Covid thoughtcrimes
I think Covid-19 began as a public health crisis, and was rapidly converted into a political and constitutional crisis by bad actors who recognized and seized the opportunity to stoke abject fear and social division, in order to increase and consolidate their own political and financial power and control.
I formed these views over the past year by reading and thinking about reporting and public policy recommendations heavily promoted by mainstream media and governmental individuals and organizations, alongside research, analysis and public policy recommendations by dozens of independent writers.
Independent voices approaching the complex Covid-related issues of clinical diagnosis and treatment, virology, immunology, epidemiology, microbiology, statistics, public health history, political history, economics, psychology, sociology and media consolidation include Martin Kulldorff, Jay Bhattacharya, Michael Yeadon, Clare Craig, Ivor Cummins, Joel Smalley, John Ionnidis, Yinon Weiss, Sunetra Gupta, Carl Heneghan, Kulvinder Kaur, Simone Gold, Sucharat Bhakti, Richard Schabas, Alex Berenson, Peter Hitchens, Wolfgang Wodarg, Emma Kenny, Vanessa Bailey, Jordan Schachtel, James Bovard, CJ Hopkins, Ron Paul, JP Sears, Kit Knightly, Brandon Smith, Dave Collum, Sinead Murphy, Allison Pearson, Julia Hartley-Brewer, Malcolm Kendrick, @boriquagato (banned from Twitter but currently on Gab), @voidsurf1 (currently still on Twitter), Emily Hill, Ethan Yang, Brendan O’Neill, Mike Rowe, Scott Atlas, Stacey Lennox, Jim Quinn, Catherine Austin Fitts and many others you can find by starting with these names and following the debates and social media conversations in which they are involved.
During my investigations, I noted that mainstream writers unfailingly scream in rage that independent voices dare to speak out at all, and demand that they shut themselves up or be shut out of public discourse by corporate gatekeepers. I was on the receiving end of those screaming fits on the few occasions I attempted to share similar information on a far smaller scale, silenced myself in response, and was silenced by corporate gatekeepers amidst the wholesale annihilation of Parler from January 8 - 10.
I pondered the ancient question — cui bono?
Who benefits from the respective policies advocated by the pro-lockdown and anti-lockdown voices?
And the corrolary, less often explored question: “Who suffers?”
In my view, the coordinated global government response to Covid-19 from February 2020 to the present is the largest psychomedical terrorizing and torture experiment in human history: the 1951 Solomon Asch conformity experiments, 1958 Harry Harlow social isolation experiments, 1961 Stanley Milgram obedience to authority experiments, 1971 Philip Zimbardo Stanford prison experiments, and 1977 Bruce Alexander solitary confinement “Rat Park” experiment, combined and writ global. [Update 2/1/21: Another author’s path to the same conclusion.] [Update 4/5/21: Also Martin Seligman’s 1972 learned helplessness experiments.]
In my view, government officials and media personalities who have commissioned and promulgated manipulated and fraudulent data to establish, order and maintain fear-based police and civilian enforcement of mass testing and contact tracing/surveillance; mask mandates for the general public; stay-at-home, quarantine, isolation and lockdown orders; reorganizations and closures of businesses, schools, churches, libraries, courts and legislatures; blocking of freedom of movement, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of association and freedom of religion; withholding of inexpensive, safety-demonstrated prophylactics and treatments such as Vitamin D supplements, zinc, azithromycin, hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin; social coercion to increase uptake of experimental treatments, including “vaccines” that may prevent neither transmission nor infection and have no long-term safety records, but for which manufacturers are immune from all legal liability for adverse effects; and adults forbidding children to play with each other based on psychopathic claims that respiratory viruses and death can be abolished from the human experience and children playing equals mass homicide of elderly grandparents — these government and media agents are guilty of crimes against humanity.
We have been systematically robbed of access to key human communication tools: facial expressions and body language, because we are now surrounded in all public places by expressionless faces rendered so by masking, and bodies rigid with fear, demanding that all others — universally perceived as toxic — keep at least six feet away.
I think these ongoing crimes have been conducted without voluntary and informed consent from any of the 7.8 billion current test subjects, in violation of the Nuremberg Code and the Geneva Conventions.
I think the perpetrators should be subject to formal charges and public trials at the International Criminal Court in The Hague or a more credible successor court, and upon conviction, handed sentences sufficient to deter future governments from ever repeating the experiment. I have no idea who might bring such charges, since most prosecutors appear to be all-in on the experiment continuing indefinitely. There are some exceptions in Portugal and Germany. Still, times change.
In the United States over the past year, the perpetrators of the mass psychomedical torture experiment have included most writers and editors at most mainstream media national organizations (CNN, MSNBC, Fox, NPR, Washington Post, New York Times); most regional market newspapers and online news sites, radio stations and television stations; federal, state, county, local governmental, public health and public education officials; most federal, state and municipal judges.
There have been some notable exceptions including U.S. District Court Judge William Stickman IV, Florida governor Ron DeSantis and South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem.
I’m profoundly grateful that America is, for now, a federation of quasi-independent states, or things would be worse still: there would be no somewhat-freer populations living in states that have adopted less-totalitarian measures, and therefore no available counter-evidence to undermine the fraudulent claims of the lockdown experiment’s proponents. The examples of Florida, South Dakota, Georgia and South Carolina give hope to residents of more-abusive states like New York, Massachusetts, California and Pennsylvania that we might someday move to better, less-abusive places or that our current home state governments might learn hard lessons and change course.
In my view, the goals of the mainstream, Deep State/GloboCap-supported* policies, are to:
distract civilian populations around the world from noticing and understanding unprecedented, deliberate, government-policy-driven financial inequality, system implosion, and massive ongoing wealth transfers from the poor, working and middle classes to globalist elites including Bezos, Schwab, Soros and Gates;
redirect the resulting social and political instability away from the formation of broad-based citizen alliances challenging the control of the global elites, and instead stoke intra-civilian ideological and racial conflict (rank and file Democratic voters, rank and file Republican voters, Antifa, MAGA, BLM) to divide-and-conquer the experimental subjects and;
break people’s will to live and trust in family, friends and other direct social connections to establish comprehensive governmental surveillance and control of the most intimate details of the lives of every person on earth, stripping us of our individual liberty, human dignity and freedom of conscience in order to prevent any rise of healthy, organized, well-informed mass civilian resistance against the global elites.
Put another way, the globalist elites are psychotic, sociopathic and evil: intrinsically cruel, exploitative and controlling.
Thanks to their interventions, this is what our lives have become over the past year:
Governments now purport to decide for each of us - adult and child alike world over - whether and when we can leave our homes; what we must wear on our faces when outside our homes; whether and how we can communicate with work and school colleagues; whether and how we can access our workplaces, public buildings, public schools and public services; whether and how we can meet with family and friends in private homes and outdoors; whether and how we can physically be present with the mentally and physically ill during their suffering; whether and under what conditions we can enter private premises to buy food, eat, drink, listen to music, get a haircut, exercise, and engage in the myriad other transactions that comprise a human community and a local economy; whether and how we can travel; and whether and under what conditions we can assemble for social, educational, recreational, artistic, religious, athletic or any other group activity.
Due to global supply chain disruptions, the most powerless people in the poorest nations have fallen deeper into poverty, with worsening hunger, starvation, educational losses and premature death.
Almost a year past “two weeks to flatten the curve,” these governments have refused to change course, despite massive amounts of data and analysis collected and provided by independent doctors, epidemiologists, virologists, and public health experts.
Dissenters point out the massive, unprecedented disproportionality of the totalitarian response to the moderate, highly-precedented infectious risks and mortality (“viruses gonna virus”) of respiratory viruses like Covid-19.
Dissenters emphasize the lack of evidence that “non-pharmaceutical interventions” other than routine hand-washing work to stop transmission and infection, including especially-useless mask-mandates for the general public and business closures and stay-at-home orders, and that these interventions themselves cause harm; the lack of coherent justification and lack of public cost-benefit analysis accounting for collateral damage from rising global poverty, hunger, unemployment and small business closure rates; undiagnosed and untreated physical illness and death from non-Covid causes; and spiking incidence of drug addiction, depression, anxiety and suicide from forced isolation and the distortion and severing of normal human social relationships with self, family, friends and community.
As in the Milgram experiment, the authorities give clear instructions or “prods” to those who try to question the efficacy and ethics of this mass experiment, or express a desire to stop participating in it.
We are repeatedly told:
Please continue or Please go on.
The experiment requires that you continue.
It is absolutely essential that you continue.
You have no other choice; you must go on or You have no other choice but to continue.
As it happens, and like the subjects in the original Milgram experiment, we do have a choice. Resistance is not futile, but it is also not easy.
The result of these crimes against humanity, which have gone on for almost a year without any effective means for citizen appeal, review or revision, is the near-complete delegitimization of most public institutions around the world, which are now operating without any semblance of informed consent of the governed, including corporate executives, legislatures, courts, medical doctors, research scientists, and journalists.
Apart from individual acts of civil disobedience - there is presently no legislative or judicial mechanism through which ordinary citizens can make the collective punishment stop by compelling our governments to renounce and repeal the cruel, deadly policies under which we are all living our lives.
The independent voices listed above are among hundreds of dissenting yet well-credentialed medical and legal professionals, data analysts, public health experts and journalists around the world making the case for lifting mask mandates, business closures, stay-at-home/lockdown orders and other Covid public policy.
The simplest presentations of their data and analysis are available at the Great Barrington Declaration website and the Collateral Global website, and a great deal more daily detail is available at their Twitter feeds, for so long as Jack Dorsey allows them access to that platform.
Many cite the work of Donald Henderson, in particular a 2006 paper on “Disease Mitigation Measures in the Control of Pandemic Influenza.,” which concluded:
“Experience has shown that communities faced with epidemics or other adverse events respond best and with the least anxiety when the normal social functioning of the community is least disrupted. Strong political and public health leadership to provide reassurance and to ensure that needed medical care services are provided are critical elements. If either is seen to be less than optimal, a manageable epidemic could move toward catastrophe.”
Unlike the most prominent lockdown, mass-testing and mass-vaccination advocates, these independent dissenters have no board seats or stock ownership in the corporations profiteering from government-sponsored Covid terrorism: PCR test manufacturing companies, experimental “vaccine” manufacturers like Pfizer and Moderna, and media/tech behemoths like Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Twitter and Facebook who are capturing ever-more market share by enabling government slaughter of thousands of small businesses and millions of jobs and censorship of those who dare to object out loud.
For their labors, the lockdown dissenters have been subject to rampant bad-faith mischaracterization of their views: they are all called “Covid-deniers” even though none deny Covid is a highly-contagious respiratory virus, while they also strongly make the case that broad-spectrum masking, distancing and lockdown policies do more societal and public health harm than good, and therefore violate the basic medical precept of the Hippocratic Oath.
There’s nothing incompatible about those two premises: 1) that Covid is bad and 2) that totalitarianism is worse.
Beyond strawman dismissals, lockdown dissenters have also endured reputational assassination, censorship, deplatforming and worse.
Despite the intense pressure to quit dissenting and get on board with the “new normal” regime, nevertheless they persist in trying to educate people about the crimes against humanity, and persuade governments to stop committing them.
In my view, the catastrophe we’re now enduring is not due to Covid-19 and it’s not a public health catastrophe.
It’s a constitutional government catastrophe, inflicted deliberately on civilian populations, by the elite ruling class, for their own political and financial gain at enormous, multigenerational costs borne by the rest of us.
Are the global elites overreaching in their hubris? Will their campaign to achieve total global surveillance and population control spark a backlash? Will it accelerate formation of an alliance of left, right and center-leaning citizens interested in preserving individual liberty and human dignity against the GloboCap tidal wave of totalitarianism?
Are they seeing the backlash building already and retreating for awhile to regroup and attack again later? (The crossing of new frontiers in gaslighting and memory-holing over the past week suggest the answer to that one may be “Yes.”)
I don’t know the answers to these questions.
But I’m super-curious.**
* Yes, I am a conspiracy-theorist. I concur with Dave Collum’s definition: “I believe men and women of power conspire. If you don’t think so then you are what is called ‘an idiot.’ If you believe stuff but fear the label, you are what is called ‘a coward.’”
** This essay is dedicated to the memories and legacies of my father, James G. Watt (1934-2017) who instilled in me a bottomless thirst for justice and sympathy for underdogs; history and political philosophy professor Tony Judt (1948-2010), who in 1992 set my feet on the path I still walk; and my maternal grandmother and namesake Gerda Overbeek Buis, (1912-1950). I’m grateful for them.