issues and solutions -- KGB defector interview Griffin in 1984 = 3.2min (1:15:22-1:18:11 + 1:18:42-1:19:02) of ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yru14mMES1c )

* Ref-2a = Zuby interview with Epoch Times = 23.7min ( https://www.theepochtimes.com/zuby-why-the-silent-majority-needs-to-break-free-from-cowardice-and-speak-freely_4731119.html )

* Ref-2b = Harvard senior speech = 6.25-mins ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xtv8XtjzdA ).

* Ref-2c = Snip-#1 from Whitney Webb interview with Dr Mercola = 30sec ( https://www.bitchute.com/video/PaQZqaWB8Q0i/ )

* Ref-2d = Snip-#2 from Whitney Webb interview with Dr Mercola = 47sec ( https://www.bitchute.com/video/qGYoPqQVcXxR/ )

* Ref-2e = Required remedy per lecture by KGB defector = 4.4min (59:00-1:03:23) of his 1983 lecture ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9TviIuXPSE&t=18s )

* Ref-2f = Loudon speech at True The Vote = 35.8min ( https://www.theepochtimes.com/exposing-the-communist-forces-including-china-behind-us-election-integrity-issues-trevor-loudon-facts-matter_4743580.html?src_src=Morningbrief&src_cmp=mb-2022-09-26&est=VD%2B%2FQz%2FoauCrFKO5DVtuUTbt3GhkUHQDg1z1dy15afd0EnEuE3JjQfg%3D )

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Will check those out after work, John. Thank you for taking the time to put them out there!

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Yw, thank you, and would appreciate any feedback you have pro/con -- useful, waste of time, etc.

To be clear, I do not know everything or have all the answers, but am very worried that America is in much deeper trouble than most Americans realize, and educating more of us about this seems a key ingredient for survival.

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I agree. That reminder really strikes a chord with me.

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regarding “Vaccine Equity Cooperative”, any organization that uses equity in its program name or in its messaging, has been either infiltrated by marxist propaganda or useful idiots who dont have a clue what this signifies. The equity they mean to deploy is towards taking resources that belong to everyone and redistributing them to the current victim group and minimizing others. The "Equity" term is endlessly thrown about by mindless PR agencies that likely dont know why they are using it, other than its a buzz word guaranteed to promote public virtue signaling. We are in full on race to communism through the back door.

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Absolutely agree, "We are in full on race to communism through the back door." and must add that this race has been going on for many decades, and most Americans have no idea how close we are to losing America for our kids. And, for those who want to better understand the threats we are up against, and how to counter them effectively, suggest the following tutorial.

Tutorial (~2-hours for minimum-awareness)

===== Communist Threats

* Ref-1a = How Communism Actually Works = 20.0min ( https://www.theepochtimes.com/how-communism-actually-works_4475236.html )

* Ref-1b = Why Misunderstanding Communism’s True Nature is Leading the West to Destruction = 23.5min ( https://www.theepochtimes.com/why-misunderstanding-communisms-true-nature-is-leading-the-west-to-destruction_4239229.html )

===== Effective Countermeasures

* Ref-2_1 = Concise rationale for “team humanity” -- Dowd interview with KliM in 2022 = 3.2min (42:12-44:45 + 45:22-46:01) of ( https://rumble.com/vv1adx-breaking-exclusive-former-blackrock-portfolio-manager-exposes-pfizer-fraud.html )

* Ref-2_2 = Concise issues and solutions -- KGB defector interview Griffin in 1984 = 3.2min (1:15:22-1:18:11 + 1:18:42-1:19:02) of ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yru14mMES1c )

* Ref-2a = Zuby interview with Epoch Times = 23.7min ( https://www.theepochtimes.com/zuby-why-the-silent-majority-needs-to-break-free-from-cowardice-and-speak-freely_4731119.html )

* Ref-2b = Harvard senior speech = 6.25-mins ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xtv8XtjzdA ).

* Ref-2c = Snip-#1 from Whitney Webb interview with Dr Mercola = 30sec ( https://www.bitchute.com/video/PaQZqaWB8Q0i/ )

* Ref-2d = Snip-#2 from Whitney Webb interview with Dr Mercola = 47sec ( https://www.bitchute.com/video/qGYoPqQVcXxR/ )

* Ref-2e = Required remedy per lecture by KGB defector = 4.4min (59:00-1:03:23) of his 1983 lecture ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9TviIuXPSE&t=18s )

* Ref-2f = Loudon speech at True The Vote = 35.8min ( https://www.theepochtimes.com/exposing-the-communist-forces-including-china-behind-us-election-integrity-issues-trevor-loudon-facts-matter_4743580.html?src_src=Morningbrief&src_cmp=mb-2022-09-26&est=VD%2B%2FQz%2FoauCrFKO5DVtuUTbt3GhkUHQDg1z1dy15afd0EnEuE3JjQfg%3D )

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You do awesome work. I bow deeply to your amazing care dedication and follow through. I would like to add the following as suggestions we can do to reclaim our sovereign citizenship.


Since we the citizens of the USA and the world are the test subjects of a the largest test injection program ever. We need to demand the following.

1) Natural immunity must be paramount

2) There must be a Control group. Not mice, but humans.

3) All humans have a right to choose which group to participate in Control or Injected.

4) All contents of Injectables must be fully disclosed as documented by third party analysis. Further spot checks by third party of vials directly from the manufacturing line to continuously verify contents and purity.

Remember the Occupy movement. We need another. This time we all need to Occupy our bodies. We need to demand at a minimum the four points above.

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I don’t like what I’m about to say, but this along with voting infractions is unraveled from the bottom up. The pediatricians have to be charged. It ends then. The 2000 mules have to be charged. Let the little guys turn on the big guys and work your way up.

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Agree, ruining a few of the little guys individually, as you suggest, would do much to help start the collapse of this pyramid of criminals. "We the people" must also go after those in Congress who continue to ignore our Constitution, which is virtually everyone in Congress, regardless of party; that is, "we the people" must start the recall process against all who do not act immediately to restore Constitutional integrity to US Govt (eg, a good place to start would be to go after those not acting robustly to prevent the injection of bioweapons into our kids).

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The mules and the people in the sweat rooms churning out faked ballots for Biden were paid $15 an hour. They might have convinced themselves they were doing it for progressive causes but that’s a lie. They were doing it for the extra cash. Let a handful of them face ten years in prison and see how quickly they name the person who paid them. Then go after those guys. It will eventually work its way up to Pelosi, Kamala, Dr Jill perhaps.

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A four year process.

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I hope to one day see these fake regulatory agencies and their supporting politicians shut down.

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By trying to inform others what's happening and act, we educate and they become engaged. It's true their comment may be ignored, but perhaps that will just engage them even more.

See the names and faces of those who hold the fate of our children on the line - https://leemuller.substack.com/p/the-names-and-faces-of-those-who


If this passes, it will only be because not enough people knew this was getting voted on. This it is not over!

I do pray, every day for everyone. It is a constant prayer. Thank you for all your work. 💗🙏🏼💗

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Agree -- now is the time, but we need to be better educated so that we can push back much more effectively than we do now. Suggest trying tutorial in reply to Jamie Leigh above. Prayer is also essential, but think God also expects us to be paying better attention and pushing back more than we are right now { Luke 12:54-56, Matthew 16:1-3, John 8:32 (NIV) }.

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Thanks! Sharing

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You have again perfectly captured my feelings and thoughts. Blessings and prayers to you, Katherine. I am bothering everyone I know w your latest here and then resending them your draft complaint language.

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.....I'm HOPING that THIS will prove to be the STRAW that BROKE the proverbial NEEDLE-nosed-poking camel's BACK - and, came to your conclusion MYSELF of there being NO notice for ANYone opposing these subhuman CREATURES; acknowledgement BY them.....

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