Amalia Janaskie, The Florida versus California showdown (AIER 2/23/21)
Andrew Horowitz, North Dakota passes bill blocking localities, schools from mandatory masks (Blaze 2/23/21)
Anonymous Brit, Email exchange with Neil Ferguson (Lockdown Sceptics 2/20/21)
Bari Weiss, Whistleblower at Smith College resigns over racism (SubStack,2/19/21)
Barry Brownstein, How and why Government creates disease panic (AIER 2/24/21)
Ben Bartee, Former CDC Director: American society never going back to ‘Normal’ (Daily Bell 2/25/21)
Brandon Smith, A question for leftists: why are all the evil people on your side? (Alt-Market 2/17/21)
Brendan O'Neil, After Covid (Spiked 2/27/21)
Brendan O’Neil, It’s time to get real about freedom of speech (Spiked 2/19/21)
Brendan O’Neil, Why the Prince and Princess of Woke had to leave the royal family (Spiked 2/22/21)
Christopher Bedford, 31 days in, Democrats haven’t accomplished a single Covid promise to the American worker (Federalist 2/18/21)
CJ Hopkins, News from CJ Hopkins and Consent Factory (SubStack 2/27/21)
CJ Hopkins, The Vaccine (Dis)Information War (Consent Factory 2/23/21)
Colin Todhunter, A People’s History of Struggle: Liberty or Lockdown (Off-Guardian 2/24/21)
David Perez, Liberation by unplugging? (Off-Guardian 2/22/21)
Donald Boudreaux, Why I believe that Covid Derangement Syndrome is real, (AIER 2/23/21)
Editors, Coronavirus Fact Check #10: Why 'new cases' are plummeting (Off-Guardian 2/26/21)
Editors, Discuss: The U.S. Bombs Syria. Again. (Off-Guardian 2/26/21)
Emily Hill, Hallelujah, there is no flu! An update from the Peter Hitchens Appreciation Society (SubStack 2/25/21)
Emily Hill, Vaccine passports are a terrible idea (Spiked 2/22/21)
Ethan Yang, Insight from my mom on freedom (AIER 2/21/21)
Freddie Sayers, How lockdown changed us, (UnHerd 2/24/21)
Gabe Kamisky, Gov. Kristi Noem slams corrupt leftist media in CPAC speech (Federalist 2/28/21)
Glenn Greenwald interviewed by Steven Edginton (The Sun via YouTube 2/19/21)
Glenn Greenwald video, Trending as a Transphobe and Biphobe (YouTube 2/25/21)
Glenn Greenwald, House Democrats, targeting right-wing cable outlets, are assaulting core press freedoms (SubStack 2/23/21)
James Ketler, Why the Capitol riot terrified the elite (Mises Institute 2/25/21)
Jeffrey Tucker, How does all this end? (AIER 2/23/21)
Jeffrey Tucker, There will be blowback, in mostly good ways (AIER 4/24/20)
Jenin Younes, The Zero Covid movement: Cult dressed as science, (American Institute for Economic Research 2/21/21)
Jesse Kelly, The first step toward righting America is refusing to believe the Left about anything (Federalist 2/18/21)
Jim Quinn, A Strange Game, Parts 1 & 2 (Burning Platform 2/7/21, 2/8/21)
Joakim Book, We can still have a century of liberty (AIER 2/28/21)
John Michael Greer interviewed by Legalise Freedom, The King in Orange Part 1 (YouTube 2/19/21)
John Waters, Curious, quiet quango emerges from 11-month coma (SubStack 2/26/21)
Jonathan Turley, 'It All Meant Something. Until It Didn’t: A Response To Rep. Anna Eshoo ( 2/25/21)
Jonathan Turley, 'Not All TV News Sources Are The Same': Congress And The Slippery Slope Of Censorship ( 2/26/21)
Jonathan Turley, SUNY suspends education student for posting views on biological gender, ( 2/27/21)
Jordan Schachtel, Signs of life: are the masses awakening from Covid psychosis? (SubStack 2/23/21)
Justin Amash interviewed by Michael Malice (Your Welcome via YouTube 2/24/21)
Margot Cleveland, Biden administration's obvious politics-playing on opening schools is alienating even progressive parents. (Federalist 2/19/21)
Mark Jeftovic, Deconstructing ‘Woke-Think’ (BombThrower 2/22/21)
Martin Kulldorff, Doctor's criticism off-base (Daily Hampshire Gazette 1/11/21)
Matt Taibbi, I can’t stand FOX news, but censoring it might be the dumbest idea ever (SubStack 2/23/21)
Matt Taibbi, Student Loan Horror: When you think you qualify for debt relief, check again. And again. (SubStack,2/26/21)
Mia Cathel, Event featuring cancel culture critic James Lindsay cancelled by Harvard University Club, (Post-Millennial 2/25/21)
Michael Fumento, How to beat the permanent Covidocracy (AIER 2/25/21)
Mordecai Sones, Vaccination in Israel: challenging mortality figures (Israel National News 2/18/21)
Naomi Wolf interviewed by Tucker Carlson (Fox via YouTube 2/22/21)
Patrick Cockburn, U.S. media reports of the invasion of the Capitol have contributed to the spread of hatred and fear (Independent 2/20/21)
Patrick Fagan, Facemasks make you stupid (Critic 7/28/20)
Phillip Magness, Fauci was duplicitous on the AIDS epidemic too (AIER 2/23/21)
Ryan McMaken, Why Dominion's defamation lawsuits are garbage (Mises Institute 2/24/21)
Sadaf Gilani, Synthetic mRNA Covid vaccines: A risk-benefit analysis (Off-Guardian 2/22/21)
Scott McKay, At what point do we realize Bill Gates is dangerously insane? (Hayride 2/17/21)
'Sundance,' House Congressional committee organizes Ministry of Truth, asks cable media to begin censoring unapproved speech (Conservative Treehouse 2/22/21)
Sunetra Gupta, Avoiding Ambiguity (AIER 10/9/20 repost of Nature essay 8/9/01)
'TechnoFog,' A Supreme Dodge: Some questions must not be answered (SubStack 2/23/21)
'Tyler Durden,' Facebook restores news sharing as Australia caves to Big Tech (ZeroHedge 2/23/21)
'Tyler Durden,' Propaganda Crash: World Economic Forum Tweets "Lockdowns Improving Cities", Then Deletes Admitting It Was Wrong” (ZeroHedge 2/27/21)
'Tyler Durden,' Socialism on a Global Scale: Transcript of Cory Bernardi comments (ZeroHedge 2/28/21)
Will Lloyd, Why it's time to abolish schools (UnHerd 2/23/21)
Ecosophia open thread ( 2/24/21)
Twitter feeds: Glenn Greenwald, Michael Malice, Matt Taibbi, Naomi Wolf, Alex Berenson, Jordan Schachtel, Ivor Cummins, Jack Posobiec, Mike Cernovich, Jeffrey Tucker, Peter Hitchens, Ben Marten, Ann McNam, Ewan MacKenna, Candace Owens, Mark Changizi, Michael Tracey