Katherine Watt wrote:

The premise is that the federal government is irreparably corrupted, but thanks to federalist principles built into federal and state constitutions, significant governing power is reserved to the states, and to the People.


Good day Katherine,

My wife and I have been doing our best as two people and also collectively to elect such people to office. But good people seem to forget their promises to work for the welfare of the land and people who put them in office. Why is this?

Which goes to your point: One tool is closed-door agenda-setting.

I speculate there is information shared with them that we the public are not privy to. Information that destroys what now appears to the newly elected, their naive promises to the electorate. So they become supporters of the agenda secretly presented to them as seems best for the public good. After all we are are considered sheeple.

If that doesn't work, I am sure concerns for the health and welfare of the newly elected (in our case county district supervisor) person and family are shared. So in rather short order all the promises are forgotten and they are now part of the folks doing what is best for the sheeple.

The fellow we elected was a truly starry eyed candidate and perhaps naive. He was awakened some how and then forgot all he believed before. Survival is a powerful tool.


Katherine Watt wrote:

There’s also a growing public awareness of the excruciatingly broad power wielded by the unelected technocrats in the federal Administrative State: for example, the Health and Human Services Secretary and his lackeys within FDA, CDC, NIH and NIAID.


I belong to NCLA and they are working (so far) to roll back encroachment of the administrative state on the US constitution. Here is a link to current issues.


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I’ve watched this sequence of events play out several times too.

I do think the naïveté is a big component, and that’s the one thing that may have been shifted by Covid-times; there may be fewer naive people and a few more clear-eyed people.

So part of the whole process of getting better people into local office is having them run in slates, so that once they get sworn in they already have a built-in, support system of other newly elected people who understand how the game has been played for many decades, who the enemies are (the administrators and solicitors) and that from Day One, they will be fighting against those enemies and trying to remove them from power, not politely absorbing the indoctrination provided by those enemies.

And in the same way, it’s very important to have much more clear lines of support and communication directly between the newly-elected, clear-eyed people and the voters who elected them, so that the newly elected people don’t feel isolated and abandoned to what they begin to see as their Stockholm Syndrome captors, (and thus start to align their views and actions with the administrators and solicitors to get along) but instead continue to feel that their real allies are the people in their community who are also clear-eyed, understand the battle terrain, and have their backs in the public meetings in which the administrators and solicitor enemies will launch overt and covert counterattacks.

A lot depends on leveraging the anger and rage and new, hard-won understanding of the depth and breadth of the corruption that Covid-time have given us, to support the reformers during the dismantling phase, the reinforcement phase (blocking the admin state from immediately retaking the terrain) and the early reconstruction phase.

That’s why building and broadening that base of understanding is so important, including helping people to not abandon new knowledge when it’s hard to swallow by continuing to build networks of mutual support to manage the cognitive and emotional pain that understanding leads to.

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Katherine Watt wrote:

slates, ... Day One, they will be fighting against those enemies and trying to remove them from power, not politely absorbing the indoctrination provided by those enemies.


I wish that were true. But most if not all counties and states are in debt of some kind. That debt becomes the issue which outside interests can leverage to stir up the voters against the newly elected incumbents. They are mismanaging the funding we the taxpayer have been required to pay. Throw the bums out!

Those elected for whatever reason (hidden agendas they inherited that tie their hands, because now it will be perceived as the problem they created) are unable to make a cogent reply to the corporate and other interests to stop the recall elections. I have seen it time and again. This country all the way down to the local level is hogtied by debt which can be used at anytime to block roll back of stupid generational crony politicians and their supporters.


Katherine Watt wrote:

A lot depends on leveraging the anger and rage and new, hard-won understanding of the depth and breadth of the corruption that Covid-time have given us...


Your point is well taken. That is why the blob is in a bit of a hurry. They feel they have it bagged, "but". Things are starting to unravel so the need to complete the process quickly.

I think you mentioned Dr. Mattias Desmet and his insight into mass formation. Yes some people have seen the light and perhaps more will. But as you have pointed out, thes people of the blob have been at it for a long time. They control the media, internet, and public spaces such that most of us self censor.

I have two brothers. One who has chosen not to take the jab, the other with his wife in order to travel took the jab. Most folks are in a dream and lack the energy you display both mentally and physically in your substack. It takes at least 51% of the folks to change the course of events. When people start waking up you put them down with the jab. Putting down is another way of saying that they expire.

I know that seems like I am a pessimist. I have been hugely depressed for most of my 71 years. Not now. I am not a Christian, and I do believe in reincarnation (not sure the flavor though). That means I am responsible for the future. So with every breath left in me I will work against stupid. I am healthy and for that I have much gratitude to the woman I met in 1969. I mentioned she was a Waldensian. She also had a deep understanding of health. All health she said comes from the Earth and Sun/sky. So no more depression and doing all I can as wisely motivated as I can be.

Katherine I love your view and much of it I share. Bless you always.

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Katherine, Break well deserved. You have done truly amazing work on the topics you have listed.

I hope that as you move on to other interesting things you can keep your analyses current/updated as things change so that anyone interested can jump in and get the latest views on those compelling topics. They are masterful strokes -- want to keep them ready for use.

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May the Lord bless you and keep you, Katherine. And all of us. We are on the precipice of a grand new journey in self-governance. As my wife says, “America ... almost gettin it right since 1776!” We actually DO NOW have a real chance to do just that. But I am highly doubtful that we keep the whole nation together. Too many of our fellow citizens are severely dangerously mentally ill and apparently dead-set, zombie-like, on destroying this nation and as many of the good people of the world as possible. So thinking through jurisdictionally and territorially where and how we CAN and MUST take and hold legal and physical ground is key.

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Thomaa Paine was correct - humanity needs the Great American Experiment in governance (ongoing) now more than ever. God Speed all.

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Thank you Katherine - well done, as always. Agree, the topics you listed that do not require any more work, are as clear as day. And your action proposals are very helpful. We have quite a road ahead, yet I believe there is a much much better world coming. Really appreciate your work. It's been essential for me in connecting some of the less obvious dots.

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The occupy/tea party graphic provides a good explanation of fascism. https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/aaron-schwartz-julian-assange-edward

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Every. Word. You. Wrote.

And we all have to get involved and do this.

I'm going tomorrow to start in my little town, just getting us residents

who feel and think the same way to at least agree to meet once a week in a friendly group.

From there, we will see.

But they are awake. And it is a step, albeit a small one. Been on my mind to do this.

Even if all we accomplish is to get rid of our local church pastor who is for the globalist agenda.

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Good write up. Have you commented on this yet? Apologies if I missed it.

It is being bandied about and discussed on social media.


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I haven’t written about it yet, but somebody sent it to me a couple of days ago and asked me to do a write-up. That’s part of the need for a short break to work on prioritizing. Too much stuff to read and write, too little time, get overwhelmed and then can’t focus.

So, trying to figure out which projects are most useful use of time.

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Can absolutely identify! Enjoy your short break. These insane kleptocrats are nothing if not prolific. Very difficult to prioritize when there is so much coming at us. That's the plan.

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Jul 19, 2022Edited
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Love that song. Makes me cry every time.

We need to go back to our Constitution as written in 1776.

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Jul 19, 2022
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And what Katherine has just gifted us with is that she sees the same down to the town and local school level. And it is that what must be dismantled...alll the way up to the state house.

I'd love to get rid of my state's Dept of Education.

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Yes, we've been discussing this since first looking into the WEF & partners - they are everywhere surrounding us. They have no doubt spun a tight web - our rabbit hole. High times to invalidate and destroy any and all credibility these psychopaths may possess.

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100% agree.

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