These "apologies" are starting to bubble to the surface and all at the same time. This is not a coincidence. Clowns like Oster don't just "think this up" on their own. They are tasked to float these trial balloons by PR firms to gauge public sentiment.

It is a disgrace to even be having this discussion at this time. But what else would you expect from scumbag narcissists. This is not even an apology it is more gaslighting.

The only thing that should be discussed right now is justice. Crimes were and are still being committed. Millions were killed and millions more have had their lives permanently marred. 'Sorry' ain't gonna cut it.

This notion of "sorry" has gotten to the point of being pathological. To even suggest such a thing at this point is appalling and an insult to the millions who have had their lives destroyed forever and the millions who were killed.

Forgiveness of the criminals who have destroyed the lives of millions and an entire generation of children can in fact be problematic. I don't believe we should even be in a conversation about "forgiveness" at this point- we need justice. Without that these ghouls will do this again and again- they are already planning on it.

"Oops we killed 15 million people and implemented a mass surveillance control grid. Will you please forgive us? If you do we will give you extra mealworm cupcakes."

No thanks.

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Justice and forgiveness aren't mutually exclusive.

Forgiveness is for the souls of the wounded. Justice is for the souls of the perps

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I think she should be forgiven for her trespasses, as part of the instructions God gave us: "forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us." If we don't forgive our human tormentors, we will not be forgiven by God for our own sins.

And I also think she should be charged, tried and put to death for her willing participation in massive, horrific, ongoing crimes.

As should all of her co-conspirators.


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Genocide calls for the ultimate price. I don't have God in my heart, but I have 2 vaccinated children. Coerced by their wish to participate in a society that they couldn't imagine had them playing Russian Roulette. My beautiful children, 22, now genetically modified by Bourla. I'm going to hound that man... By 2030 he will have nothing and will forfeit his life.

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I'm not saying they are.

I'm saying that at this point it is disgraceful to even consider having a conversation about "forgiveness." That comes much later.

What's worse is that these people bring it up. It is the victims who get to decide when to consider forgiveness not the perpatrators.

Crimes are still being committed as part of this program- every single day people are still being killed by Covid protocols.

All in all this is not an apology anyway it is more gaslighting.

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If you read carefully what this nitwit said, she makes it clear that the forgiveness she seeks is for those in her special circle -- whether in Providence or Berkeley or New York or Boston or Cambridge or "Swellesley" or any other leftist enclave. They need to forgive each other for their stupidity and the attacks -- and she being such a magnanimous sort -- has already forgiven those just like her who supported this global crime for their attacks on her when she suggested reopening schools. After all, she no wanna relive those attacks, so let's just all move on, shall we? This has absolutely nothing to do with us 𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝒍.

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Their bringing up the subject definitely reminds me of Scar in The Lion King trying to make nice to the now-adult Simba. And Scar blames the hyenas

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At no point does this self-absorbed, over-edu-macated northeast nitwit ask for forgiveness. Instead, she makes a declaration to her ilk, some of whom hurt her feelings when she suggested reopening schools, that they should all forgive each other! She is not asking me or you, Allen, or Katherine, or any of the uncountable millions (billions?) here and around the world for forgiveness. For Pete's sake, the word "sorry" appears nowhere in her literary tripe. She is wholly unrepentant.

I'm going to write a 'Stack on this, and you know what I'll pray for? The ability to stay calm enough to convey my thoughts without devolving into obscenities. That will be a challenge because that is what this woman and her ilk represent -- the deeply and unrepentantly 𝒐𝒃𝒔𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒆.

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Well stated. I don't believe for a second these people are remorseful for their actions. I do hope those people who persecuted and wished death upon the unvaxxed will feel remorse at some point. It's definitely hard to forgive those people, even tho I realize they were brainwashed into compliance, but it also leads me to believe they would be someone that turned in Anne Frank as well. Those people in my circle, I don't know if there's a place in my circle for them moving forward. I can forgive, but I most definitely cannot forget. Perhaps they can look back on their actions and understand what they did wrong, and perhaps those people I can forgive eventually for all the abuse I endured (being called plague rat was especially fun). But those that forced this on society, those at the top, they need to be held accountable and I don't need to forgive them. They are dead to me and I'll let God handle that justice.

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I got so tired of being insulted by strangers on Twitter, when all I was trying to do was save their life. Ignorance. Ig-norance. There was a horrid fascination in talking to the brainwashed...

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Thank you Meggy, I feel your sentiments...I think about the rats running scene in the Titanic, (whether the actual event as portrayed is real is now contested, I hear but anyway), where the rats are all running out of the ship and only the actor DeCaprio knows to follow them to (relative) safety because they know how to save their own skin, those rats, they smart. Best from Oregon

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I’m with you, Allen. Well said!

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No, what these ogres have done is unforgivable, and their legacy lives on in the people being murdered in hospitals by the 'treatments' they are being given: remdesivir, ventilators, being denied food and water for days on end, being denied the ability to use the bathroom and having to soil themselves in their beds, being denied access to their families, being held prisoner with no means to escape. No, forget forgiving them.

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I think it is a reverse psychological trap....backdoor victim-blaming. It also tries to absolve the INTENTIONAL psyop of their complicity [ https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/vaccine-like-inoculation-of-minds | https://dystopianliving.substack.com/p/how-the-covid-vax-campaign-convinced ].

The perpetrators will elicit the negative backlash from those who resisted the Covid psyop....and then write a new article crying at how mean those pro-life/pro-choice/pro-wellness/anti-vaxxers are reacting with so much vile. Forgiveness is perfectly fine. So is accountability.

Also notice there is a recommended reading article "America’s Epidemic of Unkindness" in that Atlantic article [ https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/11/how-be-kind/602488/ ] . Dodge the hijack.

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Yes to "dodge the hijack."

It's a constant battle against the hijack, to try to return focus on exposing the crimes, understanding the mechanisms, and working to dismantle the kill-box and punish the criminals.

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In an age of climate catastrophe and other ‘real’ problems the internet is making us all ‘conspiracy theorists’. Uh, no. The internet is allowing the free dissemination of information that is being actively suppressed. Which makes everyone with an IQ over 95 distrustful of authority.

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It would be interesting to see if they lockdown free speech on the net. what would happen at that point.

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We will find out soon enough. It’s happening in Canada. And in Germany. Jawohl, here Commandant! Canadians can get around it. As they do in China, which has a tightly controlled internet. They use VPNs and have email accounts located not in China. But if the US locks it down, which they’ve tried to do by bribing big tech, I’m not sure how to get around that.

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I called Emily Oster on her SubStack thread, after explaining how wrong she is ‘the most dangerous woman in America’. Her clientele are young Moms. She was a big vax pusher. She now sees how wrong she has been and is trying to get out from under her guilt/responsibility. The Atlantic Article was a very stupid move on her part. She is now, as you noted, linked with Fauci Walensky Gates etal. If she had kept her mouth shut and apologized and said she had been lied to, she could have reversed course and had at the least plausible deniability. Even if most wouldn’t accept it. They’d have just stopped reading her.

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Allen, well put. Exactly- a PR firm which they will continue to follow. We’ll use our own critical thinking - thank you!

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Keep heart

In the end, the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady will triumph.

Until then,

we implore our Almighty Father

to cast down the devils

in high places

and replace them

with His mighty Archangels

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The Immaculata will and has crushed satans head

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I like Jaye’s comment posted herein ❤️

But another way that I have come to look at this is:

It took both sides to expose this corruption. The more heated it became (and it sure got very hot), the more it gained awareness in the collective consciousness. We are witnessing the demise of a very corrupt, for-profit only medical institution controlled by BigPharma and the WEF. The irate, righteous crowd attacking the anti-vaxxers actually played an important part in this awakening…in hindsight!

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Why don't we just send them all to the giant garden party in the sky you believe in? Would the deceased children up there have to forgive them as well? How does that work?

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Thank you for encapsulating my beliefs so succinctly. You forgot to mention the party is run by a big Sky Fairy though. Can you add that in?

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Let's forgive the apparatus trying to enslave and kill us. The net result of whatever your irrelevant beliefs are, is that forgiveness, in this instance, is another psyop.

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Happy to forgive, to release any debt that may be owed to me personally. Doesn't mean trust or forget.

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Following orders, mandates, doing our job? Some things cannot be unseen, forgot or forgave. For those who FORGOT what it is to be HUMAN, perps & public, no excuse or apology exists. No debate, only "science" & actions revealing what they truly are. Forgive these cunning NAZI's? Nie, die ewige Verdammnis.

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I love, love, love this. 🙏❤️☦️

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Regarding Trump: I thank God for him and pray for his protection. I also pray that he can be back in office soon. He is not perfect but he deserves better than to be lumped with the likes of Biden and Fauci.

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Trump is a HUGE part of the problem. He brought the gene-therapy kill shots to the world; his son-in-law brags that the shots saved 20 million lives. Trump is culpable, just like Fauci, Baric, Gates. Being ignorant and/or stupid does not excuse you from justice. (Note: I actually voted for him) See Bonhoeffer's famous essay on stupidity for more details. Trump is definitely a criminal, just like most "politicians" .

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You mean the Father of the Vaccine? The guy who thought it should be called Trumpcine? The guy who pushed Warp Speed to get a deadly shot out as quickly as possible? He is only very slightly better than biden in that he doesn't appear to sniff children's hair.

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Donald Trump didn't mandate it. He, at first, recommended remdesivir and hydroxychloroquine which caused media hysteria and ridicule. The experimental vaccine was meant to be something a person carefully considered with a doctor's advice before taking. It wasn't meant for everyone, especially those who are young or healthy.

Who mandated it for everyone? Who mandated it when the deaths were peaking in the VAERS database (September 2021)? Biden, the democrats and RINOs. This narrative that it's Trump's fault is peddled by the mainstream media. They are trying to exonerate themselves and it won't work. They will all be held accountable.

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No one could have anticipated they would put out a deliberately deadly shot. No one saw the medicine industry for what it is. I am and have been very skeptical of all Pharma for decades. I’ve had an alternative health practice for decades. I would have been on the extreme end of belief in the system, as I had almost none. But I had no idea the medical industry was essentially evil. They locked down the US. Trump knew there was no way around this. So he thought reasonably ‘okay we will warp speed a largely ineffective flu type shot to get peoples fear down to open it up again.’ You can’t blame him for marshaling resources that were used by demons embedded in the government. He didn’t do anything unreasonable. Other than he wasn’t aware he was facing a group of people who want to kill children, sterilize young people, etc. no one knew that. Also, I was never caught up in COVID. I had very smart friends who were totally caught up in it. Not for long. But they were until say June 2020. By then all the allocations would have been made. The operation to kill would have been up and running. He got played. But I can’t blame him for being conned. I blame the con artists. Birx openly admits lying to him. Fauci and Birx were too

Scientists. They lied not him.

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We agree to disagree. How can he possibly NOT speak up now, seeing the tragic consequences of his lack of knowledge and understanding? How can you be "president" without knowing full well that Fauci is a mass-murderer? Trump SIGNED the documents that gave you lockdowns, masks, gene-therapy shots and more. He is clueless and is no better than any politician - they are ALL criminals. You cannot qualify as president or CEO if you are clueless, incompetent, ignorant of very, very important facts, or just plain stupid - that's why I refer people to Bonnhoffer's famous essay on stupidity - yes, Trump is stupid enough to get YOU and I killed. I agree with Ann Barnhardt:

Q: What politicians do you support?

None. They are all psychopaths and whores. ALL OF THEM. The culture has degraded such that seeking and/or holding office, especially national-level office, is, in and of itself, proof that a given person is psychologically and morally unfit to hold public office.

I guarantee that Trump is a bona-fide liar. He definitely is no savior of any sort.

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PS. See Hayak's "The Road To Serfdom" - the chapter on why the worst get to the "top" in politics.

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Agree, through Trump, God brought down Roe!

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I will only add that The Covid "miscalculations", or whatever it's being called, needs an important follow up: your "miscalculations" are about a great deal more than the Covid tyranny and persecution they felt free to vent on their neighbors, family members, and strangers.

It extends to the abuse and tyranny of many of those same people over January Six (many still await trials for walking through open doors); many face job loss, or career deadend over things like critical race, trans insanity, people disagreed with the George Floyd nonsense, defense of one man-one woman marriage; etc., etc.

It's the same process over every issue with these people...because they're vicious and they always resort to social, emotional, or physical violence and intimidation from the very beginning.

Stop resorting to tyranny, censorship, Swatting, and doxing to control or intimidate people who disagree with you.

It'll never happen. Most would never consider giving up the power that comes from violence and force.

It's all they've got.

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I agree. It's a real-time re-run of the Gulag Archipelago. Marxists and Communists doing what they do - they are God-less people.

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I am old enough that I prayed the latin rosary before everything was scuttled over to English. Love this take on the forgiveness angle, and love Ann Barnhardt too. Pray unceasingly, give thanks unendingly is a mantra I like. Thank you for this and for all your art posings. A breath of fresh air. Edited to add, I've seen this painting in person, in Madrid. Glorious!

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