That is a great explanation of God granting us free will. As a side note when pressed g the first suggested word was graphene.

I’ll look at the video. Thanks.

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Thank you Katherine! I needed this today.

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Very profound. I agree completely. And God will put an end to the evil.

Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”

We don’t know when that will happen but it has to be very close. Every one will have an opportunity to believe and obey the CREATOR GOD and then he will put an end to all evil, death, suffering.

1Corinthians 15:54-56

“...this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in

victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”

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Seems that whenever I'm ready to conclude that Thomas Sowell has a monopoly on common sense, someone lays a CS Lewis quote on me and I'm reminded that while it's rare, common sense has not in fact been monopolized.

However, since it is so uncommon, I'd suggest we rename "common sense" as "indisputably, irrefutably, logical sense".

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In my family we call it "living by the sense God gave you."

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I just got back from the library where I was able to find the book you referenced, "Mere Christianity". Looking forward to reading it. Thank you again, keep up the good work we need you in this.

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Thank you for your thoughts, I agree and needed to hear this.

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This is a beautiful excerpt you chose. The concept of free will as it relates to evil is difficult to explain when challenged by nonbelievers as I have been in the past. This will help. I plan to read this book. Thank you!

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Thanks. Good post.

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Or of the story of Arjuna from the Mahabharata. He does not want to go to war with his cousins and says so to God (in the form of Lord Krishna). Krishna tells Arjuna he can not prevent the war - humans have free will - but he can give him yoga (union, integration with spirit, the opportunity to practice oneness with God).

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Amen. I sometimes forget how good Lewis is. And this also reminds me of my favorite Rabbi Hillel quote ... (I’m paraphrasing) ... “Don’t do hateful things. That is the whole Torah. The rest is explanation. Go practice.”

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