How is such state of affairs even possible, they cannot be just so plainly evil. What was the justification presented to the public to introduce all those laws? How did everyone of consequence go along with it, they cannot all be corrupted. Majority had to be persuaded, somehow. But how? It does not make sense, goes far beyond usual theories of globalists elite conspirators. Sounds more like invasion and infiltration of mind controlling shape shifting alien monsters, and I am not even joking.

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The pseudo-justification was two-fold:

1. The existence of pathogens — whether natural or man made — poses a threat to the national security of the US, therefore Congress and the executive branch must have extraordinary emergency powers and funding to respond to those threats, to “protect” the people from harm. Some of them genuinely saw themselves as good guys when they voted for these horrible pseudo-laws, just doing what’s best for the ordinary people. A few actually understood the perversion and tyranny they were enacting, but could hide behind the ‘good guy’ mask.

2. Compensating for lack of commercial markets. When the bills were presented, especially Project Bioshield Act in 2003, passed in 2004,


the pharma lobbyists, public health criminals, and bill sponsors in Congress framed the problem as being a lack of financial reward for private pharmaceutical companies to do R&D on drugs to treat antibiotic resistant infections, pandemic pathogens and other threats, and a lack of appetite (among the Pharmas) for taking the risks of expensive studies and potential liability for harmful products. The solution they pitched was for US taxpayers to commit to pay for the product development, and also eliminate product liability for the companies. And, while they were at it, eliminate informed consent rights and obligations. Under the guise, again, of a potential emergency scenario (orchestrated by the profiteering killers) making it too time-consuming to pause for informed consent, or valid clinical trials, or judicial review.

Again, the rank and file Congress members could see themselves as ‘good guys’ solving a problem that the market couldn’t solve, by throwing federal money and authority at it.

While the evil Congress members and public health genociders could hide behind that benevolent false front to build the kill-box.

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Waxman is right on target with his questions. McClellan responses are bizarre assertions that even if true do not actually address Waxman's concerns. He is basically saying the speed of emergency response is more important than safety of the people it is supposed to protect. It is self-contradicting idiocy.

Anyhow, what do you think about Dr. Henry Ealy and Grand Jury Petition, have you written any articles about it?

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I haven’t written a detailed report on the Ealy case, but have mentioned it in several posts about legal issues in general, including:



I think it’s a good case, and that the federal government/DOD has been controlling the federal courts and federal prosecutors (US Attorneys) to bury, delay and kill it.

Dr. Ealy’s site Beyond the Con, has a good timeline at the Timeline tab, third purple tab from the left under the big ABSOLUTELY banner.


What’s happened since July:

Gov. got extension. Gov. response was due Aug. 26. Gov. missed deadline. Ealy/Joncus filed Motion for Default Judgment. Aug. 28.

On Aug. 29 Gov. filed declaration saying attorney had a sick dog on Aug. 26, thus missed deadline. Gov filed Motion to Dismiss.

On Aug. 31, Ealy/Joncus filed reply re: default as ministerial, not discretionary.

On Sept. 12, Ealy/Joncus filed oppo to Gov Motion to Dismiss.

On Sept. 24, Gov filed further support for MtD.

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I suspect it was mostly hidden within other laws so that even the assiduous reader in Congress had no idea what they’d approved.

I’ve read only a little of Katherine Watt’s output but the history she has uncovered extends across generations, let alone administrations. How could ordinary members hope to understand that which is deliberately buried?

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This is all very reminiscent of Rome at the end of the Republic - although things moved at a much faster pace at that time. The various power players, once they controlled the key offices and bodies (the tribunate of the plebs was the main legislative body by this time), would enact a series of laws each of which led towards a goal which was intended to remain hidden until the final act was passed revealing the intent towards which all the previous enabling acts had been aimed. Caesar was particularly adept at this.

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Dr Mike Yeadon, maybe you can help coordinate this, I'm sure they'll listen to you at least, please see today's announcement and the below:


Mrs Watt,

Maybe you and Mrs Latypova and Mr Barnes can help Mr Kirsch and Mrs Kingston, because he and others just decided to go after Pfizer using the adulteration of vaccine and non-disclosure to FDA method, obviously based on good manufacturing practices... So they're likely to just waste their time and effort when they should be focusing on going after the "this is a bioweapon" approach of Dr David Martin and Mrs Kingston and maybe you as well, I apologize if I don't recall well...

But of course you have already disclosed very clearly that good manufacturing practices legal framework doesn't apply in the case of COVID vaccines, those were "procured" via Other transactions authority (OTA) law exemption / framework of US DoD, which employs as military contractors different suppliers including Pfizer. So under OTA they don't have to follow good manufacturing practices.

Furthermore, Mr Barnes already failed to procecute Pfizer for defrauding the government (which adulteration and non-discolure to government & FDA) precisely because of OTA, but also because the contracts were for a demo, not a final prduct. So it is beyond me how they'll succeed now with adulteration fraud to FDA, when their focus should be what Dr David Martin has been shouting for at least a year now, and Mrs Karen Kingston (she has provided 2 different attack methods, one is the above as Mr Kirsch, which will fail, the other one is as Mr David Martin's). Dr Martin has proposed that the line of legal attack should be "this is a bioweapon" and thus different set of laws apply in that aspect, not good manufacturing practices nor OTA above.

Other readers + Mrs Watt, please if you have their contact info and can contact Mr Kirsch and Mrs Kingston before it's too late, I don't have their contact info. They should both be speaking with Dr David Martin + Mrs Latypova + you Mrs Watt, to coordinate their legal efforts and wtih the right approach that will not fail, otherwise there's great delays with the legal path until we realize we've reached another dead-end.

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DM, It’s very thoughtful of you to make these suggestions. Personally, I don’t believe the legal route can break this monstrous attack on humanity, because due process will not be followed (I’m saying the judicial system is captured as is every other institution).

I’m no scholar of the law as Katherine is.

My understanding of the position, notwithstanding my views above, is that laws relating to product obligations aren’t going to be successful (even if a court could be found that would accept the case). This is because, as you know from Katherine Watt’s work, they’re countermeasures & not pharmaceutical products. The interactions with FDA are surely theatre, and neither adulteration claims or objections to clinical safety profile (whether due to contamination with DNA or because several designed-in features lead inevitably to toxicity) can succeed.

While I agree with David Martin that these agents were designed intentionally to cause harm, it’s a hard thing to prove in a court. Not impossible & I’m going to try to convince the judge of that intent in the Costa Rica case.

But in home courts in USA I doubt a case based on an allegation that these truly are “bioweapons” would even be heard.

While I’m not negative on the legal route for no reason & I’ve agreed reluctantly to join with others in the CR case, we’ve seen years of non-progress in courts on several related issues.

I recall thinking early on that, if you set out to take over the world, there’s a long list of matters you’d definitely have buttoned down before you commenced. Among these are that you’ve captured the judiciary at least at the highest level and some layers below.

In the unlikely event of a legal success on our side, the media will not mention it. So the route of getting a decision that will be seen by others as setting a precedent isn’t available to us.

Even if CR rules that the current “vaccines” must be withdrawn, again the media won’t report on it & government could arrange for them to be replaced by new injections eg those they claim target a new variant.

Each of us can use a unit of time only once. We’re tremendously disadvantaged by truly tiny numbers of us. Involving myself in processes I’m personally convinced cannot succeed is an act of self sabotage.

Finally, while others may take a different view, I don’t plan to go back and forth on it. I’m could use all the time I’ve got, arguing the toss on whether SARS-CoV-2 is circulating or not and whether acute respiratory illnesses are contagious. Meanwhile the perpetrators would be laughing at our futile arguments with one another.

I always come back to the realisation that informing as many people as possible is always a beneficial approach. The perpetrators will only succeed iv enough people comply. They don’t need to do anything other than refusing to comply in order to thwart their satanic agenda.

Best wishes and thanks again!


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So true. I've often felt like I was in a real-life 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' over the last few years.

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Similar questions were asked during and after the Holocaust. Evil thrives when good people do nothing...

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Check out Catherine Austin Fitts: Financial Cou de tat on her web site Solari Report to understand why

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They pass laws over night. They make it very hard to read with lots and lots of pages that no one can read in such a short period of time. Then they bribe the politicians too. I heard as little as $30,000 can get a politician to change their mind. Though I imagine there could be threats to their lives too.

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Hi Katherine, thank you. I will watch the video tonight. Just curious, are you familiar with J. Couey of GigaOhmBiological? He is a biologist who lost his position at the University of Pittsburgh. (20+ years of in-depth biology background) He has a unique view of "gain of function" - He goes over it in a video that came out today. I'm weak in biology knowledge but his take on it makes sense to me. I though you might be interested. His "History Of Biology video - he is on Twitch because he said it's a good place to hide - is excellent) He recently did some work for RFK Jr. and is connecting with Matthew Crawford this coming Monday. Thanks for all you are doing for humanity.

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Thank you.

Yes, I’ve watched several of Couey’s discussions with Charles Rixey, Mathew Crawford and others.

Especially recommend these three:


https://rumble.com/v1buosn-charles-rixey-gigaohm-biological-high-resistance-low-noise-part2.html https://rumble.com/v1gyj01-sars-cov-2-origins-round-table-w-jonathan-couey-and-charles-rixey.html

I don’t follow Couey’s work super-closely (because I focus more on the law side of the issues) but do keep up as much as possible with how the science-warriors are getting to the bottom of the scientific, genetic, microbiology issues they focus on.

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I must agree regarding J.J. Couey, he seems to have a solid theory regarding the mass/batch cloning of viruses. IANA-Biologist, just a machinist with hirshsprungs(needed to learn a lot about the gut biome in order to manage the insane amount of diarrhea/bowel blockages that I suffer from. edited to add: Lionsmane and vagus nerve exercises has helped a lot recently, at least it seems so).

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Hello Katherine! This is superb work. I noticed that Alex Azar currently works at the Aspen Institute where he and other former HHS members work on policy. The Aspen Institute is funded by figures like George Soros, the Rockefellers and Bill Gates. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/health-law-and-business/trump-hhs-secretary-alex-azar-resurfaces-at-aspen-institute Jeffrey Epstein's friend Leslie Wexner is also on the board of the Aspen Institute. https://dailycaller.com/2021/06/21/jeffrey-epstein-leslie-wexner-aspen-institute/

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spot on. There are some central hubs of the ruling mafia an one of them must be these Aspen Institute. But there are many more.

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this ties into utah governor mike leavitt. he is responsible for updating the national preparedness response for the nation based on WHO recommendations. david leavitts brother. yes, that one.

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Utah Sheriff Investigating State Prosecutor For Satanic Ritual Child Abuse and Cannibalism A case that began during the "Satanic Panic" in the 1990s to 2010 has been reopened which is investigating Utah County Prosecutor David Leavitt and his wife for their alleged participation in a Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Trafficking ring that includes claims of child sex abuse, murder and cannibalism.

Leavitt and his wife not only have ties to Hillary Clinton, the Ukraine, but have also used their power to eliminate the Special Victims Unit in Utah, making it much harder for law enforcement to investigate claims of child sex abuse and child trafficking.

Plus, in what can only be filed in the "you can't make this shit up" category, Leavitt's wife's name is Chelom, which is practically Molech spelled backwards.

More Information:

Utah County Attorney calls for sheriff to resign, saying the top cop may have tried to implicate him in ‘ritualistic’ sex ring investigation https://rumble.com/v17murn-utah-sheriff-investigating-state-prosecutor-for-satanic-ritual-child-abuse-.html?mref=2hzb1&mrefc=18

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"Working under Secretary Mike Leavitt, Deputy Azar supervised the operation of HHS, which would grow to an annual budget of over $1 trillion by 2017 when he was appointed secretary." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Azar

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you forgot to mention that there were lots of groups (religious and otherwise) who were suspect about taking any such injections. In other words, they were already "hesitant" about vaccines in particular, pharma in general, and even were alerted in some form to the elite's desire to depopulate WELL before the pandemic kicked off.

These people tended to take (or promote taking) a certain level of personal responsibility for their health.

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interesting article by Brownstone Inst. entitled "Government’s National Security Arm Took Charge During the Covid Response".


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Others have sent that report to me. Very glad to see other writers digging into and wrestling with these things.

[I’ve tried sending material to Jeffrey Tucker (Brownstone), Daniel Horowitz (the Blaze), Naomi Wolf (DailyClout) and others since starting to put the pieces together in the spring, but either my emails didn’t get through to them or they weren’t interested.]

The 2018 FEMA Pandemic Crisis Action Plan she mentions was hard to find (as she notes) but I either found it or someone sent me a copy a few months ago, because I found it on my hard-drive after reading Lerman’s Brownstone piece.

Uploaded it:


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Hi Katherine, I contacted the author of the Brownstone article and advised her to look at your work. She got back to me today - she seems very interested. Her email is: debbielerman@yahoo.com

Here is the bulk of my message to Debbie:

Dear Ms. Lerman,

Thank you for a great article! For your reference Katherine Watt at SubStack Bailiwick News has done a deep dive on the legal structure, still in place today under EAU, that has enabled all the covid madness:


The DOD is actually in charge of the "pandemic" response - they control the narrative from the FDA, CDC and the White House. Our informed consent was stripped away by morally illegal laws put on the books through the past few decades.

Recently, a case in New York was won by Bobbie Ann Cox, a former real estate lawyer who sued the state and it's governor - the state attempted to put in place a forced quarantine law in New York:


Katherine Watt commented on the case - the laws that allow such breached of freedom are already LAW in many states:


If you read the details, you will understand why the madness continues. For example, Katherine explains some of her writings in the following video - Pfizer was never required to show meaningful clinical trial results - in fact, that is their DEFENSE in the Brooke Jackson whistleblower case!



I hope they reach out to you. Thank you for all your excellent work.


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Thank you for that. I also reached out to her at that email address within the last day, and sent her a link to the 2018 FEMA PanCAP document mentioned (as difficult to find) in her piece, after I found it in my files.


She replied to one of my emails, so we’re now in contact.

Thank you again!

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Thank you for all the amazing work that you continue to do. I was in business for over 20 years in the state of Connecticut. My wife and I were living in Kauai, HI when the "pandemic" hit. I knew it was fraud immediately. I found Dr. Zelenko early and tried to warn friends and family. We relocated to Florida; Hawaii's response was insane - communist behavior, at a minimum.

I had the same attorney for over 20 years. I started forwarding him information from credible sources like the German Corona Committee, Mike Yeadon, Dr. Zelenko, etc. - he actually laughed at me; called me a conspiracy theorist. Bobbie Ann Cox described the same pattern when she contacted her colleagues - attorneys - not a single one would help her out. I found her strategy to be brilliant.

I keep racking my brains to figure out a way to get more people informed about what is going on. I pray for eyes to open every day. If I come up with any ideas, I will let you know!

Thank you very much.


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Thank you for acting on early information. A few of us tried so hard early on to point out the scientific madness of the response to the “pandemic” but the decades of rehearsal for which there’s clear evidence meant the authorities were primed to expect a limited number of credible truth tellers & they made fast work of smearing, deplatforming & other censorship.

None of us have stopped, we’re just incredibly circumscribed in terms of reach.

Best wishes




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Thank you Dr. Yeadon. You were among the truth-tellers that I discovered very early on; thank you very much for standing firm and always telling the truth. May God bless you and continue to guide you.

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I relocated my 11th grade (now senior) highschooler to Florida in 2021 so he can attend college here. We moved in with grandma, leaving my adult children back in California. I saved one at least from complete tyranny so far. Worry how long this excape will last!

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Excellent move! I am concerned about Florida's future too. So very many people are unaware of what is taking place. I met my wife in CA back in the day; times have changed.

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Thank you Steve, for your self respect and critical thinking skills in 2020, and your time and efforts to this day. It's people like you, Katherine, Sasha, and "DocKek" (don't know his name, only heard his legal battle in Virginia courts on Kevin mccairn's WTYL podcast(has since been scrubbed)) that are giving us all legal tools to twist our government's arm into showing their evil hands.

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Thanks very much Drewish Canadian. It's most definitely a battle between good and evil. The truth will win; the process is horribly slow.

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Thank you!


A powerful mingling of philosophy and legal statutes.

This interview needs to be - MUST BE - widely disseminated.


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So nice to see your lovely face after following you for so long : )

Thank you for all you do! You are amazing.

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Great discussion. Thanks.

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flagging this to listen before bedtime 🙀

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Nov 4, 2022
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Top shelf as usual. We need to get people to understand the machine and this is a good one to use.

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Great interview, nice to see you in in person (on the video anyway). 💕

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Mrs Watt,

Maybe you and Mrs Latypova and Mr Barnes can help Mr Kirsch and Mrs Kingston, because he and others just decided to go after Pfizer using the adulteration of vaccine and non-disclosure to FDA method, obviously based on good manufacturing practices... So they're likely to just waste their time and effort when they should be focusing on going after the "this is a bioweapon" approach of Dr David Martin and Mrs Kingston and maybe you as well, I apologize if I don't recall well...

But of course you have already disclosed very clearly that good manufacturing practices legal framework doesn't apply in the case of COVID vaccines, those were "procured" via Other transactions authority (OTA) law exemption / framework of US DoD, which employs as military contractors different suppliers including Pfizer. So under OTA they don't have to follow good manufacturing practices.

Furthermore, Mr Barnes already failed to procecute Pfizer for defrauding the government (which adulteration and non-discolure to government & FDA) precisely because of OTA, but also because the contracts were for a demo, not a final prduct. So it is beyond me how they'll succeed now with adulteration fraud to FDA, when their focus should be what Dr David Martin has been shouting for at least a year now, and Mrs Karen Kingston (she has provided 2 different attack methods, one is the above as Mr Kirsch, which will fail, the other one is as Mr David Martin's). Dr Martin has proposed that the line of legal attack should be "this is a bioweapon" and thus different set of laws apply in that aspect, not good manufacturing practices nor OTA above.

Other readers + Mrs Watt, please if you have their contact info and can contact Mr Kirsch and Mrs Kingston before it's too late, I don't have their contact info. They should both be speaking with Dr David Martin + Mrs Latypova + you Mrs Watt, to coordinate their legal efforts and wtih the right approach that will not fail, otherwise there's great delays with the legal path until we realize we've reached another dead-end.

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The virus theory is medical fraud, intentional or not, it's fraud.

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What do you think they are splicing together in the biolabs?

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It's could be bacteria, mycoplasma I'd think maybe a fave, or fungi, mycelium, chemicals, or poisons, venom from sea snails, engineered nano particles, nano bots, virus like particles, I don't know, I can't say what they are splicing, but I can say they certainly are not splicing something natural by the name of viruses which they weaponized.

They never isolated nor purified sars cov 2 or any other virus. Viruses Viruses which are extracellular debris, the effect of poisoning or toxicity, not the cause.

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Brilliant work, Katherine. Thank you so much!

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Here's your class action suit. the class? those who took the injections based on the censorship and 'facts' provided by social media. I don't think facebook was carved out of the contract. . to your computers. charge!!! if the link doesn't work go on a post on facebook that is in their view 'spurious'. it will have a link below it to the covid fact centre. go there. download the images and information. even if they share liability with others, the numbers are so huge that the class action could materially affect their bottom line. pick a good 'state'. Florida. Texas. forum shop.


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