Pennsylvania Parents Protecting Children - updates
Supreme Court decision in Corman et al v. Acting Secretary of Department of Health
Email update from Pennsylvania Parents Protecting Children below [with annotations by KW].
PPPC is the group that organized petitions to school boards, opposing district-level mask “mandates,” back in the summer, and then filed a lawsuit Sept. 3 against Governor Tom Wolf’s Department of Health, asking the courts to overturn a purported state-level school mask “mandate.”
When Secretary of Health, Alison Beam declared mandatory masks back in August, a group of parents organized with our attorney to take the fight against the Department of Health.
[In their Sept. 3, 2021 petition, the parents argued that the Secretary of Health does not have “statutory or regulatory authority to mandate the wearing of face coverings by teachers, children, students, staff, or visitors working, attending, or visiting a School Entity.”]
That legal fight was argued in front of the Commonwealth Court [294 MD 2021, oral arguments Oct. 20, 2021] and [the mask mandate was] ruled “void from the beginning.”
[Short summary of Nov. 10 Commonwealth Court ruling by Sullivan-Simon]
Even though [Governor] Tom Wolf/[Attorney General] Josh Shapiro appealed the decision, it was denied [on Friday, December 10, 2021] in the Supreme Court and the Commonwealth Court ruling was upheld.
[83 MAP 2021 case documents]
These parents still have legal bills they are facing before the holidays.
These parents risked thousands of dollars to fight for ALL of the kids in Pennsylvania.
They need your help.
Please know that much of your contributions over the last several months supported the plaintiffs in this lawsuit and they are very grateful for your help, however, there are still thousands of dollars to be paid.
Every dollar raised through our GoFundMe in December will go directly to this group of plaintiffs to help further reduce their legal bills. Please consider making a contribution today. Every amount helps.
Our attorney is already planning the next steps in this fight. We are preparing to fight against individual school districts who are still imposing mask requirements on our children. We are also preparing to fight against the next battle which will be the state’s “Test-to-stay” program and contact tracing which will create immense hardships for healthy kids and their working parents. These legal efforts will require more funds for all involved.
Friday’s ruling was a win for all of us fighting for our kids, but the fight is not over.
We still need your help. Pennsylvania Parents Protecting Children is helping to ease the financial risk for parents willing to step up and fight this through the courts. This is why our group was founded. Thank you for helping us continue to fight for the freedom of our children in Pennsylvania.