For readers interested in saving information offline and/or printing it, I formatted the 2022 posts from Bailiwick News into a single file with a cover page, table of contents, increased font size (14-pt. Georgia instead of 10-pt Century Schoolbook), and other edits. I hope to do the same editing/formatting of a full collection of 2023 posts next week.
2022 Bailiwick News, Vol. 6, larger font (950 pages, 24 MB, January 2024)
Shorter versions of the key information:
2 pages - Weaponization of Language and Law: US Government Bioterrorism Program from 1969 to Covid. (January 2023, abstract)
14 pages - Legal History: American Domestic Bioterrorism Program. Enabling statutes, regulations, executive orders, guidance documents, etc. (May 2023 version)
Also please read and use Sasha Latypova’s latest:
Jan. 26, 2024 - Memo Re EUA Countermeasures to send to your doctor, pharmacist, employer, school, sheriff, county commissioner and state lawmakers
Note re: comment threads
For the last several months, I’ve closed the comment threads on Bailiwick posts, because they became more distracting than useful. The time/opportunity costs (to find and respond to thoughtful, substantive comments and questions among the other sorts of comments) outweigh the benefits.
They’re not behind a paywall. They’re just closed. I don’t plan to reopen them.