Deleting the Reset, by Kevin Smith, writing at Off-Guardian
How Ike's 1950s America Beat The 'Asian Flu' With Science & Common Sense, by Niall Ferguson, excerpt from new book, posted at ZeroHedge
The Problem of the New Right, posted at Scholars Stage via Wordpress
Highly cited COVID doctor comes to stunning conclusion: Government scrubbing unprecedented numbers of injection-related deaths,
“A typical new drug at about five deaths, unexplained deaths, we get a black-box warning, your listeners would see it on TV, saying it may cause death,” McCullough said. “And then at about 50 deaths it’s pulled off the market.”
The U.S. has a precedent for this. In 1976 during the Swine Flu pandemic the U.S. attempted to vaccinate 55 million Americans, but at that point the shot caused about 500 cases of paralysis and 25 deaths.
“The program was killed, at 25 deaths,” McCullough said.
By Democrats' Standards, Their School Closures Are Systemic Racism, Federalist
The American Oligarchy & Exodus, Tablet Magazine
“Anytime you isolate and alienate someone else, you do the same to yourself. The boundaries that the oligarchs have drawn, are drawing, separate them from the American people’s vast majority, whose consciousness of powerlessness and defenselessness clarifies their choice between utter subjection and doing whatever it might take to exit a system that no longer seems to allow for the prospect of republican self-government.”
A Vaxxing Question, Off-Guardian
The Criminalization of Dissent, by CJ Hopkins via Substack
“When you’re rolling out a new official ideology — a pathologized-totalitarian ideology — and criminalizing all dissent, the point is not to appear to be factual. The point is just to terrorize the shit out of people.”
"Why Can't They Just Attend Church Over Zoom?" - Sacrificing Essential Liberty to Purchase a Little Temporary Safety, by Julius Ruechel
“The moment that the government strips anyone of any constitutionally-guaranteed right, in the name of "safety", all rights are instantly downgraded to mere privileges. A right ceases to be a right if it becomes conditional. And if even a single fundamental right can be suspended at the discretion of the government, it signals that any right and all rights can be suspended.”
Bystander at the Switch: The Moral Case Against COVID Lockdowns, by Julius Ruechel
“There is no moral dilemma for the Bystander at the Switch; there is no riddle to be solved. "For your safety" is never an excuse to extinguish someone else's rights. Not for COVID, nor for anything else. The end never justifies the means. But history shows that there are Nuremburg Trials for those who ignore other people's universal human rights and especially for those who delude themselves into thinking that they can engineer a more compassionate society by pulling the switch.”
Child Suicide is Becoming an "International Epidemic' Amid Restricted Pandemic Life, Doctors Warn. Brad Polumbo at
Oligarchy, and Remedies, at American Greatness
“But over the last century, the increasingly homogeneous set of people who run the republic’s institutions took power out of the hands of the people’s elected representatives pretty much at all levels, and have governed in their own interest rather than in the general population’s. Nobody voted for this, on any level.”
Naomi Wolf Twitter Exchange

the problem with performative virtue signaling, is that the performance so often exceeds the virtue. el gato malo at substack
kgwatt at Gab
Tom Wolf’s coercive order - 70% participation with mRNA experiments or masks forever - violates Nuremburg Code and Geneva Conventions. Coerced, nonconsensual medical treatment. Plus collective punishment. War crimes. Crimes against humanity.
I’m not wearing a mask anymore. I’m not getting the experimental mRNA shots. And I’m planning my escape to a state where the people are not turned against each other, by the government, in these horrific totalitarian ways. Governor Wolf's extortion scheme is a sign of weakness, not a sign of strength.
In most non-Democrat-controlled communities and businesses in Pennsylvania, people stopped wearing masks and/or caring whether everyone was masked a long time ago.
If the business restrictions are lifted May 31, and the businesses were the entities enforcing the mask mandates, then who will enforce them after May 31?
And if the mask mandates aren't being enforced by the businesses anymore, then why (other than social pressure from social contacts) would anyone who doesn't want to get the Covid shots, change their mind and get one just to move the numbers closer to the 70%?
If anything, Wolf's coercive announcement will cause people already not interested in the shots to be much less interested, and people already a little bit interested or neutral to be slightly more interested.
Conversation as Commons, John Michael Greer at Ecosophia
kgwatt at Gab
Did a self-assessment at this site today. Interesting results. Second-highest strength is “honesty.” Seeing how high “honesty” ranked helps explain why masking is so hard for me (in contrast to husband and kids, who don’t mind it so much).
I feel like I’m lying with my face every time I interact with someone while wearing a mask, because it feels to me like wearing it is endorsing the positions that a) it’s okay for the government to tell people what to do with their bodies and b) that there’s evidence that masking helps reduce infections, both of which are false.
And not-lying is very, very important to me. So it’s a huge violation of my values.
COVID Vaccines: Necessity, Efficacy and Safety, by Doctors for Covid Ethics via Off-Guardian
kgwatt at Gab
Very useful information for students and employees potentially subject to Covid shot mandates from universities and employers, about the institution’s legal obligations and liabilities for harms following injections.
When is it over?, Post-Millennial
“Setting aside the fact that there are many Americans who were big fans of the old normal and would just as soon have it back, how is the new normal being negotiated? Who has a seat at the table? Is it all to be decided by a president and congress that perform the macabre dance of distance and masking in exactly the situations where they promised us it would be needless?”
gato chevere on Gab
Today the CDC announced that vaccinated teens, ages 12-15, will be eligible to remove their masks outdoors at summer camp. (But not indoors.) Meanwhile, teens who opt out of an emergency-use mRNA shot will be punished by having to wear their scarlet letter, I mean mask, outside. Because nothing promotes good teenage health quite like peer pressure and stigma.
Perhaps the CDC should refresh itself on its own anti-bullying guidance. One example of relational/social bullying, according to the CDC, is exclusion from a group. See the link below. Or does the CDC now believe that shaming and shunning teenagers is fine so long as it promotes Covid vaccinations?
The so-called public health experts continue to adorn themselves in glory.
Never mind The Great Reset. Here comes the Great Reject, by Mark Jeftovic at Bombthrower.
“That is what The Great Reset really is: it’s an attempt at a zeitgeist-level rationalization that doubles-down on institutional failure on the part of the entire governance structure of Mr. Global, and gives them a new lease on life to remain in charge. Reimagined by the Davos crew, amplified by the mainstream media, lubricated by Big Tech.”
L at Gab
5% of people who have died of Covid have actually seemingly died OF Covid, according to the CDC. The other 95% had an average of FOUR additional "conditions or causes of death." Holy fuck.
Mel Q at Gab
Last August DJT retweeted my Twitter post about the CDC actual covid deaths at 6%, which ultimately resulted in my permanent suspension from Twitter. So look at what just happened again...
The CDC quietly changed its statistics AGAIN of fatalities from covid only to 5% of total deaths. And increased average amount of comorbidities to 4.
Sneaky! Sneaky!
kgwatt at Gab
Class action suit filed in Canada in January seeking damages for harms caused by lockdowns, etc. Seems to have been accepted by Canadian court, according to some on Twitter. Need to confirm.
Update: looks like it was dismissed by the initial court as frivolous and then appealed in March.
kgwatt at Gab
Mailing in my form to be a member of Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania later today. Had been brooding over it for awhile, but if I’m trapped here for at least two years while my daughter finishes high school, the libertarians are the people I want to spend time with.
Thanks Dave Smith and Michael Malice for the push in that direction.
Alec Zeck at Twitter

Jesse Kelly at Twitter: “This is a post-law era.”

Existential Economic Threats: How U.S. States Can Survive Without Federal Money, by Brandon Smith at Alt-Market
“Without economic independence, no other freedoms are possible. I believe it is time for Americans and free-minded states to once again focus on localization. The future of liberty in our nation depends on it.”
kgwatt at Gab
Thinking more about my April 11 questions, about “how totalitarian societies collapse and reorganize if there is no more free society available for the inhabitants to use as a model…”
I guess if there aren’t any freer societies visible to the people in the totalitarian societies, it will come down to freer individuals living for as long as they can inside the totalitarian societies.
Kevin McKernan at Twitter (Mother's Day message)

OSHA Imposes New Guidance for Employer-Required COVID-19 Vaccines
“OSHA states that if a vaccine is required, then any adverse reaction is considered work-related and therefore it must be recorded.”
Why conservative groups may be voting 'yes' to amend the Pa. Constitution this month
“If enacted, the constitutional changes would give the General Assembly authority to end disaster declarations such as the one made by Gov. Tom Wolf last year when the COVID-19 pandemic broke out.”
kgwatt on Gab
Naomi Wolf has been on a tour of sorts, visiting Maine, Michigan and now Oregon to advocate for vaccine passports ban. Along the way, she has discovered that the state legislatures are closed, and have been closed for a year, and seems to be surprised by that.

I think she lives in upstate New York or western Massachusetts. Are those legislatures open? Because Pennsylvnaia’s has been meeting behind closed home doors, via Zoom, for most of the year. As has my local government in Borough of State College. As has the State College school board.
It’s great to draw attention to it, but it’s part and parcel of the closed loop system. There is no way to protest against governments and school boards that won’t let citizens in the door of the public buildings, and aren’t meeting in those public buildings anyway.
kgwatt at Gab
One way to separate the two halves of America with limited bloodshed would be ballot questions at the county level, to identify counties with majority populations interested in prioritizing individual civil liberties over authoritarian-driven safetyism, as distinct from counties with majority populations interested in prioritizing safety over liberty.
This would make it easier for individuals to self-select the government they want for themselves in the coming years, by moving across county lines but not having to move across state lines or across the whole country to Florida or the Mountain West.
kgwatt at Gab
Social isolation leads to cognitive decline. Can confirm that's been my experience.
L at Gab
Thus begins the great cover up
kgwatt at Gab, posting video by WhatsHerFace at BitChute
The CDC change, as a means to continue overcounting asymptomatic or mild cases among the dirty unvaccinated (and overstating the epidemiological value of vaccinations), by *not* counting asymptomatic or mild cases among those who have received the jabs, explained.
kgwatt at Gab, posting CommieLeeJones thread at Twitter

very interesting thread about very interesting paper.
Petition to Audit the Vote in Pennsylvania
science is a process, not an institution. right up until it needs federal funding, then it becomes a clerisy. el gato malo via Substack
"more on the academic priesthood whinging about the lay scientists. this is really a terrible inversion of what science is supposed to be."
kgwatt at Gab, posting WND report on Zuckerberg's grant program
Report: Zuckerberg's grant program demanded control of elections
I might be wrong, but I think Centre County took Zuckerberg money to run elections here in Central PA.
kgwatt at Gab
one of the big daily gut punches for me is my overwhelming conviction that there’s no amount of research and exposure of the total corruption of everything that could ever make a difference. There are no functioning institutions or mechanisms of accountability anymore.
Mollie Hemingway Writes 2020 Election Book Media Don't Want to Read, Federalist
Zuby on Twitter

kgwatt comment via Gab on Zuby’s Twitter post (above)
This actually makes sense to me. Watching incessant lying by “public health “ liars this past year, i now regret every vaccine i ever got and all the vaccines i allowed “doctors “ and “nurses” to inject into my kids.
kgwatt at Gab
I think Trump won the 2020 election, that he got more votes in each state needed to get the most electoral college votes.
I think the DNC, working with the voting machine corporations, Zuckerberg and the other entities cited in the Time Magazine “fortification” story, rigged the election in major population centers in six or seven swing states.
I think Trump knew this early on, and saw more evidence come out over the following weeks.
But I also think he understood that whether he or Biden got inaugurated in January, the country was already falling apart across many, many fault lines — political, social, class, etc. — most of which are not directly related to presidential politics, or the personalities and policies of Trump as compared to Biden, or party politics of Democrats as compared to Republicans.
So I think he decided to leave office simply so he would not be the occupant sitting in the White House as the breakdown process escalated. As it has been quite quickly since January.
Sensible move, in my view. I know strong Trump supporters are disappointed in his failure to stand up for them and their votes, knowing about the rigging.
But from his perspective, it’s far better to be on the outside lobbing criticism right now, than to be on the inside, where Dementia Joe and his handlers sit.
I wondered about this possibility back in December when Trump seemed to stop fighting the media-driven momentum sweeping Biden into position, and the events of the last few months have only reinforced it.
Big Brother Depends on Little Brothers, AIER
kgwatt at Gab
Many Vaccinated Americans Are Still Uncomfortable Returning to Public Activities. The U.S. Economy Needs Them, Morning Consult
It’s a chicken-egg question. Likely that only people super-terrified enough of the virus were eager to get injected, but they’re so scared overall that the injection can’t make them feel safe either. And those who weren’t terrified to begin with, or who were scared but learned more and calmed down by April or May 2020, aren’t scared enough to get injected and are comfortable living regular lives. Would be interesting if they had done the same poll back in july 2020 comparing those who like wearing masks with those who hate masks and/or don’t wear them.
The Morning Consult article argues that the vaccinated tend to be wealthier people who would benefit the economy more by re-entering it but are scared to share public spaces with the dirty unvaccinated, so still staying home.
This suggests that a major source of the pressure, bribery and coercion to get more unvaccinated people injected is purely to calm down the delusional fears of the wealthy enough to get them out of their homes and spending more money.
kgwatt at Gab
I haven't yet had to answer anyone seriously asking if I've had the Covid injections and, since I haven't, why not. But I've tried to think through what I might say.
There are a lot of reasons, but the main one is: "I trust my own judgment and the workings of my body's own immune system quite a bit, based on my experiences with them both. And I have ZERO trust in the judgment and workings of Big Pharma, Big Government, Big Tech and Big Media."
The follow-up question people apparently ask is, "You may be fine, but you should do it for other people's health. Don't you care about other people's health?"
[Setting aside the fact that the injections don’t prevent infection or transmission, and the manufacturers don’t even claim such effects] my answer is, I used to. At least enough to consider it as one factor among many, in making my own decisions and taking my own actions. But not anymore.
Not after this past year of lie piled on lie for the purpose of mass fearmongering, mass psychological manipulation, mass profiteering and mass authoritarian control for Big Pharma and Big Tech and Big Media and Big Government.
Corey Lynn on Gab
The corrupt Center for American Progress is telling employers the top ten ways to get people vaccinated and track them, saying they should "require" it.
In case you aren't aware of this org and who funds them, here's the list. Everyone on it is corrupt, complicit, and involved in the overall takeover.
ps) GO to my solutions page and download the Employee and Student forms I created.
Naomi Wolf on Twitter

Lockdown Pushers Point Fingers, But the Science Is In: They're To Blame, Federalist
Ryan Kemper at Twitter

Scott Presler at Gab and Twitter on Biden's dictate.
Biden is literally a dictator.
Facebook's Star Chamber, American Mind
Who's in Charge? The Rule Makers, Power Brokers and Influencers of Lockdown Wonderland, by Julius Ruechel
“Their "get out of jail free" card evaporates if enough people wake up to the scam. A crowd is ruthless and unforgiving. It will not be kind if it realizes it has been fooled, if it recognizes that the horrors imposed on unsuspecting citizens were dead wrong.
And that, dear reader, brings up the last of the players in this nightmarish Wonderland. Because don't think that we, the critics, the dissenters, the much-maligned tin-foil-hat-wearing advocates for debate, evidence and human rights, don't also play a role. We are not mere spectators on the sidelines. We too play a dangerous role in this mad game of chess.
By refusing to be fooled; by looking at, documenting, and pointing at the evidence, and through our relentless demands for accountability, we risk waking up the credulous crowd and turning it into a mob baying for vengeance. And that, in turn, forces everyone whose fingerprints are on this nightmare to lash out in self defense. We're blocking the door that gives the architects and opportunists of this nightmare a safe retreat.
Through our mere existence, or even the mere possibility of our existence, they can no longer be 100% certain that they won't face accountability for what was done on their watch. We are a reminder that the illusion is not absolute.”
Mindy Robinson at Gab on Biden's dictate
Hey Biden, Go fuck yourself. -every red blooded American
kgwatt at Gab
When the deaths and permanent disabilities mount over the next few months and years, Trump will wish he hadn’t sought the credit, and will distance himself again. But most of the Republican leaders are in the same boat of having gone along with the vacccine scam.
anonymous patriot at Gab on Biden's dictate.
The illusion of freedom. You have a choice, but the options are given to you by a tyrannical government.
“Comply or get on the train. It’s your choice. Actually, get on the train anyway.”
Justin Amash at Twitter

brace for the screaming, for many of the caged birds do not desire freedom. el gato malo at Substack
can you tell science from religion? because it appears that the CDC and the US president cannot. el gato malo at Substack
The 'Take This Job and Shove It' Recession, by Charles Hugh Smith
kgwatt at Gab
Thinking through options if my daughter’s school district follows CDC guidance to discriminate among students based on mask and vaxx status.
Vaccine Virtue Signaling and the Cult of Woke, by Brandon Smith at Alt-Market
“The world is a scary place, and being independent within it takes courage, mental fortitude and a willingness to learn from our mistakes so that we gain wisdom and experience in the process.”
The Age of Mass Delusion, by Stacey Rudin at Medium
kgwatt at Gab re: Alex Berenson at Twitter
"I think Alex Berenson is right when he says a lot of medical care, screenings etc. were missed over the last year because some people were too scared to visit doctors and hospitals.
But I also think a lot of medical visits didn’t happen because another group of people was too angry to visit doctors and hospitals. That anger - directed at doctors and nurses who were complicit in the Covid fearmongering, the masking dehumanization and the lockdown authoritarianism - is also going to last a long time. I don’t foresee my own rage ever going away."
James Lindsay at Twitter