Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE)
A Hypothesis. John Michael Greer at Ecosophia on Dreamwidth.
…Stage Nine: Things Get Serious
All of a sudden, as a result, it was no longer enough to vaccinate 70% of the US population. Everyone without exception had to get vaccinated—if everyone gets the vaccine, after all, it will be easier to claim that what’s happening is a nasty new variant rather than vaccine-driven ADE, since nobody will be able to point out that the unvaccinated aren’t getting it. [This is also why the control groups in the original studies were given the injections: to make the control groups disappear and eliminate the possibility that anyone could track differential outcomes between experimental subjects and subjects given saline injections.] All of a sudden, officials dropped the (inaccurate) claim that the vaccines keep you from getting Covid-19. New outbreaks flared in which most people who got sick had been fully vaccinated; stories surfaced in the media about how strange it was that so many people were getting really nasty summer colds; the labor shortage somehow just kept getting worse and other shortages snowballed, but if you suggested that it was because too many people were sick you could count on being shouted down. Authorities began to talk earnestly about how a new variant might show up soon that would kill a third of the people who caught it. Under normal circumstances, there’s no way they could know that in advance. It makes perfect sense, however, if the vaccines have been found to cause serious ADE and they already have a good idea of what the fatality rate will be.
This is where we are as I write this. If my hypothesis is right, here’s what we can expect.
Stage Ten: Hoping for a Miracle
As ADE becomes more common, breakthrough infection clusters will pop up with increasing frequency, and the higher the percentage of the population in that region is vaccinated, the worse they will be. Variants will be blamed for this. Word of the imminent crisis will spread through the upper levels of society, however, causing increasingly frantic and irrational behavior, until it becomes next to impossible to get anything done if it depends on the government or big corporations. Medical laboratories will scramble to find a way to counteract ADE, though that’s been tried for decades now without success. Meanwhile the people who refuse to get vaccinated won’t budge no matter how much furious rhetoric and punitive policy gets dumped on them. Once this becomes clear, authorities will insist that everyone but a few holdouts has been vaccinated, in the fond hope that people will believe them one more time.
Stage Eleven: Into The Endgame
When ADE becomes too widespread to ignore and people begin to die in significant numbers, expect governments to proclaim the arrival of the predicted new hyper-lethal variant and impose a new round of shutdowns, mask mandates, and the like. The media will insist that the people who are dying are all unvaccinated as long as they can get away with it; pay attention to the vaccination status and health outcomes of people you know for a reality check. Unless some way of stopping ADE-enhanced infections can be found in a hurry, medical systems will buckle under the caseload and triage will become the order of the day. How soon this will happen, if it does, is impossible to say in advance. It’s also impossible to know in advance how soon it will become clear that the vaccines are responsible—or just how violent a backlash against the political and economic establishment this could provoke…
ADE is a well-known phenomenon, especially regarding attempted vaccines for coronaviruses. Research scientists and physicians tried to raise the issue early in the marketing campaign for the mRNA gene therapy injections, and were effectively removed from mainstream public discourse by government officials working directly with pharmaceutical corporations, corporate media and technology/social media corporations.
I think it’s true that corporate health care systems are struggling with rising pressures from sick people. Some are sick from chronic or communicable disease. Some are more sick than they would otherwise be, due to weakened natural immunity from adverse effects from masking, lockdowns and distancing (such as RSV outbreaks among young children who didn’t get normal exposure to build their immune systems). Some are sick from ADE. Some are sick from delayed diagnosis and care during the last year of lockdowns and other government interference with normal societal functioning.
But corporate health care systems are also failing because nurses, doctors, technicians and other key staff are refusing to submit to “mandates” requiring them to forfeit their own rights to control their own bodies and make their own health care decisions based on their own unique risk-benefit assessments. They are leaving their jobs in droves: quitting or being fired for noncompliance by hospital corporations instead.
This same collapse is happening in, and likely to intensify for schools. And for many other existing, centralized, top-down-governed organizations.