This is a compilation of articles I read and thought about, and shared at my Gab feed, during May 2021.
May 2021 - Collected @kgwatt reading
Sections are loosely organized by topic:
On power of ordinary people to understand and resist Great Reset
On weakness of U.S. Constitution, Canadian Charter, courts and other civic institutions
On psychopathology, totalitarianism, dehumanization, propaganda; government/media manipulation of behavior, language, meaning
On shifting political alignments: left/right, authoritarianism/liberty, elite/commoners
On government/media/BigTech censorship generally; criminalization of skepticism, dissent; stripping of civil liberties: speech, worship, assembly, association; promotion of terror, mutual mistrust, snitching among citizens.
On government/media censorship, propaganda and data manipulation specific to Covid-19, mRNA injection and natural immunity data
On mRNA injections, harms of; history of medical harms from experimental treatments
On mRNA injection mandates, pressure campaigns, resistance tools
On organized CDC and school board abuse of children; peer pressure, weaponization of; forced medical experimentation, masking; child mental health crisis and suicide
On LOCKDOWNS, harmful; unprecedented nature; uselessness for infection control; immorality/illegitimacy; racism
On LOCKDOWN and mRNA injection profiteering
On election integrity, 2020 Presidential election irregularities, fraud, coverups
On the Origins of the virus
I do these PDF compilations because Big Tech and the governments controlled by The Elect disappear things. Big Tech & The Elect disappeared Parler. Big Tech & The Elect disappeared Trump from Facebook, Twitter and Google/YouTube. Big Tech & The Elect disappeared Naomi Wolf from Twitter and Google/YouTube.
They’re doing it every day, to more and more of all kinds of people, who hold all kinds of views that challenge the lies about humanity and the false story that The Elect possess a divine right to control the lives of the masses: lies and false stories that are being shoved down our throats by the favored messengers of Big Tech & the Elect.
I don’t know when Big Tech & The Elect will shut down the entire internet, because it’s still being used for grassroots organizing of resistance in the corners not fully controlled by Facebook, Twitter, Google/YouTube, Apple and Amazon.
So I compile PDFs and I print them, and I encourage others to print them too. To make paper trails in boxes in the dusty corners of homes.
However, this will be one of my last compilations of what I’m reading and thinking about, because
the battle lines have become extremely clear;
Bailiwick readers can join Gab and follow me if you want to read what I’m reading in real time, at least until Gab or the internet are completely shut down; and
I’m preparing to work on related but different writing projects, which I’ll be submitting to some of the independent, critical-thinking outlets that appear in the May 2021 collection.
One more PDF compilation is in the works, of material I wrote and posted at Gab and Substack in May.