Repost from Gab
Having a hard time today with the barrage of ”get your kids out of public schools” yelling.
I get it.
The public school boards and administrators are corrupt and abusive. They only respond to money, and removing kids removes funding.
But my kids are too old to simply rip them away from all their friends and all the activities they love.
Because that’s abuse too.
So they go to school, and they wear the fucking masks, and I just have to pray that it doesn’t permanently dehumanize them and permanently make them completely compliant to authority figures.
And at home, I try to make sure they know that I think that the authorities ordering them to mask are cruel and stupid and illegitimate, but that I love my kids and I love that they love their friends, and they like their classes and teachers, and are learning some useful things, and that they love their extracurricular clubs and activities.
Yes, the masks are the grooming phase. Yes, the vaxxes are the redline.
But it is not as simple as school-is-abuse, at-home-is-love.
Who knows? Maybe their experiences with stupidity and cruelty from administrators will cause them to rebel later in life, as a direct reaction to what they’re living through now. Maybe they’re already just focused on maintaining their friendships amidst the storms as best they can, having close social bonds because they’re all being shoved around together and making the best of it together.
I don’t know.
And neither do the people screaming that one-size-fit–all homeschooling is the answer.