SCASD is engaged in religious discrimination if America is a constitutional republic with a functional judicial branch.
Or America has become a theocracy, the SCASD board is one of the local religious authorities and the courts are irrelevant.
A religious discrimination lawsuit might be one way to nullify and move past the segregationist SCASD 2021-2022 ‘health and safety’ policies, and get back to normal school social culture: unmasked faces, protected medical privacy and health freedom, no PCR testing, no contact tracing, no lines on the floors, no Plexiglass barriers.
The policies appear to be a selectively-enforced dress code, adopted under a religious framework, not under a legal, medical or educational framework.
To be clear, Western civil traditions protect peoples’ right to practice their own religions and rituals in their private homes and in voluntary religious congregations, and to wear their religious garb in public, and to teach their beliefs to their kids.
But — at least in a constitutional republic that has historically strongly protected civil liberties — it’s not okay for some people to force their religious beliefs and dress codes on other people and other people’s kids.
It’s especially not okay for government people — school boards, local councils, state governors, school administrators and teachers — to establish state religions, and force the state’s religious beliefs on children within public school classrooms, and on citizens engaging in ordinary human activities like shopping, dining out and going to church.
Covidian Articles of Faith
Thou shalt have no other God but Covidianism; Covidianism shall be thine Alpha, and thine Omega; thou shalt contemplate Covid in fear, unceasingly, above all else, all the hours of thine days, and all the days of thine lives.
Know ye this: Anthony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky and unnamed CDC high priests be infallible sources of wisdom; they shall daily reveal to the faithful all information about evil, and good, and how the faithful shall worship, and shall protect themselves from evil.
Be it known also: they who observe and convey the flippity-flops, and hypocrisies, self-contradictory utterances and lies of Fauci, Walensky and the other high priests, are blasphemers, and evil, and shall be cast into outer darkness for eternity. The high priests be infallible; they cannot be questioned; they cannot err.
Aerosolized respiratory viruses are evil; thou shalt not co-exist with aerosolized respiratory viruses.
Thou hath no human immune system. Said immune system is a myth, promoted by blasphemers, who are evil, and shall be branded, and then stoned unto death.
Another myth be this: that there can be an equilibrium state of human health - without fever, without cough, without invisible exudate of virus evil. Heed not the blasphemers who speak of this mythical “health.”
The impure and unclean may be impure and unclean in secret, invisibly; they may show not external signs and may have no internal experience or knowledge of their own evil ; these are “the asymptomatic.”
Those who observe the non-transmission of evil from those without clinical signs and symptoms of evil are blasphemers, and must be cast into outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.
But be thou of good cheer!: The wearing of holy fabric masks - of any kind, of any cleanliness, with any fit and any gappage - over the nose and mouth in any way, doth block transmission of evil from the impure and unclean to the pure and clean! Hossana in the highest!
Ignore ye those who observe and convey that those who wear holy fabric masks all the day, and all the night, still succumb to the evil aerosolized respiratory viruses; many recover; and some die; most of whom were very ill with multitudes of other afflictions, or far advanced in years, or both. These are blasphemers, and evil, and must be cast into the depths of Hell, where Satan abides with his handmaidens: Vitamin D, zinc, Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
Spurn ye those who refuse to wear the holy fabric masks. They are poison unto you, and unto your children, and your children’s children, and your parents, and your parents’ parents.
But rejoice!: The clean and the unclean shall be identified through application of the holy nasal swab of PCR.
Ignore those who observe and convey that many, perhaps most, of the findings of the holy nasal swab of PCR are unrelated to symptomatic illness and transmissible virus. They speaketh of these “cycle thresholds” and “false positives” with the forked tongues of serpents!
But glad tidings!: The wiping down of surfaces with holy chemicals also blocketh transmission of evil from the impure and unclean to the pure and unclean.
Pay ye no heed to those who observe that aerosolized respiratory viruses of evil linger not upon surfaces and transmit not through contact with such surfaces.
Behold!: The erection of plastic barriers, and the keeping of six feet, or three, betwixt the impure and unclean and the pure and clean shall block the transmission of evil.
Stop up thine ears against they who observe the wafting movement of aerosolized respiratory viruses of evil on currents of air hither and yon, across and around plastic barriers and holy fabric face masks, and over three feet, and six, and nine - nigh! unto 60 feet! - as viruses do virus, and have done since the beginning of time, and will do nigh until the end of time.
Suffer not the little children to come unto thee, or even unto each other; they are germ-riddled freaks; ensconce them in holy fabric face masks and douse them with holy chemicals, keep them behind plastic barriers, and separated from all others of their kind, upon six-foot lines upon the earth.
Be though snide without ceasing toward they who observe and convey that the little children, and the bigger children, and the young adults, and the middle-aged adults, are among those most naturally strong enough to withstand and fend off the attacks of the aerosolized respiratory viruses.
Blessings be upon thee!: The receiving of injection of holy mRNA confereth protection from the evil thou dost fear above all things.
Blow thou the raspberries of contempt at those who observe and convey that some of those who have received injection of holy mRNA have suffered from new afflictions, and some have died thereof. They are blasphemers and evil, and must be cast out.
Twiddle thou the thumb-nosed fingers of ridicule at those who further observe and convey that many of those who have received injection of holy mRNA have still succumbed to aerosolized respiratory viruses.
Know this, ye faithful: Those who refuse to receive injection of holy mRNA are blasphemers and evil, and poison unto their communities, and must be cast out. Or perhaps rounded up into ghettoes and killed for their heresy. Either way.
Utter not the forbidden word “seasonality.”
For I say unto you, they who observe the balanced co-evolution of humans and aerosolized respiratory viruses, and normal human life spans of roughly four score years, across tens of generations, and hundreds of generations, are thine sworn enemies for eternity.
Thou shalt know the unbelievers from the believers by their holy fabric face masks. Or by the prayer-cards carried by those who have received injection of holy mRNA. Most likely both.
There may be more articles of the Covidian faith.
But I’m a blasphemer. I do not believe any of those faith-based precepts. I think Covidianism is a mass delusional psychosis.
(I derived the articles of faith from my observations of the high priests, acolytes and lay followers, not from direct revelation or initiation rituals.)
It might be funny, as a parody of public health systems.
But this narrow, irrational, terror-driven monotheism is driving the current righteous fervor of the school board and other public governing boards to use their power to force nonbelievers into obeying the precepts of a religion whose beliefs and moral values we nonbelievers do not share.
They would howl in outrage were the roles reversed: if we nonbelievers were forcing them to violate their own consciences; forcing them and their kids to leave their homes and mingle in public places against their will; forbidding them and their kids from wearing the holy face masks; and withholding the mRNA gene therapy experiment from them and their kids.
But their irrational terror has stripped from them all empathy.
Weirdly, despite everything, I haven’t entirely lost mine. I often feel very, very sad for them, that they’re possessed by this irrational terror, lashing out at others from within its grip, and appear unable to break its painful hold.
Looking at the policies adopted last week, State College Area School District has become a religious school network for the indoctrination of Covidianism.
It needs to return to being a secular, public school system, required under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to provide education to students without engaging in discrimination on the basis of “race, color, national origin, language, sex, religion, and disability.”
Can litigation do this? It’s hard to tell.
Courts in the United States and Canada, for whatever reasons, have been phlegmatically uninterested in putting government policies and practices to evidentiary proofs.
Instead, judges have been dismissing important cases on lockdowns, election integrity and other major issues prior to discovery, thus preventing plaintiffs, judges, juries and the public from seeing what evidence — if any at all — governments believe can “justify” their unprecedented power grabs.
At some point, the judiciary’s abdication of responsibility for protecting the civil liberties of individual citizens against usurpation by executive and legislative authorities will likely run into the expanding population of Americans — perhaps already a majority of more than half — who believe major civic institutions and the pronouncements of government officials are simply irrelevant.