Rally in Harrisburg Monday June 14 at 10.
From the Health Freedom Advocacy Center:
The team over at Pennsylvania Coalition for Informed Consent has been working diligently to provide you with thorough and credible tools that you can use to advocate with confidence. Here is the most up to date list of tools and events in your area.
The complete list of bills they are watching is here, or for a downloadable list click here.
Steps for Exercising a Religious Exemption in the workplace are here.
More resources are in the works, so stay tuned!
On the evening of Sunday, June 13, 2021 Dr. James Lyons-Weiler will be hosting a Science Town Hall at a location near the Capitol in Harrisburg. This educational workshop will focus on COVID-19 facts and realities - what's been done that's been useful, what's been harmful - and what the future of public health will look like. More info on that event at the bottom of this page.
The Health Freedom Rally hosted by Health Freedom Pennsylvania will take place on the steps of the Pennsylvania State Capitol, Monday, June 14, 2021 from 10am to noon. Important medical freedom legislation concerning Pennsylvanians will be showcased. Many inspiring champions of our movement, including Senator Doug Mastriano and Representative Daryl Metcalfe, are scheduled to address the crowd.
PCIC Capital Area Chapter Group is hosting June's Lobby Day and Advocate Training on Monday, June 14 following The Health Freedom Rally. We are asking all PCIC advocates to WEAR RED so that we can find each other at the event. We will have a tent area by the steps, and our team leaders will be teaching two important advocacy topics after the rally - Advocacy 101 and How a Bill Becomes Law in PA. Then, stick around to canvas the halls with our experienced Capitol Events team, delivering timely educational information to legislative offices.