"Don’t fall for the fear campaign psy-op and informational weapons being circulated by Project Veritas (probably as unwilling, unwitting participants who just want to get scoops) and spun up by other people whose words have the effect of directing public anger away from DOD/HHS/US Gov/WHO and toward expendable Big Pharma."

Listening to highly attended and lengthy Spaces forums on Twitter I am reassured that many well know this is far larger than pharma, and aren't falling for a laser pointer misdirect. I also see this larger picture being worked out in comment sections on a variety of Substacks. We learned a lot more about how pharma operates in the deeper underbelly, about their sinister little consulting and contractor partners, and from where all that activity is ultimately sourced and funded. Like it or not this is a major event raising awareness further. Unprecedented to be able to have 10K+ on a call twice with Project Veritas, co-hosts and a panel of speakers. Listeners who wanted access to ask questions and provide input got it. This provided all kinds of impressions, feedback, and constructive criticism. Lots of leads were generated for new places to look for clues. That is unprecedented in journalism-- what such an in real time interactive audio platform can provide with such immediacy. I think we will look back at this moment and know it was a useful pivot point.

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I listened to the entire three hours on Twitter Spaces Wednesday and last night. Something for the history books. I hope I live long enough to tell my grand niece and nephew about what I witnessed. A great awakening is taking place. Thank you, dear Lord!

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Was it recorded? If so, is there a link?

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Yes. It was recorded but I can’t find a link for it and I don’t have a Twitter account. I’m sure if you follow Project Veritas on Twitter you will find it.

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I attended both spaces, and I agree with your sentiments. There were 17k on last night's call. I share the concern Eric and Bret Weinstein voiced about the possibility that PV may have been set up. For obvious reasons, I hope this is not the case.

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Speaking about the twit spaces, I still have serious reservations and suspicions about the Musk himself, and the 'deal' that was made for his takeover of it.

As always the funding and money trails are the most enlightening.

Almost everything about him and that 'deal' raise red flags for me, so it is yet another rabbit hole just waiting to be exposed. Even though twit appears to have been rescued and rehabilitated, I still don't trust it.

Although the PV spaces are historical and positive, so I'm not negating them or PV!

Just don't forget that the twit files are far from settled or forgotten and are still in play.

For me, anything on twit is still very suspect and always should be since I think the twit files are far more reliable and damaging than this PV blockbuster.

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Bret Weinstein was a wise voice of caution to take our time to understand what was unfolding. He gave criticism to PV that James O'Keefe took well and spawned useful debate. Bret was concerned that Walker may not have been out as a gay person. In fact none of that has turned up in the private investigator background checking. There is so much sadness in this story along with the nefarious stuff.

Spaces has an as yet unheralded strength in that commentary comes from real people with real voices, even if they have a pseudonym as a moniker. Words are accompanied with the color of voice and and the emotions they convey. Very humanizing in a disembodied digital world.

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We've all been set up, right from the start of life.

James can handle. He does plenty of "setting up" himself.

Great sex espionage operation he's got going there. Bet those guys are scared shitless of online dating now!!

Ha...ha....ha....ha....isn't it PV that showed us how a hungry dick will spill anything? This guy was no fool on that count....he knows, or was given the ancient script.

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Maybe James followed how Epstein and Gislane used their honey pots to get the goods on those perps and took some good notes about that?

James is in that 'raided by the FIB club' now, which is an exclusive club.

Meanwhile, we are still looking for who among the many people who wanted Epstein dead actually paid for the contract on him. So many likely suspects, but too little time to follow all of those money trails. Those are great money trails to find and follow...

Maybe CBDCs will make following those money trails easier? For them but not for us!

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PV "reporters" are trained by Erik Prince/Blackwater ex-spies in espionage techniques, eg "honeypot." Documented several times by NYT.

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That's good news.

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We'll see who wins. Obv, both sides have dozens, if not hundreds, of high-paid attys.

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Friday 27th: Mainstream journalist Carol Vorderman demands that PM Rishi Sunak is investigated for insider trading on This Morning (Moderna shares).


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Interesting. Ran across similar art yesterday in Daily Mail. And was wondering how Sunak was going to fare. UK PMs aren't lasting very long these days, are they ?

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You can see active spaces in the black tabs at the top from the phone app. You can also search “TwitterSpaces Dashboard” on Google. It will show a complete history of all live and recent spaces. They are all recorded for replaying. I hope that helps.

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That does help. Thx. Listen on laptop.

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They could make it easier to find, for sure.

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Jan 27, 2023·edited Jan 27, 2023

PR firms have enormous resources and can create stories through various scripts and edits.

Maybe Pfizer pulled babies out of incubators and threw them on the floor. They would do this if the ROI was good.

The restaurant scene itself is fraught with some fairly questionable and contradictory scenes. Not really worth getting into that but I think folks should just pause and consider.

In any case the story is not whether this guy is real or is PV on the up and up it is what has been said- the overall message of this production.

So now we get to what was Malone's role in this. Yes I know some will say- "why are you bringing him into it" etc. but one must as he WAS inserted into the original video by PV- that's odd. And he was the feature in the twitter conversation which people were DIRECTED to right as this video was being plastered all over substack's and twitter and everywhere else. AND he was then interviewed by Tucker Carlson shortly after this. I'm sure he has been elsewhere managing the narrative.

And what is that narrative?

That there is/was Wuhan-Gain of Function shenanigans and the virus did spread and was responsible for this pandemic and if we don't get a handle on this we could have a MUCH WORSE pandemic and we MUST be prepared for a SUPER NASTY contagion that could come our way.

Fear- Fear- Fear.

Now who do you think will be in charge on protecting us according to this narrative? What are the tools those people would have/use to "protect" us?

Sorry it is all propganda 24/7 and people have to be raisnig a whole host of questions and should NEVER take any of this at face value.

The lab-leak theory serves the Deep State agenda in that it reinforces the idea that the virus is a real problem that needs to be solved, rather than a fear-based control narrative. This "virus" is not man made in a lab in Wuhan.

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Nailed, pure and simple. It's reassuring that Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt go where the evidence leads since this whole shit show kicked off in 2019/20. Koch's Postulates were, are and will remain the key to unlocking the grip of BigPharmakeia.

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I agree that Katherine and Sasha trusting the evidence as it unfolds. I was a bit taken back by Sasha's willingness to go along with JJ Couey's notion of a "clone virus" and yet she sees the value of there never having been a "virus" to clone. Still her work on the manufacturing side has been sorely missing when discussions of the injection come up. On that I say, she's work reading.

Just want to maintain discernment on these matters.

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You forgot about the Inquisitions. This certainly did not begin in 2019, except for those who have no history whatever.

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Well yes, you’re not the only one to have gone down rabbit holes and I was referring only to Convid. “The Inquisitions” are buried in misdirection and the subject will never be adequately or justly explored in point scoring comments.

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I'm not quite sure what kind of "points" you're imagining "scoring", but the game evidently is the metaphor. I'm here to share knowledge, and be grateful for what is shared with me.

I'm perfectly capable of recommending multiple writings and research on "The Inquisitions", of which only the "Salem With Trials" remains in the memory of US eddication. However....not everyone works and writes for "points". Raising six children you birth from your own soul and love and body and blood is not a fucking game, junior. So listen up if you can:

So yeah, studying The Inquisitions is not a popular topic. But there's a lot more there than just the fabulous femicides which gained the "Church Fathers" and the "Rulers of The Fatherland", and Motherlands, massive land steals , as the land passed through the female who create the males, at that time.

You could also learn that tho many males as well were murdered, some for practicing astrology, physicians were still required not only to study and know the placements of the planets, but a physician who did surgery would be put to death if his patient had died, and he had not ascertained the position of Mars before scheduling the surgery.

Interesting, eh? (By the way, only males could be physicians, that was the entire point of the Inqusitions. )Femicide is nothing new , of course, and continues through the most lucrative media industry of all, that which out grosses all other media combined in profits....pornography....but there's a lot about men too in the Inquisitions.

You could learn that it was Germany...the Germ of the Alien Invasion....which got the prize for the most "killings", profit, you know?

Yeah, there's a lot to be learned there about why it's like it is now. But hey!!!

Pardonnez Moi, Monsieur!!!

Nasty topic, being as males still commit 90% of violent crime, and Germany remains the drunkest nation on the planet. As well as continuing to rule the planet. Nasty topic.

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Jan 28, 2023·edited Jan 28, 2023

You're welcome ; )

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I have had these same thoughts. The virus is the flu. Period

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And the flu doesn't require a "virus".

I don't know how so many people missed it when growing up and their parent(s) responded to the sniffles, you must have gotten a "virus". In other words, it was a catchall for any symptoms (bodily detox), not a known cause of them.

For me that was the beginning of questioning the whole "virology" story...a means of extracting funds, careers and providing their paymasters with a pretext for toxic injections.

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I've been getting "I'm coming down with something" feelings every time I've been in a closed room with a cell phone that's turned on lately.

It's radiation poisoning, folks. Catch up please.

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Jan 28, 2023·edited Jan 28, 2023

That is pure, unadulterated bullshit... You have never had the virus, or YOU had the flu -- but hundreds of thousands of others have been sickened, and NOT with flu.

It's disappointing to see how many people are willing to throw everything they know (or do they?) about science out the window, while having no idea at all how to replace the thousands of explanations it provides. A great lesson in babies and bathwater...

At least we can agree that a murderous fraud has been perpetrated, and needs to be stopped. That's enough common ground for me, at the present time -- but please remain observant, because many people here are either missing a few screws, or deliberately trying to diffuse (or even defuse) our strength.

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Science needs to be thrown out. Maybe anatomy is the only thing that should remain. The rest of it would best be jettisoned because it has led us down the totally wrong path. It has totally ignored the body's natural healing system and a lot more. We will learn more by conducting science the way it should be not this dogma that we've been fed and that has killed probably hundreds of millions of people and ruined their lives if not killed them. I say ta ta to the whole kit and kaboodle. We will do a lot better without it.

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Let ur mind be open. More & more evidence appears to suggest that CV-19 was an envenomation. Virus means poison ☠️ or toxin. Sasha recently pointed this out & it aligns w/ Dr. Bryan Ardis & Dr. Tau Braun’s assessment. In an interview w/ Dr. Jane Ruby last year, Sasha showed thru a set of graphs 📊 that Covid suddenly spiked in different parts of the world all at the same time. This is NOT the way a virus acts. It builds, spreads, peaks, & dissipates gradually over time. Though it might be found in different continents due to airline travel, the trajectory of infection between countries would be disparate. Yet, rate of spread was immediate & exactly the same for all. This is statistically impossible for all the nations involved. I believe Sasha is correct about the envenomation. Yet before Sasha figured it out, Dr. Tau Braun proposed this same theory in a letter to the FBI in June of 2021. See links:



Dr. Braun did not go public. But then in April of 2022, Dr. Bryan Ardis announced his belief that the government was using synthetic snake venom peptides in the shots to induce harm & death & had substantial evidence to back up his claim.

Highly recommend you view the following documentaries in the order they were released:

“Watch the Water”


“Covenom -19”


“Died Suddenly”


Like Sasha, Dr. Ardis is a consummate researcher. Based on the documents he found, he has reached the same conclusion as Sasha -- that the DoD is behind the envenomation deployment. Here he discusses some of his latest findings (not the best interviewer but the information is EYE 👁️ OPENING!):


Lastly, this interview done on The Dr. Ardis Show is mind-boggling & provides amazing spiritual insight regarding the world-wide poisoning of the world’s population.


Please pass it on. All roads are leading to Rome, so to speak.

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Yes virus means poison in Latin. But that's not what virologist mean by a pathogenic virus. It's very specific. It does us no good to use semantics to flip the story that imprisoned billion of people the world over.

Of course we can call pollution a "virus" or any sort of toxic substance we might ingest or create through various forms of traumatic effects emotionally induced...or EMF. We know that Bill Gates' product produces computer viruses (how ironic).

But that's not the argument made by the so-called "scientists" who have defined what we're talking about as a particle with a particular characteristic from nature capable of spreading from person to person. Since none has been proven to exist, you can't "clone" it which is something Sasha has also claimed. It's a red herring. I do think Sasha's reporting on pharma is spot on, particularly the manufacturing of this injection concoction. She know this first hand.

The spiking you mentioned appears to have nothing to do with a pathogenic virus, in fact just the opposite. I would recommend you check out Dr. Denis Rancourt's thorough work on all-cause-mortality. He details comparing timelines across multiple years and ages. Here for viewing (you can check out his website for detail studies):


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Will check out link. Ty.

Malone refuses to speak about synthetic snake venom peptides? Why do you think that is?

If you haven’t watched any of the links Iposted in my response, suggest you watch at least this one:


We can then exchange opinions. Ok?

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I'm familiar with the people you reference and their speculation.

I am concerned that there's far too much fear-mongering going on. While I do think that people need to know that these injections are dangerous (frankly though these may be far worse, they're all loaded with toxins and heavy metals (except perhaps the placebos). So videos on some sort of gross object taken from a corpse can be detrimental for those who were coerced to take the jab to keep their job. A detox procedure would be much more helpful, imo.

Let's keep on researching. I do think Sasha hit the mark on this post. We need to discern and not just think everything someone writes should go without critical review.

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So, you make some good points. It’s a very difficult situation for those who’ve been vaxxed to learn what may be in store for them. No one wants to be the bearer of bad or tragic news. Steve Kirsch said in “Died Suddenly” that if ppl knew what was in the vaccines, they’d go ape-shit crazy (paraphrasing). I’ve thought long & hard & this is how I would frame the issue for someone.

I’d begin with the following question: If you were potentially in serious danger but were unaware of this yet someone else knew it, would you want them to tell you?

If “No!” is the answer I’d then pose another question: But what if this other person had information that could possibly save your life, reduce severe injury to your body & organs, or protect you from terrible pain & suffering -- would you still want to remain ignorant of the danger?

If “Yes!” then I would say: If you were going “back home” in a few hours, a few days, a few months, or a few years, would you rather be prepared or unprepared? Would you like to leave with a clear conscience? Would you like the chance to spend quality time with your loved ones before heading out? Most importantly, would you not want the opportunity to petition God for a reprieve?

If the vaxxed person still wishes to remain in the dark then one must respect their position.

However, if we don’t find loving ways NOW to help ppl look squarely at the evil that has been done them then the panic that could ensue might produce an even greater tragedy & leave ppl feeling utterly rejected & without hope which would substantially increase the death rate. There is still a chance that many who who might otherwise be doomed can be saved. I believe it would be unconscionable to not try to ease the shock of truth for these ppl.

It’s the difference between the attack at Pearl Harbor & the Battle of Normandy. Soldiers were unaware & unprepared for their fate in the first instance. In the latter, they knew what they faced & had the chance to appeal to their Maker for courage & help. Which would you rather?

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I suspect the flu called covid was a reaction to testing of 5G technology which has been rolled out since before the "pandemic" and with "warp speed" during the "pandemic". Covid was just a cover up for the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the body. They had to test 5G somewhere and if you're observant you'll see that this is how they do their testing - in various places so as not to arouse suspicion. They have to get the dosages just right, not too high so that people won't be dying without their explicit control and small enough to make the effects look like it is a real disease. They of course want complete control of humans and merge us with "artificial intelligence". Oh how everyone has been had. But some of us knew all this well beforehand because we did the research and we didn't just limit it to institutional documentation. There is so much more to this that must come out and it is staggering, it is gruesome, it is pure evil (and I don't believe in gods or demons but that word is the most appropriate for it)

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I agree. The other threat, behind so much, from an institutional basis is "bio-tech". It's not simply what they say they can do but what they'll try to do that will/has negatively effected life.

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I have and about five friends have thought the same thing. To naturally have a virus grow it takes 400 years, this was man-made SARS + the flu.

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So we're certain this virus is actually different because we know it's different than a previous virus somehow and allegedly know it takes 400 years to create this new virus so thus this must have been man made? Just trying to get clear. Not arguing it, I don't have the expertise.

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you don't need this kind of "experience". The entire virus discourse is a lie. The word "virus" means poison. Simple, It means poison.

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You didn't answer. Is this virus man-made or not.

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Jan 28, 2023·edited Jan 28, 2023

The available evidence points strongly toward a man-made concoction. The convenient lengths of sections, the furin cleavage site, and closely related patents may all be circumstantial, but they build a pretty strong case, taken together.

I would like to point out to the virus doubters, that for something that "Doesn't exist," government and private industry have sure spent a HELL of a lot of time (30 years+) money, and manpower on laboratories and programs that work exclusively with these "Imaginary" particles. SOMEBODY (with a lot of money) sure thinks they exist.

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No it is not man-made. The entire premise of virus is a smokescreen. The sickness comes from toxicity or poisoning. In this case I would wager electromagnetic poisoning. But they're poisoning us with everything, the water, the food, the skies. Everything.

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Fauci's colleague, who really found Covid said the 400 years. Gates and Obama took out patents on the vax in 2015. Long before the bacterium was even here. So yes it was man -made

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Moderna and Pfizer fighting for market share. Now comes affixing blame. All of the organizations, private and otherwise, took orders from some one.

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Jan 27, 2023·edited Jan 27, 2023

"Bancel made me do it!"

You raise an excellent point.

Folks might want to consider revisiting W Webb's articles on Moderna.

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I think this was planned all along. Exit, rotate them out, fake hearings, drama, fines, and enter stage the Moderna they always had planned to do all the yearly, gene editing, child schedule stuff?

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Who is the director?

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Chief epidemiologist of Chinese CDC admitted 'they didn't isolate the virus'

The CCP isolation data was used to create the spike protein for the vax. This is a big deal.


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My understanding of the Chinese as far as vaccinations, they are not using the mRNA vaccine. Can some please confirm? I can’t remember where I read that. Is anyone following Mathew Ehret. He has a different perspective on history and of the Chinese government. Everything seems upside down as far as info were getting.

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I don't trust any news or gov't. ANd CHINA is at the TOP of that list.

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Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine is an inactivated virus vaccine using SARS-CoV-2 viruses whose genetic materials have been destroyed either by chemicals, radiation or heat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinopharm_BIBP_COVID-19_vaccine

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Wikapedia as a source? That's like Snopes or CNN I believe.

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Reuters is no better, but yeah you're correct. And Sinovac gave me a stroke and heart problems too. The spike is a dangerous toxin

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Jan 28, 2023·edited Jan 28, 2023

That is consistent with everything I've read -- no mRNA in Chinese injections (at least until now, per Stegiels comment).

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Yeah. It's a chinese takeover helped by Trump, Biden, and all the rest of the people you think are on your side. ALL PLAYERS in this game.

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Wrong. The source of the vaccine was patented by Fauci and friends in 2015.

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As long as the brainwashed sheeple kneel before the altar of the germ theory and all of its ridiculous iterations, the world will constantly be fed stories of “gain of function”, “pathogenic viruses”, “mutating viruses”, “barbaric jabs being safe and effective”, and will do whatever they’re told to do by “experts” who know what’s good for them.

Until the shift in knowledge eradicates the belief in that antiquated story, we will continue to see this horror show repeated and repeated and repeated.

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Until there's no one left to dance to the music....

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"And Pray the Rosary." Amen.

We will defeat these evil people, eventually, and after years of suffering and struggle. They will lose. They've just stolen a march on us now, that's all.

They are tinkering with God's creation with their evil transhumanism scheme. God will not allow such evil to triumph.

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It is the people - us - who do the deeds and that's where the culpability lies. Everyone is quite happy to let animals be tortured for scientific experiments because they will get their precious drugs. Not even vegans come out against vivisection. It's the people who can't tell the difference between liars and truth tellers. A whole new education system needs to be born, one that is free and not dogmatic. The dogmatic schooling system has retarded our minds so that most people cannot think critically at all. With a thinking populace, this plot would have been figured out on the first day.

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Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

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Thank you, Katherine. Excellent and fully agree. We are being 'directed' to a version of the 'truth' the controllers want. We need to think and be bigger than that.

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I wish this revelation from PV would be pursued criminally. It could lead to other information which leads to yet other information. And so on.

This does go much further up but typically criminal investigations don't begin at the top, they get there through diligently pursuing lower levels and working up.

That is one reason why I don't really understand so many people trashing PVs work as irrelevant. I see no reason not to pursue this revelation. There is a bunch of truly horrible stuff going on. You and Sasha have done great work but there is still more to understand. This is a huge, deep and thoroughly evil network. Here is one chance to understand more information and I would like to see that chance taken.

Yesterday, PV was offering to protect this guy as a whistleblower. That seems like a good idea. He clearly knows things and he is in real trouble, as in, his life is likely in danger. I hope they do this.

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Good points, Jill.

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Thank you. I feel that there is a hardening of everyone's positions just at the time when we most need to be open. There is still so much we don't understand. That's just the truth.

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As long as everyone can speak their mind, we'll get through this. The danger is cutting people off, blocking them or censoring them. This is the time when people should get it out of themselves even if it comes out "wrong". That will be the most healing.

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Carlson's story about this guy who is suppose to be a Pfizer research executive talking to a "reporter" who is basically telling him what to say, really made evermore apparent that Tucker Carlson Tonight is largely a limited hangout, a Mockingbird special as are many of the reports and editorials in the MSM.

By the way, isn't Fox a Blackrock investment like all the other "news" stations?

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Yes. They only have a small piece of the puzzle. But we know major media, including Fox can’t report until (after) someone else drops the bomb. They are puppets too. Just representing a different side-for now

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Katherine Watt

I love Tyler Childers.

Universal Sound has been my favorite song for the past few years.


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Oh wow. I had not heard “Universal Sound” before. It’s fantastic.

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"But Pharma could not have pulled off its part of the crime without the US Gov/DOD/HHS/WHO/BIS orchestration." That is such a good point! Surely there is involvement at highest levels, but at the behest of and in service to people in positions of trust fronting for DOD, layer after layer to get to the real hydra's head. They do not care what outcome is perceived. Blame Pharma? Okay, it was THEM. Gotcha, never going to happen again. Nope, doesn't pass the sniff test, does it? Taking the "blame" where it may be absorbed without disrupting the "plan" has the maximum effect of leveling blame, instilling belief in something not proven and under-investigated, causing fear. Possibly the ultimate goal is fear if nothing else, and probably the reason they go this route. After all, what can we do to stop Pharma? How much energy will be expended in a partial pursuit that allows more morphing of guilty parties before we finally see we did not go far enough... 9/11. JFK. RFK. MLK. Namig but a few of the most obvious. They have reason to feel arrogant, they get away with it time and again.

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Your stack is now officially my top must read, all signal no noise!

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The 1.3% of the American population produces the food we eat. Dive further into the demographics and economics within this group and you begin to appreciate that challenges we face. If the fear, injections weren't enough, the mass starvation will be.

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Limits to growth. Peak oil. This is what I have read for years and why population will be reduced. I am not sure any more. Maybe we have never gotten good information. History is told by the victors.

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I think there are a number of contestants in what I call our current "race to chaos". Global financial collapse, a more lethal pandemic, massive hunger migration, regional war, popular rebellion. Which will be the first to cause chaos and massive loss of life? None seem more than one small step away.

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We can avoid all that if we get together and work out who's going to grow what and share. We'll get over this if we go back to community. We'll pick up the pieces but they have also orchestrated starvation. This is part of their playbook that they have repeated throughout history. And now on us. But we have more people awake to it today. It's up to us to make connections and work with others to avoid catastrophe and rise even farther than we can imagine. This is an opportunity as well as a diabolical disaster.

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Have you thought of the Marxist infiltration of our government as the cause of our current woes?. Trevor Loudon has done a great deal of investigation in this regard as well as written several books and films...perhaps worth a look...

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Jim T Malone. YES!! Trevor Loudon is really on to something with the receipts! There is a recent interview with him and Mel K. I will pist so that people will perhaps give him a listen!


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It goes as far as the Vatican and even further. It's so deep it would have your mind spinning.

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Have you read Marx and Engles? And read studies and critiques of their thoughts?

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It is disturbing how few are calling out DOD/HHS/US Gov/WHO.

Whenever I see a 'lawmaker' on twitter talking about the border, Ukraine, whatever...I say 'End the Emergencies, restore the Constitution, start Nuremberg 2'

I really think the lawmakers know that it is all fake.

The ones in Davos talk like their families are being held hostage. They're trying to speak just right so they don't get wished into the corn field.

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Jan 27, 2023·edited Jan 27, 2023

Why is this injection called Pfizer's ? Comirnaty is licensed for Biontech. The military (Bundeswehr) played a central role in germany's pandemic theatre. They engaged in nursery homes, contact tracing and most important, chief of the vax campaign was a General. They stored the vials, distributed them, and sent the expiring doses to other countries. You would think in a country, that prohibited military to engage on german territory except for catastrophies like floods, this would be criticized. And not at least, the opposition would take a closer look on these facts. Guess what? As far as I know not one opposition site or group who came up since 2020 would take on it. Not one! Are they all controlled opposition or are they blind? Pretty alone with my concerns. Grateful of having found you and Sasha so that I am able to confirm my suspicious thoughts. Did you know that the company that is producing the vials started already in March 2019 to ramp up the production. You can read this up in their report 2019/2020 Schott- in german. Nato did a workshop with J.Hopkins University in Summer 2019 on Biosecurity. This could explain, why the roleout was the way it was. Well prepared and organized. No other institution could achieve that other than the military. that's my conclusion. it has been a US/NATO thing. I ruled out other options.

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