Note May 17, 2024, in response to a reader question:
I no longer follow most of these writers. I’ve put a note at the front of my PDF compilations, indicating same.
2022 Bailiwick News, Vol. 6 (950 pages, 24 MB)
2023 Bailiwick News, Vol. 7 (785 pages, 10 MB)
“In PDF collections of 2022 and 2023 Bailiwick reporting and analysis posted for reader use in January 2024, I cited the work of many individuals whose work I found credible at the time I wrote the posts, but whose work I no longer find credible due to information I learned as my study of the issues continued.
I urge readers to use discernment in reading and thinking about things.
New information comes to light as the war continues.
There are also many wolves among the sheep, intentionally leading many souls astray.
If wolves clearly looked and sounded like wolves, sheep wouldn't follow them. So wolves disguise themselves as sheep.”
Writers I read [in 2020], while I figure[d] out whether to write again myself:
Matt Taibbi
Glenn Greenwald
Michael Tracey
Stacey Rudin
Michael Yeadon
Clare Craig
Joel Smalley
Jordan Schachtel
Glenn Loury
Shelby Steele
James Bovard
Jonathan Turley
Alex Berenson
Michael Senger
Ben Marten
Naomi Wolf
CJ Hopkins
Caitlin Johnstone
Sven Henrich
Dave Collum
Andrew Doyle
Russell Brand
Ron Paul
Tom Luongo
Pepe Escobar
Emily Hill
Shant Mesrobian
John Michael Greer
Mollie Hemingway
JP Sears
Jenin Younes
Kit Knightly
Edward Curtin
Catte Black
Brandon Smith
Matt Stoller
Peter Hitchens
Tucker Carlson
Joakim Book
Sinead Murphy
Alastair Crooke
Jim Quinn
el gato malo (banned from Twitter but on Gab)
voidsurf1 (Twitter)
Ethan Yang
Brendan O’Neill
Mike Rowe
Scott Atlas
Daisy Luther
Kulvinder Kaur
Stacey Lennox
Ivor Cummins
Julie Kelly
Julian Assange
Edward Snowden
Catherine Austin Fitts
Michael Malice
Scott Adams
Mike Cernovich
Jack Posobiec
Sites I read:
American Institute for Economic Research
Consent Factory
Zero Hedge
Babylon Bee
Lockdown Sceptics
Burning Platform
Wolf Street
American Thinker
Writers I would like to read but don’t because the topics they write about scare me too much:
Whitney Webb
Vanessa Beeley
Aaron Mate