Robert Lazu Kmita, writing at The Remnant Newspaper:
“…Confronted with the dramatic problem of recovering the lost Paradise, the ancient sages desperately sought solutions, from shamanic and magical practices to thaumaturgic and meditative ones, to “traverse” the distance between our physical world and the “beyond” – the metaphysical world. Conceiving the created world in terms of a tensioned duality, as seen, for example, in Plato’s philosophy, they never suspected the existence of a path conceived by God Himself.
Knowing all too well that there is no method that allows man to traverse the infinite distance between creature and Creator, the Heavenly Father foresaw the saving solution in the Incarnation of His only Son, through a “method” that overturns any human philosophy: the miraculous birth from the Virgin. I’ll stop here. No matter how much I write, words can never help us penetrate such amazing realities.
However, we are left with the wonderful icon in which we contemplate Mary, the true mother of the divine child, meditating and marveling at the One she sees with her virgin eyes: the eternal Word, God, Jesus Christ, made man. Let us contemplate Him too: so small and fragile but shining to incandescence in the midst of the dark night of our fallen world.
He is the only light we truly need.”